ORD. #
ORD. #
1 | Code Est. | 05/03/55 | 42 | Plat of Street | 11/05/56 |
2 | Village Seal | 05/03/55 | 43 | Water Bonds | 11/14/56 |
3 | Mayor; Duties | 05/03/55 | 44 | Motor Vehicles | 12/14/56 |
4 | Village Board | 05/03/55 | 45 | Water Rates | 01/02/57 |
5 | Finance | 05/03/55 | 46 | Appropri ation | 06/04/57 |
6 | Public Works | 05/03/55 | 47 | Madison Phone Co. | 06/04/57 |
7 | Judiciary | 05/03/55 | 48 | Gas Franchise | 07/02/57 |
8 | Ordinanc es | 05/03/55 | 49 | Tax Levy | 08/06/57 |
9 | Light; Power | 05/03/55 | 50 | Gas Franchise | 09/03/57 |
10 | Railroads | 05/03/55 | 51 | Electric Franchise | 09/03/57 |
11 | Liquor | 05/03/55 | 52 | Street Lighting | 09/03/57 |
12 | 53 | Annexati on | 05/06/58 | ||
13 | Nuisance | 05/03/55 | 54 | Sewer Regulati ons | 05/06/58 |
14 | Officers | 05/03/55 | 55 | Appropri ation | 06/03/58 |
15 | Animals | 05/03/55 | 56 | Tax Levy | 08/05/58 |
16 | Licenses | 05/03/55 | 57 | Cassen s Sewer Sys. | 02/22/58 |
17 | Salaries | 06/07/55 | 58 | Bond s Sewer | 10/23/58 |
18 | Election | 06/07/55 | 59 | Sewer Rates | 12/02/58 |
19 | Plats; Subdivisi on | 06/07/55 | 60 | Daylight Time | 05/05/59 |
20 | Dramsho p | 07/05/55 | 61 | Appropri ation | 06/02/59 |
21 | Board of Local Imp. | 07/05/55 | 62 | Tax Levy | 09/01/59 |
22 | Business License | 07/05/55 | 63 | Ill. Bell Telephon e | 09/01/59 |
23 | Village Marshall | 07/05/55 | 64 | Motor Vehicles | 12/07/59 |
24 | Offense | 07/05/55 | 65 | Discharg e of Sewage | 12/07/59 |
25 | Motor Vehicles | 07/05/55 | 66 | Ill. Terminal R.R. | 03/01/60 |
26 | Appropri ation | 07/05/55 | 67 | Appropri ation | 06/07/60 |
27 | Tax Levy | 07/05/55 | 68 | Tax Levy | 09/06/60 |
28 | Motor Vehicles | 08/02/55 | 69 | Appropri ation | 06/06/61 |
29 | Pin Ball Machine s | 09/06/55 | 70 | Tax Levy | 09/05/61 |
30 | Building Fee | 09/06/55 | 71 | ||
31 | Police Magistrat e | 11/01/55 | 72 | ||
32 | Vehicles; Foodstuf fs | 01/05/56 | 73 | ||
33 | Appropri ation | 05/01/56 | 74 | R.O. Tax | 11/07/61 |
34 | Arterial Streets | 06/05/56 | 75 | Appropri ation | 06/06/62 |
35 | Daylight Savings Time | 06/05/56 | 76 | Tax Levy | 09/04/62 |
36 | Street Naming | 06/06/56 | 77 | Dangero us Building s | 03/05/63 |
37 | Business Licenses | 06/05/56 | 77A | Plat; Martin Subd. | 12/04/62 |
38 | Special Educatio n | 06/05/56 | 78 | Salaries Ch. 17 | 04/02/63 |
39 | Appropri ation | 08/07/56 | 79 | Appropri ation | 06/05/63 |
40 | R.O. Tax | 09/05/56 | 80 | Tax Levy | 09/03/63 |
41 | Bonds | 09/01/56 | 81 | Blas Survey | 10/01/63 |
82 | Mobile Homes | 10/24/63 | 129 | Appropri ation | 06/06/72 |
83 | Electric Franchise | 11/13/63 | 130 | Tax Levy | 09/05/72 |
84 | Gas Franchise | 11/13/63 | 131 | Appropri ation | 06/05/73 |
85 | Motor Vehicles | 04/07/64 | 132 | Plat - Industrial Park | 09/04/73 |
86 | Appropri ation | 06/02/64 | 133 | Tax Levy | 09/04/73 |
87 | Tax Levy | 09/01/64 | 134 | Appropri ation | 06/04/73 |
88 | Appropri ation | 06/01/65 | 135 | Tax Levy | 09/03/74 |
89 | Tax Levy | 09/07/65 | 136 | Zoning (Amend) | 02/04/75 |
90 | Leasing Tax | 11/02/65 | 137 | Business Licenses | 02/04/75 |
91 | Plan Commiss ion | 03/17/66 | 138 | Appropri ation | 06/03/75 |
92 | Appropri ation | 06/07/66 | 139 | Dogs | 1975 |
93 | Tax Levy | 09/06/66 | 140 | Curfew | 1975 |
