§ 155.168 SPACING.
   (A)   No newly planted trees may be planted closer together than ten feet for small trees, 25 feet for medium trees, and 30 feet for large trees. When planting new trees near existing mature trees, leave a minimum distance of half of the new tree’s mature spread between the new tree and the existing trees. The Planning Commission staff can authorize a closer spacing of trees in special circumstances.
Tree Spacing Guide Against Buildings
Tree Height
Minimum Spacing from Building Edge
Up to 25 feet (small tree)
10 feet
25 - 50 feet (medium tree)
15 feet
50 feet plus (large tree)
15 feet
   (B)   No tree shall be planted in a space less than three feet in width. Only small trees shall be planted in spaces less than four feet in width.
   (C)   Trees shall be located to provide shade over impervious surfaces to the maximum extent possible.
   (D)   No tree shall be planted closer than five feet to any fireplug, utility pole, or similar utility structure. Large or medium trees shall not be located beneath overhead wires, and shall be planted at least 20 feet from any easement or right-of-way in which overhead wires are located. With approval from the appropriate utility company, Type C trees planted 30 feet on center may be planted beneath overhead utility lines to meet perimeter tree planting requirement.
   (E)   No landscape material shall be planted closer than five feet from the sides of any electric transformer box and all landscape material shall be planted a minimum of ten feet from the door of such boxes.
   (F)   To assure that landscape materials do not constitute a driving hazard, a “sight triangle” will be observed at all street intersections including street intersections and intersections of alleys or driveways as illustrated by the image in division (C) above. The sight triangle shall be measured from edge of pavement to edge of pavement.
(LDC § 10.4.4) Penalty, see § 155.999