§ 155.167 PLANT SIZES.
   (A)   All required plant material shall meet the following size criteria at time of installation:
Type of Plant
Evergreen trees
6 feet high
Grasses or ground cover
Shrubs (when required for 6 - 8 feet screening)
36 inches high
Shrubs (when required for 3 feet screening)
18 inches high
   (B)   Size criteria for deciduous tree species shall be determined based on its size type as described in Chapter 1, Part 2 (Definitions) of the Land Development Code. Installation criteria for each size type is as follows:
(25 - 50 feet in height at maturity)
1 3/4-inch caliper
Large tree (over 50 feet in height at maturity)
1 3/4-inch caliper
Medium tree
Small tree (under 25 feet in height at maturity)
6 feet high
   (C)   When planting medium or large trees, small sites (as defined in § 155.141(C)) and single-family residential sites shall be required to install such trees at a minimum size of one-inch caliper.
   (D)   All minimum size requirements shall conform to the characteristics set forth in the American Standard for Nursery Stock, latest addition.
   (E)   Any existing trees on a site or street trees planted on an adjacent right-of-way that are used to
meet the tree canopy regulations (§§ 155.120 through 155.127) may be credited towards fulfillment of any landscaping, screening, or buffering provisions of this chapter. The following criteria shall be used where existing healthy trees are being preserved and substituted for newly planted trees:
      (1)   An existing six-inch to 12-inch caliper tree, surrounded by a minimum of 133 square feet of landscape area, may be substituted for two new trees of the required minimum size;
      (2)   An existing 12-inch to 24-inch caliper tree, surrounded by a minimum of 250 square feet of landscape area, may be substituted for three new trees of the required minimum size; and
      (3)   An existing tree greater than 24-inch caliper, surrounded by a minimum of 300 square feet of landscape area, may be substituted for four new trees of the required minimum size.
(LDC § 10.4.3) Penalty, see § 155.999