94 | Appropri ation | 05/02/67 | 141 | Tax Levy | 09/02/75 |
95 | Tax Levy | 09/05/67 | 142 | Amends #22 | 12/07/75 |
96 | R.O. Tax | 07/11/67 | 143 | Curfew | 12/07/75 |
97 | S.O. Tax | 07/11/67 | 144 | Annex. Rull | 05/04/76 |
98 | Ill. Power Co. | 08/01/67 | 145 | Appropri ation | 06/01/76 |
99 | Street Lighting | 02/06/68 | 146 | Tax Levy | 09/07/76 |
100 | Elec. Franchise | 02/06/68 | 147 | Plat - Willow Glenn | 04/20/77 |
101 | S.O. Tax | 04/02/68 | 148 | Appropri ation | 06/07/77 |
102 | Boeker Subdivisi on | 05/07/68 | 149 | Tax Levy | 09/06/77 |
103 | Curfew | 06/04/68 | 150 | Water Rates | 10/07/77 |
104 | Appropri ation | 06/08/68 | 151 | Plat - Willow Glenn | 01/03/78 |
105 | Plat - Willow Glenn | 07/23/68 | 152 | Illinois Power | 05/02/78 |
106 | Annex. | 08/06/68 | 153 | Street Lighting | 05/02/78 |
107 | Tax Levy | 09/03/68 | 154 | Appropri ation | 06/06/78 |
107A | Water Works | 11/05/68 | 155 | Sewer Regulati ons | 07/05/78 |
108 | Auxiliary Police | 02/04/69 | 156 | Tax Levy | 09/05/78 |
109 | Motor Vehicles | 02/04/69 | 157 | Special Educatio n | 11/07/78 |
110 | Plat - Country Estates | 04/01/69 | 158 | Plat - Willow Green | 02/06/79 |
111 | Appropri ation | 06/03/69 | 159 | Appropri ation | 06/05/79 |
112 | R.O. Tax | 08/05/69 | 160 | Tax Levy | 09/04/79 |
113 | S.O. Tax | 08/05/69 | 161 | Water Fund Trans | 09/04/79 |
114 | Sewer Rates | 09/02/69 | 162 | Liquor | 05/01/80 |
115 | Tax Levy | 09/02/69 | 163 | Appropri ation | 06/03/80 |
116 | License Fees | 05/05/70 | 164 | Subdivisi on Standard s | |
117 | Abandon ed Vehicles | 06/02/70 | 165 | Tax Levy | |
118 | Appropri ation | 06/02/70 | 166 | Mun. Retailers Occ. Tax | |
119 | Zoning | 1970 | 167 | Mun. Use Tax | |
120 | Tax Levy | 09/01/70 | 168 | Water Works Fees | |
121 | BOCA Code | 03/02/71 | 169 | Annual Occupati on Bill | |
122 | Housing Code | 03/02/71 | 170 | Revised Code | 06/02/81 |
123 | Plumbin g Code | 03/02/71 | 171 | Motor Vehicle Parking | |
124 | Fire Code | 03/02/71 | 172 | Subdivisi on Code | |
125 | Appropri ation | 06/01/71 | 173 | Stop Signs | |
126 | Plat - Country Est. | 07/06/71 | 174 | Appropri ation | |
127 | Tax Levy | 09/07/71 | 175 | Cable TV | |
128 | Motor Vehicles | 12/07/71 | 176 | Cable TV Amendment | |
ORD.# | TITLE | ORD. # | TITLE |
ORD.# | TITLE | ORD. # | TITLE | |
177 | Appropri ation | 94-006 | Appropri ation | |
178 | Appropri ation | 94-007 | Bond Rates on Village Officials | |
179 | Farm Equip. Exemption from Tax | 95-001 | Water Rates and Charges | |
180 | Stop Signs | 95-002 | Sewers and Drains | |
181 | Appropriation | 95-003 | Appropriation | |
182 | Appropriation | 95-004 | Log Cabin Declaration | |
183 | Water Rates and Charges | 95-005 | Log Cabin Declaration | |
184 | User Fee for Trash Pick-up | 95-006 | Was Never Passed | |
185 | Water Rates and Charges | 95-007 | Village Collector Salary | |
186 | User Fee for Trash Pick-up | 96-001 | Zoning District Map | |
187 | Appropriation | 96-002 | Water Rates and Charges | |
188 | Alcohol Sales | 96-003 | Sewer and Drains | |
189 | Attorney Appoint ment | 96-004 | Elected Officials Salary | |
190 | Zoning Map | 96-005 | Water Rates and Charges | |
88-001 | Appropriation | 96-006 | Appropriation | |
88-002 | Backflow Preventer s for Water Supply | 96-007 | Wages and Labor | |
