EDITOR'S NOTE: Source material for the Codified ordinances of Mentor was either ordinances or resolutions enacted by Council, the 1969 Mentor City Code or new matter ordained by the Adopting ordinance. Sections of the Codified ordinances without any history indicate that such sections contain new matter ordained by the Adopting ordinance. In the following table, the disposition of all source material in the Mentor Codified ordinances is indicated.
1969 Code C.O. Section
1.10-11 103.01, 103.02
3.01-09 117.01 to 117.10
4.01 105.01
30.01-26 115.01 to 115.25
30.36 135.02
31.01 123.01
31.15, 31.16 127.01, 127.02
31.25 135.01
31.35-40 139.01 to 139.06
31.50-53 143.01 to 143.04
31.051 121.01
31.60-62 147.01 to 147.03
31.71-72 121.02, 121.03
32.07-09 125.01 to 125.04
33.30-35 163.01 to 163.06
33.40-52 159.01 to 159.12
33.80-83 165.01 to 165.04
34.01-47 151.01 to 151.47
52.99 973.01 to 973.06, 973.99
53.01-06,53.09-11 937.01 to 937.10
56.01-02 941.01, 941.02
57.01-02 945.01, 945.02
58.01-41 961.01 to 961.39
59.01-11 965.01 to 965.11
70.01 301.161, 303.12
70.03.1-2 311.04
70.06 553.06
72.21 337.01
74.08 373.12
75.05-07 351.14 to 351.16
75.08 351.03
75.10-12 351.10
1969 Code C.O. Section
75.21-27 303.08, 303.10
76.02,76.09 339.02
76.10 339.12
76.12 339.08
77.01-9, 77.12-15 389.01 to 389.13
78.01-03, 78.06-07 305.01 to 305.05
79.02-03 381.51
80.01-05 383.01 to 383.04, 383.99
90.01 505.001
90.02 505.01
90.06 505.09(a)
90.07 505.08(a)
90.08-10 505.12
90.11-12 505.16
90.13 505.15(a)
90.14 505.14
90.99 505.14(d)
92.01-64, 92.99 181.01 to 181.46, 181.99
93.01-07 1505.01 to 1505.07
95.01-04, 95.99 1345.99, 1347.01 to 1347.05
96.11-78 1349.01 to 1349.26, 1349.28 to 1349.31, 1349.99
97.02 907.01
97.05, 97.10-22 913.01 to 913.10
99.01-03 553.07 to 553.09
100.10-74, 100.99 1351.01 to 1351.31, 1351.99
101.01-09 1507.01 to 1507.09
1969 Code C.O. Section
103.01-08 385.01 to 385.07, 385.99
108.01-07,108.99 183.01 to 183.07, 183.99
109.01-16 185.01 to 185.14, 185.99
110.01-15,110.99 753.01 to 753.15, 753.99
113.01-22,113.99 759.01 to 759.22, 759.99
114.01,09-10 747.01 to 747.03
114.14-191,114.99 1355.01 to 1355.08, 1355 99
114.20 961.03(b)
114.30-37, 114.99 1357.01 to 1357.08, 1357.99
115.01-06,115.99 705.01 to 705.06, 705.99
116.01 751.01
117.01-08,117.99 741.01 to 741.08, 741.99
118.01-07,118.99 729.01 to 729.07, 729.99
120.01-09 735.01 to 735.08, 735.99
131.35 545.22
132.05 529.09
132.06 509.08
133.02 549.08
133.03 505.11
133 07 549.11
133.09-10 1509.01,1509.02
133.15-16 537.16(h),537.19
134.03 525.17
135.06 513.14
136.06-07 517.15,517.16
137.12-13 529.11,529.12
137.22 529.10
138.02 501.13
138.03 1301.01
139.01 513.03(c)
150.001-005 112-5.01 to 1125.04,1127.01
150.101-105 1153.01 to 1153.04,1155.01
150.201-217 1157.01 to 1157.17
150.221-225 1161.01 to 1161.05
