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   (Amended by Ord. No. 171,175, Eff. 7/25/96.)
91.8302.1. Board of Public Works - Permission Required. No person shall move any building or structure, or any portion thereof, over, upon, along or across any street without a written permit therefor from the Board of Public Works. Such permit may be referred to as a “House Mover’s Permit” and shall be issued under the provisions of Sections 62.83.1 and 62.84 of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
91.8302.2. Department of Building and Safety - Security Deposit and Permit Required.
91.8302.2.1. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) No House Mover's Permit shall be issued until the Department has first received a security deposit as required pursuant to LAMC Subsection 91.8305.2.
91.8302.2.2. If the building or structure is to be moved to a permanent site within City limits, no House Mover’s Permit shall be issued until the Department of Building and Safety has first issued to the owner or person having legal control of the premises to which the building is to be moved, a permit to relocate the particular building upon those premises. Such permit shall be called a “Relocation Permit.
91.8302.2.3. If the building or structure is to be moved to a temporary storage site within the City limits, no House Mover’s Permit shall be issued until the applicant furnishes evidence to the Department of Building and Safety that the storage site is within the proper zone pursuant to the provisions of Article 2, Chapter I of the Los Angeles Municipal Code (Zoning Code) and that a Certificate of Occupancy for land use has been issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 12.26 E.2. of the Los Angeles Municipal Code.
91.8302.2.4. If the building or structure is to be moved to a site outside City limits, no House Mover’s Permit shall be issued until the applicant furnishes evidence to the Department of Building and Safety that the proposed location meets the requirements of the jurisdiction.
91.8302.2.5. (Amended by Ord. No. 185,587, Eff. 7/16/18.) Prior to issuance of a Relocation Permit, an inspection shall be required to investigate the condition of the building to be moved and to investigate the acceptability of the proposed new location. Fees for such inspection shall be paid by the applicant as specified in LAMC Section 91.8308.
91.8302.3. Department of Building and Safety - Sewer-capping Permit Required. Where a building or structure is to be removed from a lot within the City, no House Mover’s Permit shall be issued until the Department of Building and Safety has first issued to the owner of such premises a permit to provide a watertight cap to the house connection sewer at the property or sewer easement line.
91.8302.4. Building Relocation Conditions.
91.8302.4.1. An apartment house or dwelling moved into or within the City and all other buildings moved within the City may retain the existing materials and methods of construction, provided that in the new location the building conforms to the requirements of this Code with respect to fire district requirements, under floor ventilation and clearance, underpinning, footings, foundations, occupancy requirements, and fire safety standards and does not become or continue to be a substandard residential building.
   A substandard residential building and any building other than an apartment house or dwelling moved into the City shall be made to conform to all of the requirements of this Code for a new building in the same location within the City and to all other applicable laws.
91.8302.4.2. The Department of Building and Safety may, in granting any relocation permit, impose such terms and conditions it deems reasonable and proper, including, but not limited to, the requirements of maintenance corrections, alterations or repairs to be made to the building or structure so that the relocation thereof will not be materially detrimental or injurious to public safety or to public welfare or to the property and improvements within a radius of 1,000 feet from the site to which it is be relocated.