88-003 | Building Permit Schedule s | 96-008 | Hotel/M otel Room Tax | |
88-004 | Street Lighting Contract w/Ill. Power | 96-009 | Sewers and Drains | |
88-005 | Electrical Contract - Ill. Power | 97-001 | Building Reg. and Fees | |
88-006 | Water Rate Change | 97-002 | Appropriation | |
88-007 | Traffic Controls and Yield Signs | 97-003 | Dog Restraint | |
88-008 | Dedicati on of Streets and Utilities | 97-004 | Water Rates and Charges | |
88-009 | Police Departm ent Establish ment | 97-005 | Sewers and Drains | |
88-010 | Ill. Municipa l League | 97-006 | Wages and Labor | |
89-001 | Manner of Passage of Ordinances | 97-007 | Dog Restraint | |
89-002 | Southwe st Electric Contract | 98-001 | Cable Franchise | |
89-003 | Appropriation | 98-002 | Madison Communications Lease | |
89-004 | Village Collector | 98-003 | Imperial Property Zoning | |
89-005 | Annexing Territory | 98-004 | Appropriation | |
89-006 | Licensing Business es | 98-005 | Village Collector | |
89-007 | Zoning Classific ation | 98-006 | Wages and Labor | |
89-008 | Conveyance of Land to Jamar | 98-007 | Zoning Map | |
89-009 | Revising Numbering of Certain Ords | 99-001 | Appropriation | |
90-001 | Appropriation | 99-002 | Zoning Map | |
90-002 | Mobile Homes and Travel Trailers | Zoning Map | ||
91-001 | Water Service Charges | 99-004 | Zoning Map | |
91-002 | Weight Limits on Streets | 99-005 | Adult Business | |
91-003 | Water Rates and Charges | 99-006 | Wages and Labor | |
91-004 | Mobile Homes and Travel Trailers | 99-007 | Adopting Public Act 90-737 | |
91-005 | Appropriation | 00-001 | Annexing Territory | |
92-001 | Name Change of Street | 00-002 | Water Rates and Charges | |
92-002 | Appropriation | 00-003 | Appropriation | |
92-003 | Issuance of Golf Course Revenue Bonds | 00-005 | Traffic Control and Yield Signs | |
92-004 | Traffic Control and Yield Signs | 00-006 | Motel Tax | |
93-001 | Stop Signs | 00-007 | Elected Officials Salaries | |
93-002 | Liquor Licenses | 00-008 | Infrastructural Loan | |
93-003 | Sewers and Drains | 01-001 | Imposed Taxes | |
93-004 | Water Rates and Charges | 01-002 | Water Rates and Charges | |
93-005 | Appropri ation | 01-003 | Parallel Parking | |
93-006 | Dram Shop Hours | 01-004 | Appropriation | |
93-007 | Setback Zone to Protect Public Supply | 01-005 | Wages and Labor | |
93-008 | Wages and Labor | 01-006 | Zoning Application Fees | |
94-004 | Motor Vehicles Parking | 02-001 | Annexin g Territory | |
94-005 | Encroach ment of Right-of- way | 02-002 | Zoning Map | |
ORD.# | TITLE | ORD. # | TITLE | |
02-003 | Zoning Map | 07-002 | Appropri ation | |
02-004 | Risk Management | 07-003 | Building Permit Fee/Adopt Bldg. Code | |
02-005 | Water Rates and Charges | 07-004 | Water Works System | |
02-006 | Sewer and Drains | 07-005 | Garbage and Debris | |
02-007 | Water Rates and Charges | 07-006 | Graffiti | |
02-008 | Sewer and Drains | 07-007 | Weeds | |
02-009 | Stop Signs | 07-008 | Zoning Amendment | |
02-010 | Yield Sign Placement | 07-009 | Zoning Amendment | |
02-011 | Appropriation | 07-010 | Subdivision Control Ordinance | |
02-012 | Zoning District Map | 07-011 | Wages and Labor | |
02-013 | Wages and Labor | 07-012 | Water Tower | |
02-014 | Subdivision Control | 07-013 | Village Board Meeting Dates | |