150.241-249,150.261 1165.01 to 1165.08,1171.01 to 1171.10, 1173.01 to 1173.11
1969 Code C.O. Section
150.301-307 1139.01 to 1139.07
150.401-408 1131.01 to 1131.08
150.501-508 1133.01 to 1133.08
150.601-609 1137.01 to 1137.09
150.701-706 1135.01 to 1135.06
150.801-805 1129.01 to 1129.05,1129.99
150.901-906 1169.01 to 1169.05,1169.99
151.01-09,151.46 1321.01 to 1321.10
151.5-56 1305.01 to 1305.10
151.11-19 1325.01 to 1325.08, 1325.99
151.21-28 1307.01 to 1307.07,1307.99
151.31-33 1343.01 to 1343.03
151.41-49 1341.01 to 1341.07
151.61-69 1345.01 to 1345.08,1345.99
151.71-77 1309.01 to 1309.06,1309.99
152.01-087 1103.01 to 1103.03,1105.01, 1107.01 to 1107.08,1107.99, 1109.01 to 1109.03,1111.01 to 1111.05, 1113.01 to 1113.04,1115.01 to 1115.11, 1117.01 to 1117.07
153.01-05, 153.99 1313.01 to 1313.05,1313.99
154.10-12,154.99 919.01 to 919.03, 919.99
155.04-38 925.01 to 925.20, 925.99
156.101-104 1365.01 to 1365.04(m)
156.201-209 1367.01 to 1367.09
156.301-306 1369.01 to 1369.06
156.401-408 1371.01 to 1371.07,1371.99
157.101-108 1375.01 to 1375.08
157.201-213 1377.01 to 1377.13
157.301-305 1379.01 to 1379.05
157.401-403 1381.01 to 1381.03
157.501-505 1383.01 to 1383.05
157.600-607 1385.01 to 1385.08
157.700-703 1387.01 to 1387.04
1969 Code C.O. Section
157.800-806 1389.01 to 1389.07
157.901-910 1391.01 to 1391.09, 1391.99
158.1-91 1353.01 to 1353.13, 1353.99
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
90-31 4-3-90 331.41
04-O-01 4-6-04 151.13
04-O-13 2-17-04 159.06(d)
04-O-49 5-18-04 151.13
04-O-63 7-6-04 723.01 to 723.25, 725.99
05-O-42 5-17-05 159.06(d)
05-O-56 7-5-05 1349.27
Adopting Ordinance 101.01 to 101.08, 101.99, 301.01 to 301.52, 303.01 to 303.11, 303.99, 305.01 to 305.05, 311.01 to 311.03, 311.04(c), 311.99, 313.01 to 313.10, 313.99, 331.01 to 331.43, 331.99, 333.01 to 333.09, 333.99, 335.01 to 335.14, 335.99, 337.01 to 337.30, 337.99, 339.01 to 339.11, 339.13, 341.01 to 341.06, 341.99, 351.01 to 351.13, 351.14(c), 351.15(b), 351.16(b), 371.01 to 371.12, 373.01 to 373.11, 375.01 to 375.08, 375.99, 381.01 to 381.50, 381.99, 501.01 to 501.12, 501.99, 505.01(c) to 505.07, 505.08(b), 505.09(b), 505.10, 505.11(c), 505.12(d), 505.13, 505.15(b), 505.16(c), 505.99, 507.01 to 507.04, 509.01 to 509.07, 513.01 to 513.13, 513.14(f), 513.99, 517.01 to 517.14, 517.99, 521.01 to 521.11, 525.01 to 525.16, 529.01 to 529.08, 529.09(c), 529.11(b), 529.12(b), 531.01 to 531.10, 533.01 to 533.13, 537.01 to 537.18, 541.01 to 541.08, 545.01 to 545.21, 549.01 to 549.07, 549.08(c) to 549.10, 549.11(b), 553.01 to 553.05, 747.99, 751.99, 913.99, 1341.99, 1343.99, 1365.04(n),1501.01 to 1501.12, 1501.99, 1505.01(f), 1505.99, 1507.01(b), 1507.10, 1507.99, 1509.01(c), 1509.02(b), 1509.03
05-O-100 11-22-05 151.14, 151.26, 151.40, 151.46
06-O-07 2-21-06 121.01
06-O-26 3-21-06 151.11, 151.12, 151.13, 151.16
