The list of classification titles and the specifications for the respective classes are hereby adopted and the official copy of such classifications and specifications shall be filed in the offices of the City Clerk, and shall include such changes and additions as may be recommended by the City Manager from time to time and approved by Council.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
Each class specification outlines the main characteristic and qualification requirements of positions in the class and gives examples of specific duties which employees holding such positions may properly be required to perform. The class specification is descriptive and explanatory but not restrictive. The listing of particular examples of duties do not preclude the assignment of other tasks by the department director, division head, or supervisor.
(Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
The statement of qualifications in a class specification is intended to be used as a guide in selecting persons for employment and for use in determining the relative value of positions in a class with positions in other classes. (Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
The City Manager or his designated agent shall be responsible for the work of administering and maintaining the classification plan. The City Manager shall consider and approve necessary reviews and preparation of reports recommending appropriate actions to assure that the classification plan is kept current and that any important changes in duties and responsibilities in any existing positions and new positions, are reflected in the plan, before submission to the City Council for final action. (Ord. 07-0-33. Passed 3-20-07.)
The Assistant Clerk of Council shall be appointed and removed by majority vote of the members of Council. The Assistant Clerk of Council shall be the Recording Secretary for and attend all meetings of the Municipal Planning Commission and Board of Building and Zoning Appeals. The Assistant Clerk of Council shall further perform the duties assigned by and work under the general supervision of the Clerk of Council. During the absence or disability of the Clerk of Council, the Assistant Clerk of Council shall serve as Acting Clerk of Council during all such periods of absence or disability. (Ord. 20-O-024. Passed 3-3-20.)