Original appointment to any position shall be made at the minimum pay rate of the pay grade. Advancement shall be within the pay range and at the discretion of the City Manager in accordance with Section 151.30. In cases where it is difficult to secure qualified personnel and upon recommendation of the Department director or division head, the City Manager may approve initial compensation at a rate higher than the minimum pay rate of the pay grade for the position when the needs of the service make such action necessary; provided that any such exception is on the understanding and unusual character of the employee's experience and ability over and above the minimum qualifications specified for the class.
A one year probationary period shall be required of all new and promoted regular full- time and part-time employees.
(Ord. 12-O-29. Passed 3-20-12.)
When an employee returns to duty in the same position after a separation from the City service of not more than one (1) year, providing his separation was not for cause, such employee may receive the pay rate corresponding to the pay grade earned at the time of separation, subject to approval by the City Manager.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
Any employee who leaves the City service to enter the active service in the armed forces of the United States, who returns directly to the City upon separation and within the time periods set forth in USERRA and who is reinstated to his previous position, shall be entitled to receive compensation at the rate of pay which he would have been entitled had his service with the City not been interrupted by service in the armed forces.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
Whenever the re-allocation of a position to a higher class occurs, the rate of pay of the employee shall be the same as prescribed in "Promotion" (Section 151.28) above. Whenever a re-allocation of a new position to a position to a lower class occurs, his rate shall be the same as prescribed in "demotion" (Section 151.27) above.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
The department director or division head shall provide his/her recommendation for an employee to receive a pay increase to the City Manager based on the results of the employee’s performance evaluation. (Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)