(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
No permit shall be issued to relocate any building or structure, if any one of the following conditions exist:
1. It is unfit for human habitation or is so dilapidated, defective or in such condition of deterioration or disrepair that its relocation at the proposed site would cause appreciable harm or be materially detrimental to the property or improvements in the neighborhood within a radius of 1,000 feet from the proposed site.
2. Because of age, size, design, architectural treatment or proposed location on the lot, the building does not substantially conform to the general design, plan, location on the lot and construction of the buildings located in the neighborhood within a radius of 1,000 feet from the proposed site so that its relocation would be materially detrimental to the property or improvements in said neighborhood.
3. The proposed use is prohibited by the zoning laws of the City.
4. Whenever the applicant is currently in default, as determined by the Department, on one or more Relocation Permits.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8305.1. Relocation Permit. No relocation permit shall be issued unless the applicant therefore shall first post with the Department of Building and Safety a bond in an amount equal to the cost of the work required to be done, plus an additional 25 percent, guaranteeing compliance with all conditions of the permit and completion of all work described in the plans and specifications therefor, as estimated by the Department of Building and Safety. The applicant may post either a surety bond or cash bond or negotiable United States Treasury Certificates of the kind approved by law for securing deposits of public money.
The bond shall be executed by the applicant as principal and, if a surety bond, shall also be executed by a corporation authorized to act as surety under the laws of the state of California. The bond shall be a joint and several obligation and shall be conditioned upon the faithful performance of all terms and conditions of the permit and of all work described in the plans and specifications therefor to the satisfaction of the Department of Building and Safety. The bond shall contain the further conditions that should the applicant fail to complete all such work within the time specified on the permit, the City may, at its option, cause all of such work to be done or completed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the permits and the plans and specifications therefor on file with said Department, or demolish the building.
The parties executing the bond shall be firmly and continuously bound for the payment of all the costs necessary to complete the work or demolish the building under all terms and conditions of the bond. The cost shall include the cost to complete the work or demolish the building, including any cost to monitor or remove asbestos, plus an amount equal to 40 percent of the cost to cover the cost to the City of administering the contract and supervising the work required. (Amended by Ord. No. 175,596, Eff. 12/7/03.)
Whenever the applicant elects to deposit cash or approved negotiable United States Treasury Certificates, the City shall be authorized in the event of any default on the part of the applicant to use any or all of the cash or approved negotiable certificates to cause the work to be done and for the payment of all costs thereof. The term of the bond shall begin on the date of the deposit of the cash or negotiable certificates or the filing of the surety bond, and shall end upon the date of the completion to the satisfaction of the Department of all such work. The fact of such completion shall be evidenced by a written statement thereof signed by the Superintendent of Building and thereafter the cash deposit or certificate shall be returned to the applicant, or the surety bond released, as the case may be.
Whenever the City elects to have such work done because of the applicant’s default, the amount of the deposit or certificates in excess of all cost of such work shall be returned to the applicant after the work has been so approved.
EXCEPTION: No bond need be posted in any case where the Department shall determine that the only relocation involved is that of moving a building temporarily to the regularly occupied business premises of a house mover, or that of moving a building to adjacent property of the same owner. The exceptions herein made shall not apply unless the Department further finds that no such security is necessary in order to assure compliance with the requirements of this section.
91.8305.2. Security Deposit. No House Mover’s Permit shall be issued to any house mover pursuant to the terms of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, Sections 62.62 to 62.93, inclusive, until the applicant therefor shall have deposited with the Department of Building and Safety a security deposit of $2.00 per square foot of total floor area of all buildings, as stated in the application provided for in Subsection A of Section 62.84 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
In lieu of the specific deposit for each application, any house mover may make and maintain a general deposit in the sum of $3,000.00 which shall be used for the same purposes as the specific deposit mentioned in this section.
If, for any reason, the move as authorized by the House Mover’s Permit is not completed within 30 days of the date of issuance and it becomes necessary for the Department of Building and Safety to either remove or demolish the building or structure, the cost of so doing plus an administrative fee of 40 percent shall be deducted from the aforementioned deposit. The remainder of such deposit, if any, shall be refunded to the person making such deposit, or to the person’s assigns.
