(A)   When interior landscape areas are required, one medium or large deciduous tree shall be provided for every 4,000 square feet of vehicular use area. The ground plane of all interior landscape areas shall be planted using either shrubs, ground cover, or turf. All plant material used to satisfy these requirements shall conform to the standards found in §§ 155.165 through 155.179.
   (B)   Light poles, sidewalks, benches, or other landscape design elements are permitted in the interior landscape areas; provided, they do not occupy more than 25% of any one interior landscape area or reduce the width of any planted area to less than four feet. Provisions of such facilities does not reduce the number of required trees.
   (C)   Note: The following requirement of Chapter 9, Part 1 may require additional interior landscape area.
   (D)   Developments that provide more than 50 off-street parking spaces and exceed the minimum number of parking spaces required by this subchapter shall either:
      (1)   Surface a portion of its total parking area proportional to the extent to which the minimum number of parking spaces is exceeded using concrete;
      (2)   Surface the parking spaces in excess of the minimum using semi-pervious paving systems, or locate those parking spaces in excess of the minimum within parking structures or elevator parking systems; or
      (3)   (a)   Provide 25% more trees within the required interior landscape area (ILA) than is otherwise required by §§ 155.120 through 155.127, 155.140 through 155.154, and 155.165 through 155.179 for the site’s entire parking area. The trees provided shall be Type A trees that maximize the amount of shade that is provided within the parking area. Additionally, the ILA’s shall be designed to maximize their ability to absorb the site’s stormwater runoff in an effort to improve the water quality of the stormwater runoff and to provide an adequate water supply to ensure the long term health of the canopy trees.
         (b)   The Planning Commission may modify this requirement if the applicant demonstrates that an alternative site design, surfacing material, or facility type offers greater environmental benefits.
(LDC § 10.2.12)