02-015 | Zoning District Map | 07-014 | Tax Levy | |
02-016 | Verizon Lease | 08-001 | Sign Ordinance | |
02-017 | Dogs and Cats | 08-002 | Zoning Ordinance Penalties | |
03-001 | Appropriation | 08-003 | Zoning Ordinance | |
03-002 | Water Rates and Charges | 08-004 | Sign Ordinance Fees | |
03-003 | Sewer and Drains | 08-005 | Appropriation | |
03-004 | Building Regs. and Fees | 08-006 | Wages and Labor | |
03-005 | Fires, Trash, Rubbish | 08-007 | Potable Water | |
03-006 | Zoning Classific ation | 08-008 | Stop Signs | |
03-007 | Wages and Labor | 08-009 | Water Rates and Charges | |
03-008 | Zoning District Map | 08-010 | Fires | |
03-009 | Risk Management Assoc. | 08-011 | Tax Levy | |
03-010 | Water Rates and Charges | 09-001 | Water Tower Loan (American Reinvestment Act Ordinance) | |
03-011 | Sewer and Drains | |||
03-012 | Stop Signs | 09-002 | Appropriation | |
04-001 | Building Permit Fees | 09-003 | Wages and Labor | |
04-002 | Appropri ation | 09-004 | Infrastructure Loan ($20,000) | |
04-003 | Gift Ban | 09-005 | Infrastructure Loan ($300,000) | |
04-004 | Backwater Protection and Sewer Drainage System | 09-006 | Designation of Zoning Board of Appeals and Planning Commission | |
04-005 | Parking Areas on Suhre Ave. | 09-007 | Zoning Code Amendment | |
04-006 | Wages and Labor | 09-008 | Zoning Code Amendment | |
04-007 | Planned Dev. Procedure | 09-009 | CCH Zoning map change (vetoed) | |
04-008 | Telecommunications Tax | 09-010 | Tax Levy | |
04-008A | Telecommunications Tax | 10-001 | Gift Ban Amendment | |
04-009 | Non-licensed Vehicles | 10-002 | Zoning Map Amendment | |
04-010 | School Site Impact Fee | 10-003 | Police Department | |
04-011 | Electricity Tax | 10-004 | Zoning Code penalty provision | |
05-001 | Water Rates and Charges | 10-005 | Appropriation | |
05-002 | Sewer and Drains | 10-006 | Cimarron Dr. - No Parking | |
05-003 | Natural Gas Tax | 10-007 | Bldg Code Revision - Sump Pumps | |
05-004 | Building Regs. and Fees | 10-008 | Water Rates | |
05-005 | Electricity Tax | 10-009 | Prevailing Wage | |
05-006 | Appropri ation | |||
05-007 | Stop Signs | |||
05-008 | Wages and Labor | |||
05-009 | Zoning Code | |||
06-001 | Appropriation | |||
06-002 | Wages and Labor | |||
06-003 | Water Tower Construction | |||
06-004 | Sewer and Drains | |||
06-005 | Tax Levy | |||
07-001 | Billboards | |||
11-004 | Public Safety | 06/14/11 | Section 30-2-7 |
11-005 | Zoning: Hearing Officer | 06/14/11 | Chapter 40 |
11-006 | Administration: Closed Session | 08/09/11 | Ch. 1 - Resolution |
11-006 | Administration: Penalty | 07/12/11 | Section 1-1-20 |
11-007 | Administration: Collector | 07/12/11 | Section 1-2-35; 1-3-1(F) |
11-008 | Motor Vehicles: No Parking | 07/12/11 | Ch. 24; Schd. E |
11-009 | Bhaka Settlement | 08/09/11 | Special Legislation |
11-010 | Burkhart Settlement | 09/13/11 | Special Legislation |
12-01 | Business Licenses | 02/14/12 | Secs. 7-1-2; 7-1-3 |
12-02 | Prevailing Wage | 06/26/12 | Special Legislation |
12-03 | Appropriation | 07/10/12 | Special Legislation |
12-04 | Electric Aggregation | 08/14/12 | Special Legislation |
12-05 | Tax Levy | 11/13/12 | Special Legislation |
12-06 | Liquor Code: Fees | 11/27/12 | Section 21-2-6 |
13-01 | Liquor | 2013 | Chapter 21 |
13-02 | Agreement with Loves Travel Stops | 2013 | Special Legislation |
