(A)   The city does hereby adopt the following provisions of the Land Development Code for all of the county, March 2006 edition: Chapter 4 Generally Applicable Development Standards, Part 4.4.6; Inactive Cemeteries, Part 4.6.1 through 4.6.4; Development on Sites With Environmental Constraints, Part 4.7.1 through 4.7.7; Development on Steep Slopes, Part 4.8.1 through 4.8.7; Waterways and Wetlands Protections, Part 4.9.1 through 4.9.7; Karst, Appendix 4H Erosion Prevention and Sediment Control; Chapter 6 Mobility Standards, Part 6.3.4 Release or Modification of Private Access Easement (private road issue); Chapter 7 Subdivision Regulations, Part 1 General Provisions, Part 2 Procedures for Major Subdivisions, Part 3 Procedures Standards for Design of Major Subdivisions, Part 4 Minimum Improvements for Major Subdivisions, Part 5 Preliminary Plan for Major Subdivisions, Part 6 Construction Plan for Major Subdivisions, Part 7 Record Plat for Major Subdivisions, Part 8 Minor Subdivisions, Part 9 Standard Certificate Form, Part 10, Enforcement; Chapter 10 Tree Canopy, Landscape, Part 1 Tree Canopy Regulations, Part 2 Landscape Design, Part 4 Implementation Standards, Appendix 10A Preferred Plant List, and Appendix 10D PDS Tree Preservation Policy.
   (B)   The provisions of this subchapter and the provisions of this chapter adopted therein shall apply to all new or pending preliminary development plans, development plans (general and detailed), and revised development plans (general and detailed) applicable to properties within the city which have not had a hearing before the full Planning Commission as of the effective date hereof.
(Ord. 10-02, passed 1-6-2010)