(a) The county council shall have power to issue subpoenas for witnesses, and the president thereof shall have power to administer the oath to any witness who may be examined before the council, such oath to have all the qualities of an oath taken before any other judicial tribunal or officers, and violations thereof to be punishable as other perjuries are punishable.
(b) All council subpoenas shall be executed by the council president or a duly authorized designee and may be served by the sheriff of the county or any person who could lawfully serve a subpoena in a civil case.
(c) Failure to comply with a subpoena duly issued under this section shall be a misdemeanor and any person, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) or sentenced to not more than six (6) months in jail, or both; in addition thereto, the county may institute injunctions, mandamus or any other appropriate actions or proceeding of law or in equity to require compliance with a subpoena duly issued under this section. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-22; 1910, ch. 484, § 177T; 1912, ch. 790, § 474; 1978 L.M.C., ch. 20, § 1.)
The county council is hereby authorized to adopt, from time to time, after reasonable notice and opportunity for public hearing and with or without modifications, ordinances and amendments thereof, for the protection and promotion of public safety, health, morals, comfort and welfare, relating to the control of problems of soil erosion and to the preservation of the natural topography in newly developed and other areas. Such ordinances shall contain reasonable standards and may include provisions for the administration and enforcement of such standards, including bonds, permits, licenses and appropriate fees therefor, approval of plats for proposed subdivisions, reports, inspection of premises necessary for such administration and enforcement and provisions providing penalties for the violation of such standards. In addition, the county may institute injunction, mandamus or other appropriate action or proceeding to prevent any violation of such standards, and any court of competent jurisdiction may issue restraining orders, temporary or permanent injunctions or mandamus or other appropriate forms of remedy or relief. Such ordinances shall be adopted in accordance with the procedure prescribed in section 2-105 of this Code. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 2-32.)
(a) The council is hereby authorized to adopt and amend by ordinance such regulations concerning the sale, carrying and use of firearms and other dangerous weapons within the county or parts thereof as it shall deem necessary to promote the public safety, morals and welfare.
(b) Any ordinance adopted pursuant to the authority of this section shall be adopted in accordance with procedures prescribed in section 2-97. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 16-6.)
The council is hereby authorized to adopt and amend by law, whenever it shall deem the same necessary to promote the public safety and welfare, regulations concerning the obstructing or the placing upon the surface of public sidewalks, streets, curbs, gutters and other public rights-of-way, any objects for the purpose of display, advertisement, sale, rent or related purposes. (Mont. Co. Code 1965, § 16-10; 1970 L.M.C., ch. 8, § 4.)
Division 1. Generally.
The County Executive, subject to confirmation by the County Council, must recommend to the Mayor of the District of Columbia one or more persons to serve as members of the Board of Directors of the District of Columbia Water and Sewer Authority, or any successor or substitute body appointed by the Mayor, and one or more other persons to serve as alternate members of that Board. If any other body is created by federal, state, or District of Columbia law to perform any function related to the Blue Plains Wastewater Treatment Plant, any successor facility, or any other part of the metropolitan area water and sewer system in which the County participates, the Executive, subject to confirmation by the Council, must appoint all representatives or members to which the County is entitled. The persons recommended or appointed may, but need not, be officers or employees of the County. (1996 L.M.C., ch. 6, § 1.)