13-03 | Prevailing Wage | 2013 | Special Legislation |
13-04 | Appropriation | 2013 | Special Legislation |
13-05 | Offenses | 08/13/13 | Section 27-3-7 |
13-06 | Comprehensive Plan | 08/13/13 | Special Legislation |
13-07 | Business District Design | 09/10/13 | Special Legislation |
13-08 | Taxation: Business Tax | 09/10/13 | Chapter 36 |
13-09 | Zoning: Special Use: Love s | 10/08/13 | Special Legislation |
13-10 | Tax Levy | 12/10/13 | Special Legislation |
14-001 | Agreement with Love s Travel Stops | 2014 | Special Legislation |
14-002 | Zoning Code: Amendment | 02/11/14 | Ch. 40; Art. VI |
14-003 | Revised Code | 03/11/14 | New Code |
14-004 | Agreement with Love s Travel Stops | 04/08/14 | Special Legislation |
14-005 | Code Amendments | 05/13/14 | Chs. 1; 3; 7 and 27 |
14-006 | Prevailing Wage | 06/10/14 | Special Legislation |
14-007 | Appropriation | 07/08/14 | Special Legislation |
14-008 | Motor Vehicles: Engine Braking | 07/08/14 | Section 24-5-4 |
14-009 | Nuisances | 08/12/14 | Ch. 25; Art. V |
14-010 | Utilities: Groundwater Source of Water | 08/12/14 | Section 38-3-27 |
14-011 | Agreement with Arboleda Limited Partnership | 2014 | Special Legislation |
14-012 | Franchises: Electric Utility System | 10/14/14 | Chapter 15 |
14-013 | Franchises: Gas Utility System | 10/14/14 | Chapter 15 |
14-014 | Utilities: Confined Entry Policy | 11/12/14 | Ch. 31; Art. VIII |
14-015 | Public Safety: Police Department | 12/09/14 | Ch. 30; Art. II |
14-016 | Tax Levy | 2014 | Special Legislation |
15-01 | WiFi Usage Policy | 02/10/15 | Special Legislation |
15-02 | Agreement with IL Dept. of Revenue | 02/10/15 | Special Legislation |
15-03 | Sewers: Use of Groundwater | 04/14/15 | Chapter 31 |
15-04 | Prevailing Wage | 06/09/15 | Special Legislation |
15-05 | Appropriation | 07/14/15 | Special Legislation |
15-06 | Zoning: Variance: Arc Design Resources | 09/08/15 | Special Legislation |
15-07 | Vacation of Easement | 10/13/15 | Special Legislation |
15-08 | Agreement to Resolve Pending Litigation | 11/10/15 | Special Legislation |
15-09 | Tax Levy | 12/08/15 | Special Legislation |
16-01 | Employees: Handbook | 03/08/16 | Chapter 11 |
16-02 | Flood Plain Code | 02/09/16 | Section 14-1-8 |
16-03 | Liquor: Classes | 04/12/16 | Section 21-2-6 |
16-04 | Utilities: Water Rates | 05/10/16 | Section 38-3-91 |
16-05 | Easement: Madison Communication s | 05/10/16 | Special Legislation |
16-06 | Approval of Loan | 05/10/16 | Special Legislation |
16-07 | Prevailing Wage | 06/14/16 | Special Legislation |
16-08 | Employees: Police Handbook | 07/12/16 | Chapter 11 |
16-09 | Appropriation | 07/12/16 | Special Legislation |
16-10 | Tax Levy | 12/13/16 | Special Legislation |
17-01 | Recreation: Hamel Community Center | 01/10/17 | Chapter 28 |
17-02 | Utilities: Water Rates | 02/14/17 | Section 38-3-91 |
17-03 | I.R.A. Retirement | 02/14/17 | Special Legislation |
17-04 | Business District Cost Funding | 04/11/17 | Special Legislation |
17-05 | Prevailing Wage | 06/13/17 | Special Legislation |
17-06 | Appropriation | 07/11/17 | Special Legislation |
17-07 | Public Safety: Community Cameras | 07/11/17 | Special Legislation |
17-08 | Zoning Code: Content | 09/12/17 | Chapter 40 |
17-09 | Administration: Minimum Bid | 12/12/17 | Section 1-2-28(B)(J) |
