(A)   A builder on any lot in the subdivision shall be responsible for the good repair and proper functioning of all installed improvements required by the approved construction plan and installed reference monuments required by the record plat and shall proceed with construction in a manner which is satisfactory to the Director of Works and the subdivider, and which does not cause unreasonable harm, inconvenience, or annoyance to any other property owner in or outside of the subdivision. The judgment of the Director of Works or that of the subdivider with respect to the manner of construction may not be questioned in any judicial proceeding by any one except the builder, but said judgment, when exercised in favor of the builder, shall not constitute a defense to the builder in a judicial action against the builder by a complaining property owner. An applicant for a building permit shall execute and deliver written evidence of his or her awareness and commitment to fulfill this obligation on forms approved by the Director of Works.
   (B)   The builder of each lot in a subdivision is required to grade the lot so that cross-lot drainage is in conformance with the approved composite drainage plan for the subdivision and all drainage from the lot is directed to a public drainage facility in an easement or right-of-way.
(LDC § 7.2.65)