06-O-27 4-4-06 741.01, 741.02, 741.05, 741.07
06-O-32 3-21-06 151.13
06-O-43 4-18-06 151.14
06-O-72 6-20-06 735.02, 735.09 to 735.11
06-O-74 7-18-06 505.001, 505.09
06-O-75 7-5-06 1321.01 to 1321.05, 1321.10
06-O-105 9-5-06 1127.01, 1153.01, 1155.01, 1159.01 to 1159.04, 1159.99
06-O-109 9-19-06 139.03
06-O-119 10-3-06 125.05
06-O-123 10-3-06 947.01 to 947.99
06-O-136 11-21-06 1127.01, 1171.03, 1171.05, 1171.06
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
07-O-33 3-20-07 151.01 to 151.47
07-O-36 3-20-07 1161.05
07-O-40 4-17-07 151.13
07-O-42 4-17-07 1153.01, 1155.01, 1159.05
07-O-59 7-2-07 159.08
07-O-60 6-19-07 1349.27
07-O-65 6-19-07 1359.01 to 1359.99
07-O-75 7-2-07 159.08
07-O-78 8-22-07 121.04
07-O-91 9-19-07 Chap. 961 Ed. Note
07-O-92 10-16-07 1375.01 to 1391.99
07-O-117 11-20-07 1321.04
07-O-125 12-18-07 1115.03, 1173.05
08-O-01 2-5-08 123.01, 127.01 to 127.03, 131.01 to 131.04, 143.01 to 143.04, 147.01 to 147.04, 151.11, 151.12, 151.15, 151.16
08-O-12 2-5-08 115.01, 115.16 to 115.18
08-O-18 2-19-08 531.05
08-O-29 3-18-08 1165.03(c)
08-O-31 4-1-08 1127.01(b), 1153.01 (c)(2)D. 3., 1155.01, 1161.03
08-O-35 5-06-08 925.05 to 925.10, 925.17 to 925.20, 1107.08, 1305.01 to 1305.10, 1307.01 to 1307.07, 1307.99, 1309.01 to 1309.06, 1309.99, 1355.01 to 1355.08, 1355.99
08-O-48 5-06-08 181.04, 181.11, 181.19, 181.46
08-O-52 6-3-08 1167.01 to 1167.03, 1167.97 to 1167.99
08-O-56 6-3-08 159.06(d)(1)
08-O-68 7-1-08 521.08
08-O-83 8-19-08 115.26
08-O-85 8-19-08 115.27
08-O-95 8-19-08 919.01 to 919.03
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
08-O-94 9-2-08 1173.10
08-O-118 10-21-08 151.13
09-O-03 1-20-09 159.08(j)
09-O-05 1-20-09 Adopts January 2009 Replacement Pages
09-O-11 2-17-09 115.28
09-O-20 4-7-09 125.05(d)
09-O-24 5-19-09 1105.01(27), 1113.02(f), 1133.05 to 1133.08, 1162.01 to 1162.11, 1173.07; Repeals 1161.02, 1357.01 to 1357.08, 1357.99
09-O-30 4-21-09 Adopts April 2009 Replacement Pages
09-O-42 6-16-09 151.11 to 151.13, 151.16
09-O-67 6-16-09 531.02
09-O-73 9-15-09 153.01 to 153.10
09-O-76 8-18-09 July 2009 Replacement Pages
09-O-86 8-18-09 505.13
09-O-88 8-18-09 505.05 to 505.09
09-O-93 9-1-09 115.28
09-O-94 9-1-09 1349.20
09-O-97 9-15-09 159.06(d)(2)
09-O-107 10-20-09 October 2009 Replacement Pages
09-O-119 12-1-09 165.01
10-O-04 1-19-10 1335.01 to 1335.38, 1335.99
10-O-06 1-19-10 January 2010 Replacement Pages
10-O-10 2-16-10 1135.01
10-O-12 3-2-10 115.29
10-O-17 4-6-10 April 2010 Replacement Pages
10-O-19 4-6-10 181.17
10-O-21 4-6-10 753.11
10-O-22 4-6-10 151.11
10-O-23 4-6-10 1391.06
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
10-O-51 7-6-10 157.01 to 157.23; Repeals 1131.02
10-O-66 8-17-10 July 2010 Replacement Pages
10-O-68 9-21-10 1133.02, 1135.01, 1155.01(o), 1161.01, 1165.07
10-O-69 8-17-10 159.06(d)(1)B.
