(a) In addition to leaves authorized above, a department director or division head may, with the written approval of the City Manager, authorize an employee to be absent, without pay or other economic benefits, for personal reasons for a period or periods not to exceed ten (10) working days in a calendar year.
(b) The City Manager may authorize special leaves of absence with or without pay for any period or periods not to exceed three (3) calendar months in any one (1) calendar year for the following purposes:
(1) Emergency military service in the Armed Forces of the United States.
(2) Urgent personal business requiring an employee's attention for an extended period such as settling estates, fire or natural disaster.
(3) Liquidating a business, service on a jury and attending court as a witness and for purposes other than the above that are deemed beneficial to the City service.
(c) The City Manager may authorize special leaves of absence, with or without pay or other economic benefits, for a period not to exceed one (1) calendar year, for jury duty and for attendance at college, university, business school or other academic institution as may be authorized for the purpose of training in subjects related to work of the employee, and which will benefit the employee and the City service.
(d) Except where circumstances will not permit, requests for special leaves, as provided in subsections (a), (b) and (c) shall be presented in writing to the appropriate department director or division head at least fifteen (15) working days in advance of the proposed effective date of the leave. Permission, if granted, shall be in writing and shall specify the period of leave authorized. Failure to return on the specified day and/or engaging in other employment during such leave without prior written approval of the City Manager shall be considered automatic termination.
(e) An employee on leave without pay shall not accrue vacation or sick leave; provided, however, that an employee entering or leaving active work status under the provisions of this Article shall receive the full bi-weekly accruals for sick leave and vacation if he works or is on paid leave status for 5 or more full days of a given pay period. An employee on leave without pay for more than 30 days shall not accrue service toward longevity compensation, vacation accrual, or seniority.
(f) A regular full-time employee who is a member of the Ohio National Guard, the Ohio Defense Corps, the Ohio Naval Militia, or a member of other reserve components of the armed forces of the United States shall be entitled to receive special leave for such time as he is in the military service on inactive duty training for periods not to exceed fourteen (14) calendar days in one calendar year. Such employee shall be paid by the City for said period not to exceed fourteen (14) calendar days at his regular base pay.
(g) Any employee who joins the armed services will be granted a military leave of absence without pay consistent with applicable federal and state law except for purposes as outlined in Section 151.40(f). Employees returning from active duty must apply for reinstatement within the time period dictated by the Uniform Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. Except in the event of changed circumstances or where otherwise provided by law, the City will return all employees on approved military leave to the same or comparable position, provided the employee has met all legal requirements. Any employee who requires a military leave to perform reservist or National Guard duties, other than those listed in Section 151.40(f), will be granted a military leave without pay in accordance with applicable federal or state law. At the time the employee requests leave, the employee must notify the City in advance of his/her training schedule and anticipated return to work date. Council will have the authority to provide additional benefits to servicemen above and beyond that which is provided for within this section.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
All unauthorized and unreported absences shall be considered absence without leave and deduction of pay shall automatically be made for the period absent. Employees shall have pay deductions based on their hourly rate times the number of hours to be deducted. After three (3) consecutive days of unreported absence, said absence shall be the cause of terminating all compensation and benefits.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
(a) Uniforms. A uniform allowance shall be paid as determined by the City Manager.
(b) Personal expenses. An official or employee whenever authorized by the City Manager to engage in or upon official business for or in behalf of the City, may be reimbursed for all or part of such necessarily incurred expense when approved by the City Manager. City Manager's travel and personal expense shall be submitted to the President of Council for approval.
(c) Shift differential. A shift differential shall be paid as determined by the City Manager.
(d) Emergency call-out pay. Emergency call-out pay at time and one-half the employee's regular base rate of pay for a minimum of two (2) hours at time and one-half may be authorized on an individual basis for non-exempt employees, as determined and approved by the City Manager.
(e) Safety Forces. The City Manager may, at his discretion, extend benefits provided in the collective bargaining agreements for fulltime sworn members of the Police and Fire Departments to any or all other sworn members of said departments.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
The City Manager or his designated agent shall be responsible for the administration of the compensation plan, including but not limited to, the determination of the compensation rates within the existing ordinance provisions, and the preparation of recommendations and initiation of approved revisions to the plan on the basis of changes in cost of living prevailing rates of pay for comparable positions outside the City service.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
Retirement, Police and Fire Divisions. Except as hereinafter provided, no member of the Police and Fire Divisions of the City shall continue in such service after attaining the age of 60 years. Each member shall, upon attaining such age, be retired with such pension rights as may be provided by law and rules of the Police and Firemen's Pension Funds. If the City Manager believes it to be in the interest of the City to retain any such member in such service after attaining the age of 60 years, he may do so, for such period of time as he may, from time to time, determine; but not beyond the date when such a member attains the age of 65.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)