(A)   The following is the list of karst geologic features to be identified as part of the karst survey and identified on all required plans:
      (1)   Sinkhole collapse feature (requires a karst feature buffer as required in § 155.090);
      (2)   Sinkhole;
      (3)   Surface drainage that flows into the ground;
      (4)   Ephemeral lakes after rainfall;
      (5)   Cave entrance(s) (requires a karst feature buffer as required in § 155.090);
      (6)   Subsurface cave passages as determined by preexisting cave maps obtained from organizations including the state’s Geological Survey, local cave organizations, and the state’s Speleological Survey;
      (7)   Springs: evidence of standing water (rings of mud or organic debris in the low areas of closed surface depressions) following rains; and
      (8)   Sinking stream sink point (requires a karst feature buffer as required in § 155.090).
   (B)   The following are a list of requirements specific to certain karst geologic features that shall be identified on all required plans when one of these features have been identified:
      (1)   Sinkholes: location and limits of the area of the sinkhole depression, including topographic boundary of the entire closed depression, any significant breaks in slope, and vertical rock or soil surfaces;
      (2)   Sinkholes shown on required plans shall also show the location and elevation of the lowpoint;
      (3)   Caves: diameter and description of cave opening, including description of whether water flows into the subsurface prior to development, either perennially or intermittently;
      (4)   Springs: the first emergence of a spring and the surface stream downstream from this point;
      (5)   Sinkhole collapse feature; and
      (6)   Calculation of pre-development and post-development surface drainage volumes directed toward the low point of the sinkhole, or the sinkhole collapse feature or cave entrance.
(LDC § 4.9.4)