In case the deposit shall not be sufficient to pay the cost of removal or demolition, or of the costs of repairs, if any, the person making such deposit shall, upon demand, pay to the Department of Building and Safety a sufficient sum to cover all such cost. Upon failure to pay such sum, it may be recovered by the City in any court of competent jurisdiction.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
Every relocation permit issued under the provisions of this section shall contain each and every term ad condition imposed by the Department of Building and Safety; shall be valid for a period not to exceed 120 days, unless extended by said Department or by the Board, in case an appeal is made to it under Section 98.0403.2 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code, and shall become null and void without further notice or order upon the expiration of such time or any extension thereof, or upon any default in the performance of any of the aforesaid terms or conditions.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8307.1. Whenever the Department of Building and Safety finds that:
1. A building has not been lowered onto its foundation within 60 days after issuance of the relocation permit; or
2. A default has occurred in the performance of any term or condition of the relocation permit; or
3. The applicant has failed to complete the work required as specified by the permit, plans and/or specifications approved for the project within the time prescribed, the Department shall be authorized to give notice to the applicant and to the surety, if any, to complete the work or perform the condition within a specified additional time, not to exceed 60 days. Such notice shall be served upon the applicant and the surety, if any, by certified mail, and shall be deemed to have been so served when placed in the United States mail, postage prepaid and addressed to such person. No person shall fail or refuse to comply with such notice. However, such notice may be complied with by demolishing and removing the building or structure and restoring the site within the time prescribed, at the option of the applicant or the surety, as the case may be.
91.8307.2. If the applicant or the surety fails or refuses to comply with any notice within the time prescribed, the Department shall be authorized to cause the building or structure to be demolished or the work to be completed, whichever it shall determine is reasonable under the circumstances, without further notice or order. The cost of completing the work or demolishing the building, including the cost of any monitoring or removal of asbestos, plus the 40 percent administration and supervision cost, shall be paid for out of the cash deposit or negotiable United States Treasury Certificates posted with the Department, or from the Repair and Demolition Fund, if no deposit or certificate has been posted. All sums used for this purposes out of the Repair and Demolition Fund shall be recovered from the surety under the surety bond provided for above. Any work to be performed by the Department under the provisions of this section shall be done in accordance with the established public works practices of the City of Los Angeles. If the Department uses any money in the Repair and Demolition Fund for the completion or demolition of any building under the provisions of this section, the Department shall notify the surety, and the surety shall immediately thereafter reimburse the City of Los Angeles therefor under the surety bond. The City Attorney is authorized to and shall institute any action necessary to the recovery of the money under the surety bond provided for above. (Amended by Ord. No. 175,596, Eff. 12/7/03.)
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8308.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Before any application for a Relocation Permit is accepted, a fee shall be paid by the applicant of the cost to the City for the investigation of the condition of the building to be moved and the inspection of the proposed new location. The amount of the fee shall be as shown in LAMC Table 83-A for each main building or for the first accessory building where no main building is to be relocated.
Where an accessory building, in addition to a main building or the first accessory building where no main building is to be moved, is to be relocated from the same location to the same site at the new location, an application fee of $80.00 shall be paid for each such accessory building.
91.8308.2. (Amended by Ord. No. 181,758, Eff. 8/8/11.) In the case of a building located outside the City limits of the City of Los Angeles, an additional fee of $525.00 shall be paid for each application. In addition to the fee, a mileage charge of 65 cents per mile (1609 m) shall be paid for any inspection which is made 10 miles (16090 m) or more beyond City limits. Mileage shall be measured in a straight line from the point 10 miles (16090 m) beyond the City limits which is nearest to the location of the building to be inspected, to the location of the building, and return to said point of departure.
91.8308.4. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Should a Relocation Permit be denied by the Department solely because the proposed relocation site is not approved, the applicant may, with the consent of the Department, file within six months of the date of the original application an amended application for approval of a new proposed site. An additional fee of $300.00 for each such amended application will be charged. If a Relocation Permit is not obtained within six months after the original application fee is paid, a new application shall be filed and a new application fee paid before the Relocation Permit is issued.
91.8308.5. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) The provisions of this section shall not apply to the relocation of temporary buildings or structures to be used by a governmental agency for a governmental purpose.
(Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8309.1. The Department, the surety, and the duly authorized representatives of either, shall have access to the premises described in the relocation permit for the purpose of inspecting the progress of the work.
91.8309.2. In the event of any default in the performance of any term or condition of the relocation permit, the surety, or any person employed or engaged on its behalf, or the Department, or any person employed or engaged on the Department’s behalf, shall have the right to go upon the premises to complete the required work or to remove or demolish the building or structure.
91.8309.3. It shall be unlawful for the owner or the owner’s representatives, successors or assigns, or any other person, to interfere with or obstruct the ingress or egress to or from any such premises of any authorized representative or agent of any surety or of the City engaged in the work of completing, demolishing or removing any building or structure for which a relocation permit has been issued after a default has occurred in the performance of the terms or conditions thereof.
(Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.)
Floor Area of Building | Fee |
0 - 2,500 square feet | $770.00 |
2,501 - 5,000 square feet | $1,160.00 |
5,001 - 7,500 square feet | $1,350.00 |
7,501 - 10,000 square feet | $1,535.00 |
Each additional 10,000 square feet | $300.00 |