EDITOR’S NOTE: The Charter of the City of Mentor was approved by the voters on October 4, 1960. Dates appearing in parentheses following section headings indicate that those provisions were subsequently amended, added or repealed on the date given.
Sec. 1.01   Name and boundaries
Sec. 2.02   Powers (11-4-08)
Sec. 3.01   Composition, terms and wards (11-3-98; 11-5-19)
Sec. 3.02   Meetings (11-7-00)
Sec. 3.03   President of Council (11-4-08; 11-5-19)
Sec. 3.04   Vice President of Council (11-4-08; 11-5-19)
Sec. 3.05   Clerk of Council
Sec. 3.06   Powers
Sec. 3.07   Journal (11-5-19)
Sec. 3.08   Quorum and procedure
Sec. 3.09   Ordinances and resolutions (2-1-77; 11-2-93; 11-5-96; 11-4-97; 11-5-19; 11-3-20)
Sec. 3.10   Emergency ordinances and resolutions
Sec. 3.11   Salaries and compensation (11-5-19)
Sec. 3.12   Vacancies (11-6-79; 11-5-19)
Sec. 3.13   Council relations with manager (11-5-19)
Sec. 3.14   Removal (11-5-19)
Sec. 3.15   Departments
Sec. 3.16   Administrative code (11-5-19)
Sec. 4.01   Appointment, removal and qualifications (11-4-08; 11-5-19)
Sec. 4.02   Powers and duties (11-5-19)
Sec. 4.03   Absence, disability or other vacancy in office (11-4-08; 11-5-19)
Sec. 5.01   Departments (11-6-79)
Sec. 5.02   Department of Safety (11-6-79)
Sec. 5.03   Department of Public Works (11-6-79)
Sec. 5.04   Department of Finance
Sec. 5.05   Law Director (11-8-66; 11-5-19)
Sec. 6.01   Municipal Planning Commission (11-2-71)
Sec. 6.02   Board of Zoning and Building Appeals (11-2-71)
Sec. 6.03   Civil Service Commission
Sec. 6.04   Tree Commission
Sec. 6.05   Procedure of Boards and Commissions (11-8-66; 11-5-19)
Sec. 7.01   Fiscal year
Sec. 7.02   Budget (11-5-19)
Sec. 7.03   Contracts and purchases (11-3-98)
Sec. 7.04   Limitation on rate of taxation
Sec. 8.01   Nominations
Sec. 8.02   Ballots
Sec. 8.03   Elections
Sec. 8.04   Qualifications (11-5-19)
Sec. 8.05   Oath of office (11-5-19)
Sec. 8.06   Official bonds
Sec. 8.07   Personal interest (11-4-69; 11-5-19)
Sec. 8.08   Personal interest (Boards, Commissions, Committees) (11-4-69; 11-5-19)
Sec. 9.01   Initiative and referendum
Sec. 9.02   Recall (11-5-19)
Sec. 10.01   Methods and procedures
Sec. 11.01   Effective date of Charter
Sec. 11.02   Effect of partial invalidity
Sec. 11.03   Effect of the Charter upon existing laws and rights
Sec. 12.01   Charter Review Committee (11-4-08)
Sec. 12.02   Appointments to Committee (11-4-08)