This subchapter is intended:
   (A)   To promote, preserve, and enhance the important hydrologic, biological, ecological, aesthetic, recreational, and educational functions that river and stream corridors, lakes, and other critical waterways, wetlands, and their associated riparian areas provide in the county;
   (B)   To guide development on sites with environmental constraints consistent with the Cornerstone 2020 Comprehensive Plan;
   (C)   To locate development, where possible, in areas that do not have severe environmental limitations and to protect natural areas and features as a part of development planning, by designating buffer areas that will guide future development adjacent to protected waterways;
   (D)   To minimize water pollution, including sediment and other pollutants in surface runoff; to promote bank stabilization; to protect riparian wetlands and their wildlife habitats;
   (E)   Generally, to promote land use policies which will maintain or improve water quality levels; and
   (F)   To implement the goals of the Clean Water Act.
(LDC § 4.8.1)