(A)   Applicability. Except as exempt under division (B) below, this subchapter shall apply to all land disturbing activities.
   (B)   Exemptions. This subchapter shall not apply to the following development activities:
      (1)   The redevelopment of sites with environmental constraints including reconstruction of an existing building that:
         (a)   Existed on such site on March 1, 2003;
         (b)   Does not increase the amount of impervious surface coverage that existed on March 1, 2003; and
         (c)   Does not entail a change in use for which a conditional use permit for potentially hazardous uses is required.
      (2)   Addition of accessory structures, or alteration of the ground surface (cutting, filling, grading) associated with landscaping, installation of walks or driveways, or similar activities on sites developed with a principal structure built prior to March 1, 2003;
      (3)   Clearing and other activities required for surveying and preliminary site investigation, conducted in accordance with a site disturbance permit, issued in accordance with Chapter 156;
      (4)   Maintenance of roads and utility lines;
      (5)   Expansion of an existing residential structure by less than 50% or of a non-residential structure by less than 10%; and
      (6)   Construction on existing lots shown on preliminary plans approved between August 7, 1997 and March 1, 2003.
   (C)   Note: From definitions (Chapter 1, Part 2), LAND DISTURBING ACTIVITY means all construction, demolition, reconstruction, modification, extension or expansion of structures or parking areas, placement of fill, dumping, storage of earthen materials, excavation, land clearing, clear-cutting, tree and vegetation removal, grading, grubbing, or any similar activity or combination thereof that changes the natural cover or topography creating the potential for erosion and contribution to sediment.
(LDC § 4.6.1)