General Provisions
   155.001   Adoption of certain sections of the Land Development Code
Inactive Cemeteries
   155.015   Definitions
   155.016   Requirements
Development on Sites with Environmental Constraints
   155.030   Applicability; exemptions
   155.031   Determination of sites with environmental constraints
   155.032   Designation of limits of disturbance
   155.033   Compliance with applicable regulations
Development on Steep Slopes
   155.045   Purpose and intent
   155.046   Applicability; exemptions
   155.047   Development on steep slopes
   155.048   Land disturbing activity on unstable soils
   155.049   Land disturbing activity on slopes greater than 20%
   155.050   Independent review of geotechnical survey report
   155.051   Development of potential transfer allowed
Waterways and Wetlands Protection
   155.065   Purpose and intent
   155.066   Applicability and exemptions
   155.067   Establishment of buffer areas and their boundaries
   155.068   Modifications or variances of buffer area boundaries
   155.069   Wetlands delineation and protection standards
   155.070   Standards for protected waterways and all buffer areas
   155.071   Credit for open space
Development on Karst Terrain
   155.085   Definitions
   155.086   Purpose and intent
   155.087   Applicability and exemptions
   155.088   Identification of karst terrain features
   155.089   Karst geologic features
   155.090   Karst geologic feature performance standards
   155.091   Waivers
   155.092   Discovery of karst features during site disturbance and construction
Street Name Change, Street Closing, and Site Addressing
   155.105   Release or modification of private access easement
Tree Canopy Regulations
   155.120   Relationship to comprehensive plan
   155.121   Applicability and basis of calculation
   155.122   Alternative for compliance
   155.123   Tree canopy standards
   155.124   Calculation
   155.125   Tree preservation plan requirement
   155.126   Landscape/buffer credit
   155.127   Waivers
Landscape Design
   155.140   Relationship to the comprehensive plan
   155.141   Applicability
   155.142   Landscape buffer area requirements
   155.143   Property perimeter landscape buffer areas
   155.144   Property perimeter planting
   155.145   Other uses and structures requiring screening
   155.146   Expressway/railroad landscape buffer areas and perimeter plantings
   155.147   Street trees
   155.148   Vehicular use area landscape buffer areas
   155.149   Vehicular use area perimeter planting
   155.150   Vehicular use area interior landscape areas
   155.151   Vehicular use area interior landscape area planting requirements
   155.152   Alternative landscape plans
   155.153   Landscape architect seal requirement
   155.154   Form district specific landscape requirements
Landscape Implementation Standards
   155.165   Plant species
   155.166   Plant quality
   155.167   Plant sizes
   155.168   Spacing
   155.169   Planting details
   155.170   Berms
   155.171   Transplanting
   155.172   Protection during construction
   155.173   Walls and fences
   155.174   Lighting
   155.175   Land clearing
   155.176   Maintenance
   155.177   Protection of public property
   155.178   Preferred plant list
   155.179   PDS Tree Preservation Policy
Subdivisions; General Provisions
   155.190   Division of subdivision lots
   155.191   Title
   155.192   Purpose of regulations
   155.193   Scope of regulations
   155.194   Powers of Commission
   155.195   Definitions
   155.196   Waivers
   155.197   Major subdivisions in suburban workplace form district
   155.198   Subdivisions in traditional form districts
   155.199   Subdivisions for utility service facilities
   155.200   Previously approved subdivisions
   155.201   Amendments to recorded plats (major and minor)
Procedures for Major Subdivisions
   155.215   Pre-application
   155.216   Major subdivisions requiring change in zoning/form district
   155.217   Preliminary plan approval process
   155.218   Site disturbance permit
   155.219   Construction plan
   155.220   Conditions of permit/work order and authority of inspectors
   155.221   Record plat
   155.222   Subdivider’s commitment and bond requirement
   155.223   Reduction of bond amount
   155.224   Bond instruments
   155.225   Subdivider’s release from guaranteeing proper functioning
   155.226   Builder’s commitment
   155.227   Builder’s bonds required
   155.228   Release of builder’s bond
   155.229   Property owner’s obligation
   155.230   Enforcement and remedying of obligations
Standards of Designs for Major Subdivisions
   155.245   Streets
   155.246   Blocks
   155.247   Lots
   155.248   Easements
   155.249   Reservation of public areas and roadways
   155.250   Tree canopy
Minimum Improvements for Major Subdivisions
   155.265   Required physical improvements
   155.266   Utility services
   155.267   Sanitary sewage
   155.268   Reference monuments
Preliminary Plan for Major Subdivisions
   155.280   Format and materials
   155.281   Legend information
   155.282   Easements and public areas
   155.283   General information
   155.284   Title block
   155.285   Graphics
Construction Plan for Major Subdivisions
   155.300   Format and materials
   155.301   Cover sheet
   155.302   Approved preliminary plan
   155.303   Composite drainage plan
   155.304   Plan view and profile
   155.305   Cross sections and details
   155.306   Certificate of Engineer/Land Surveyor
   155.307   Reference monuments
Record Plat for Major Subdivisions
   155.320   Format and materials
   155.321   Time frame
   155.322   General information
   155.323   Easements and public areas
   155.324   Names
   155.325   Required information
   155.326   Certificate and title block
   155.327   Notice of legal requirements
   155.328   Graphics
Minor Subdivisions
   155.340   Procedure
   155.341   Agency review
   155.342   Administrative approval
   155.343   Appeal process
   155.344   Approval and record of plat
   155.345   Plat
   155.346   Certificates
   155.347   Dedications
   155.348   Minimum physical improvements for private roadways
   155.349   Measurement of setback
   155.350   Lots
   155.351   Easements
   155.352   Large format minor subdivision plats
   155.353   Minor subdivision plats requiring road improvements
   155.354   Minor subdivision plats creating private streets
Standard Certificate Forms
   155.365   Certificate of ownership and dedication
   155.366   Certification of acknowledgment
   155.367   Land Surveyor’s certificate
   155.368   Inspection certificate for bond reduction
   155.369   Certificate of Engineer/Land Surveyor (Field Inspector)
   155.370   Certificate of Engineer/Land Surveyor
   155.371   Builder’s certificate for bond release
   155.372   Certificate of reservation of gas, electric, and telecommunication easements
   155.373   Certificate of reservation of gas easement
   155.374   Certificate of reservation of sanitary sewer and drainage easement
   155.375   Certificate of reservation of water line easement
   155.376   Certificate of reservation of drainage retention basin easement
   155.377   Dedication of public utility, sewer, and drainage easements and private access easements
   155.378   Dedication of public utility, sewer, and drainage easements and private access easements
   155.379   Certificate of approval
   155.380   Certificate of residual land
   155.381   Zoning certificate
   155.382   Certificate of sewer extension
   155.383   Certificate of signature entrance
   155.395   Duties of Enforcement Officer
   155.396   Right of entry
   155.397   Stop orders
   155.398   Citations
   155.999   Penalty