10-O-76 9-7-10 159.06(d)(1)C., 159.08
10-O-77 9-7-10 159.07(h)
10-O-78 9-7-10 159.02(g)
10-O-79 9-7-10 167.01 to 167.13, 1175.01 to 1175.08
10-O-80 9-7-10 155.01 to 155.27
10-O-91 10-5-10 1113.01 to 1113.04, 1115.01 to 1115.11, 1117.01 to 1117.07, 1133.01 to 1133.08, 1352.01 to 1352.16, 1352.99, 1353.01 to 1353.17, 1353.99, 1355.01 to 1355.08, 1355.99
10-O-93 10-5-10 1129.06
10-O-101 11-3-10 October 2010 Replacement Pages
10-O-112 11-16-10 151.13, 151.16
10-O-113 12-7-10 507.05
10-O-121 12-7-10 151.13
11-O-07 1-4-11 January 2011 Replacement Pages
11-O-18 3-1-11 151.12, 151.13, 155.05, 157.02, 1351.31
11-O-20 3-15-11 159.08(a)
11-O-31 6-7-11 1165.07
11-O-33 4-19-11 April 2011 Replacement Pages
11-O-54 6-21-11 1352.08, 1352.12, 1352.13
11-O-60 8-16-11 July 2011 Replacement Pages
11-O-74 9-6-11 151.22
11-O-79 10-4-11 October 2011 Replacement Pages
11-O-92 11-15-11 125.05(d)
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
11-O-99 Passed by 181.04, 181.46
11-O-101 12-6-11 151.12
12-O-01 1-10-12 January 2012 Replacement Pages
12-O-10 2-7-12 159.06
12-O-29 3-20-12 151.12, 151.13, 151.16, 151.22(b), 151.24, 151.32, 151.39(c) (d), 151.46(c)
12-O-34 4-17-12 April 2012 Replacement Pages
12-O-47 6-5-12 505.01, 505.02, 505.14 to 515.16, 505.25
12-O-58 7-2-12 151.13
12-O-60 9-4-12 1127.01, 1129.04, 1171.01 to 1171.22
12-O-61 7-2-12 June 2012 Replacement Pages
12-O-63 9-4-12 505.12
12-O-70 8-21-12 549.08
12-O-78 9-4-12 521.12
12-O-84 10-2-12 1135.01, 1155.01
12-O-86 10-2-12 September 2012 Replacement Pages
12-O-90 10-16-12 1135.01 to 1135.08
13-O-01 1-15-13 December 2012 Replacement Pages
13-O-09 1-15-13 505.01, 505.21
13-O-10 1-15-13 505.26
13-O-24 4-2-13 March 2013 Replacement Pages
13-O-29 4-2-13 151.16
13-O-38 5-7-13 151.11, 151.12
13-O-40 5-7-13 723.02
13-O-57 9-3-13 1127.01(71), 1173.01 to 1173.13
13-O-58 7-2-13 505.01(g)(h), 505.14(a)(b), 525.25(f)
13-O-62 8-20-13 June 2013 Replacement Pages
13-O-72 9-17-13 505.12
13-O-73 9-17-13 1501.13
13-O-80 10-15-13 September 2013 Replacement Pages
13-O-101 12-3-13 151.13
14-O-01 1-8-14 December 2013 Replacement Pages
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
14-O-07 1-21-14 187.01 to 187.06
14-O-23 4-1-14 March 2014 Replacement Pages
14-O-24 4-1-14 1373.01 to 1373.09, 1373.99
14-O-39 5-6-14 1107.06, 1107.08, 1352.09, 1353.09
14-O-65 7-1-14 1165.03
14-O-66 7-1-14 1161.0 1
14-O-77 8-19-14 July 2014 Replacement Pages
14-O-84 9-8-14 151.11, 151.12
14-O-88 10-7-14 159.08(e)
14-O-95 10-7-14 139.02, 139.06, 139.07, 151.11 to 151.13, 155.05, 157.02, 1351.31
