2410.4 Materials.
Markings may be comprised of, but are not limited to:
1. Muntin bars, separation bars or other equivalent bars;
2. Chemical etching;
3. Sandblasting;
4. Adhesive strips;
5. Decals; or
6. Paint, gilding or other opaque marking materials.
2501.1 Scope.
Provisions of this chapter shall govern the materials, design, construction and quality of gypsum board, gypsum panel products, lath, gypsum plaster, cement plaster, cement board and reinforced gypsum concrete.
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2014/013.
2501.2 Performance.
Lathing, plastering, gypsum board and gypsum panel product construction shall be done in the manner and with the materials specified in this chapter and the referenced standards listed in Chapter 35. When fire protection is required, such construction shall also comply with the provisions of Chapter 7.
(Am. L.L. 2023/077, 6/11/2023, eff. 6/11/2023)
Editor's note: For related unconsolidated provisions, see Appendix A at L.L. 2023/077.