14-O-97 10-21-14 1161.01(a)(15), 1161.03, 1161.04
14-O-98 10-21-14 September 2014 Replacement Pages
14-O-103 10-21-14 189.01 to 189.06
14-O-108 12-2-14 151.13
14-O-121 12-2-14 151.13
15-O-02 1-6-15 151.16
15-O-05 1-20-15 January 2015 Replacement Pages
15-O-07 1-20-15 119.01 to 119.04
15-O-27 4-7-15 1349.01, 1349.11, 1349.12, 1349.121
15-O-33 4-21-15 April 2015 Replacement Pages
15-O-43 5-5-15 121.05
15-O-49 6-2- 15 505.01, 505.27 to 505.29
15-O-60 7-7-15 June 2015 Replacement Pages
15-O-70 8-18-15 151.16
15-O-73 9-1-15 151.11 to 151.13
15-O-74 9-1-15 139.02, 139.03
15-O-79 10-6-15 September 2015 Replacement Pages
15-O-81 10-20-15 521.13
15-O-86 10-20-15 1165.01
15-O-92 10-20-15 521.13
15-O-95 11-4-15 191.01 to 191.27, 191.99
15-O-99 12-1-15 1349.01, 1349.02, 1349.20
15-O-102 12-1-15 151.13
15-O-114 12-1-15 191.01, 191.03, 191.06
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
16-O-14 2-16-16 January 2016 Replacement Pages
16-O-18 2-16-16 151.12
16-O-61 6-7-16 151.13
16-O-62 7-5-16 301.461, 305.02
16-O-69 8-16-16 301.33
16-O-76 7-5-16 151.13, 151.16
16-O-80 8-16-16 151.13
16-O-86 8-29-16 151.13
16-O-96 10-18-16 501.01, 505.121
16-O-97 10-18-16 721.01 to 721.03
16-O-99 11-1-16 September 2016 Replacement Pages
16-O-105 11-15-16 151.11, 151.12, 151.16
16-O-119 12-6-16 1353.01 to 1353.17, 1353.99
16-O-120 12-6-16 Ch. 1352 Ed. Note
16-O-121 12-6-16 151.12
16-O-123 12-6-16 1161.05
17-O-17 2-7-17 931.01 to 931.21, 931.99
17-O-21 3-7-17 505.01, 505.21, 505.30
17-O-35 4-4-17 Repeals 169.01 to 169.04
17-O-36 4-18-17 March 2017 Replacement Pages
17-O-63 7-5-17 1171.16, 1171.18
17-O-82 9-5-17 151.13
17-O-86 9-19-17 1349.01, 1349.18, 1349.20
17-O-87 9-19-17 1311.01 to 1311.07, 1311.99
17-O-95 10-3-17 1162.02, 1162.081
17-O-97 10-3-17 September 2017 Replacement Pages
17-O-101 10-17-17 1173.10
17-O-112 11-8-17 505.02
17-O-117 12-5-17 1349.01, 1349.16
18-O-001 1-9-18 191.02, 191.04, 191.05, 191.07, 191.18
18-O-024 3-6-18 1349.01
18-O-026 7-3-18 919.02
18-O-028 3-20-18 191.03, 191.05, 191.28
18-O-036 4-3-18 151.13
18-O-038 5-1-18 April 2018 Replacement Pages; repeals 509.08
18-O-046 5-15-18 505.02
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
18-O-058 7-3-18 1155.01(n)(35)
18-O-062 7-3-18 933.01 to 933.11
18-O-075 9-4-18 123.01, 147.01 to 147.03, 155.21, 155.24, 155.26, 157.15(a), 187.04, 187.05(a), 189.04, 189.05(a)(b), 723.05, 723.06(a)(c), 723.07, 723.09(a), 723.10(a)(b), 723.11(b), 723.14, to 723.16, 723.20(a) to (c), 735.05(c), 735.07(d)(e), 735.08(c)(d), 735.09(b), 753.02(d), 753.04, 753.08, 753.14, 925.07, 1105.01(1), 1107.05, 1109.02(a), 1111.02, 1111.03(a)(b), 1111.04(e), 1111.05, 1113.04, 1115.05(e), 11115.06(c), 1115.11(c), 1127.01(b)(1), 1133.01, 1133.06(q), 1157.16(b)(12), 1159.01(b), 1159.02(a),(e)(11), (k)(1), 1161.04(b), 1162.05(c), 1165.03(a), 1171.02(i), 1171.09(a) to (e), 1307.06, 1309.06, 1311.06, 1345.05, 1359.04, 1365.04(k), 1371.07, 1373.03(a)(b), 1373.05, 1373.07(d)
18-O-076 9-4-18 151.11, 151.12
18-O-085 10-2-18 September 2018 Replacement Pages
18-O-087 10-2-18 151.13
18-O-094 11-5-18 139.05, 151.13
18-O-097 12-4-18 1135.04(h), 1155.01(d)(4)
18-O-103 12-4-18 151.12
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
19-O-010 2-5-19 January 2019 Replacement Pages
19-O-034 6-4-19 151.13
19-O-045 7-2-19 311.01
19-O-055 7-2-19 1155.01, 1158.01 to 1158.13; Repeals 1165.08
19-O-063 9-3-19 July 2019 Replacement Pages
19-O-088 11-6-19 125.05(d)
20-O-003 1-7-20 November 2019 Replacement Pages
20-O-017 2-18-20 1127.01(53), (61), 1137.10
20-O-024 3-3-20 139.02, 151.061, 151.13, 155.05, 157.02; Repeals 139.07
20-O-027 4-7-20 1137.08
20-O-035 4-7-20 151.12
20-O-044 5-19-20 1131.06, 1135.03, 1137.06
20-O-050 6-16-20 May 2020 Replacement Pages
20-O-062 8-18-20 1153.01(a); Repeals 1155.01(g), 1157.07
20-O-075 12-1-20 1127.01(b), 1161.01, 1161.04
20-O-089 11-17-20 151.13(d)
21-O-002 1-5-21 December 2020 Replacement Pages
21-O-026 4-20-21 1351.01 to 1351.43, 1351.99
21-O-030 5-4-21 151.13
21-O-032 6-1-21 May 2021 Replacement Pages
21-O-049 8-17-21
21-O-059 10-19-21 919.01, 919.03, 919.99
21-O-060 10-5-21 151.13
21-O-063 10-5-21 505.12
21-O-067 10-19-21 121.06, 1107.08, 1129.04
21-O-077 12-7-21 November 2021 Replacement Pages
22-O-001 1-4-22 1127.01(b)(78), 1165.09
22-O-025 4-19-22 1171.02(s)
22-O-030 4-19-22 151.12
Ord. No. Date C.O. Section
22-O-042 6-7-22 1509.01
22-O-060 7-5-22 151.13
22-O-071 9-6-22 1162.02(a)(34)
22-O-072 10-4-22 919.03
22-O-089 11-1-22 155.08
22-O-090 11-1-22 151.13
22-O-097 11-15-22 October 2022 Replacement Pages
22-O-099 11-15-22 151.12
23-O-001 1-3-23 1352.01 to 1352.15, 1352.99
23-O-002 1-3-23 1353.01 to 1353.14, 1353.99
23-O-038 4-18-23 151.14, 151.16
23-O-073 9-5-23 Repeals 505.12(a)(8)
23-O-077 10-17-23 505.01(k)
23-O-079 11-8-23 191.03, 191.05, 191.18
24-O-009 1-9-24 151.12
24-0-025 3-5-24 151.11
24-0-027 3-19-24 151.13
24-0-028 3-19-24 721.01, 721.02
24-0-038 6-4-24 521.11
24-0-039 6-4-24 151.12
24-O-052 8-20-24 June 2024 Replacement
24-O-058 8-20-24 521.15
24-O-073 10-1-24 1367.10
24-O-076 11-19-24 1165.01(b)(9)