17-10 | Tax Levy | 12/12/17 | Special Legislation |
17-11 | Zoning: Content | 12/12/17 | Chapter 40 |
18-01 | Subdivision Code | 01/09/18 | Chapter 34 |
18-02 | Mandated Policies: Sexual Harassment | 01/09/18 | Ch. 22; Art. IX |
18-03 | Intergovernment al Agreement: US DOJ And Hamel: License Plates | 01/09/18 | Special Legislation |
18-04 | Employees: Handbook | 02/13/18 | Chapter 11 |
18-05 | Motor Vehicles: No Parking | 03/13/18 | Ch. 24; Schd. E |
18-06 | Motor Vehicles: Vehicle Impoundment | 03/13/18 | Section 24-10-1 et seq. |
18-07 | Prevailing Wage | 2018 | Special Legislation |
18-08 | Easement Agreements with Hoedebeck | 2018 | Special Legislation |
18-09 | Community Development Park Loan | 2018 | Special Legislation |
18-10 | Appropriation | 2018 | Special Legislation |
18-11 | Liquor: Licenses | 07/10/18 | Section 21-2-6 |
18-12 | Cable TV: Small Wireless Facilities | 07/10/18 | Ch. 8; Art. II |
18-13 | Administration: Deputy Clerk | 08/14/18 | Section 1-2-79 |
18-14 | Motor Vehicles: Stop Signs | 08/14/18 | Ch. 24; Schd. A |
18-15 | Liquor: Licenses | 08/14/18 | Secs. 21-2-6; 21-2-13 |
18-16 | Cable TV: Service Provider Fee | 08/14/18 | Ch. 8; Art. III |
18-17 | Zoning: Content | 09/11/18 | Chapter 40 |
18-18 | Building Code/ Subdivision Code | 10/09/18 | Secs. 6-1-3; 34-3-36(G); 34-3-37(D) |
18-19 | Mandated Policies: Sexual Harassment | 11/13/18 | Ch. 22; Art. VIII |
18-21 | Tax Levy | 2018 | Special Legislation |
19-01 | Animals: Hobby | 01/08/19 | Chapter 3 |
19-02 | Zoning: Content | 04/09/19 | Secs. 40-2-3; 40-7-4; 40-7-13; 40-8-2; 40-11-32 |
19-03 | Zoning: Special-Use Permit: Love s Travel Stops and Country Stores Inc | 2019 | Special Legislation |
19-04 | Business: Solicitors/Peddl ers | 05/14/19 | Secs. 7-2-8; 7-3-6 |
19-05 | Administration: Attendance | 05/14/19 | Section 1-2-7 |
19-06 | Zoning: Rezoning: Sloan Implement Company, Inc. | 06/18/19 | Special Legislation |
19-07 | Appropriation | 2019 | Special Legislation |
19-08 | Hearing Date for Business District | 2019 | Special Legislation |
19-09 | Offenses: Tobacco | 08/13/19 | Secs. 27-2-7; 27-2-8 |
19-10 | Liquor: Hours | 09/10/19 | Section 21-3-1 |
19-11 | Business District | 2019 | Special Legislation |
19-012 | Cannabis Retailer s Occupation Tax | 11/12/19 | Ch. 36, Art. VI |
19-013 | Inoperable Motor Vehicles | 11/12/19 | Section 25-5-1 |
19-014 | Tax Levy | 11/12/19 | Special Legislation |
19-015 | Construction Hours | 12/10/19 | Section 6-1-5 |
2020-001 | Parking Vehicles on Private Property | 1/14/20 | Secs. 24-6-3, 24-6-9 |
2020-002 | Covid provisions | 3/31/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-003 | Waiving Business License Fee | 4/14/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-004 | Park & Recreation Loan | 8/11/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-005 | Solid Waste Collection Fees | 7/14/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-006 | Appropriations | 7/14/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-007 | Business District Cost Funding | 8/11/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-008 | Local CURE Program | 9/8/20 | Special Legislation |
2020-009 | Tax Levy | 11/10/21 | Special Legislation |
21-001 | Employees: Handbook | 2/9/21 | Chapter 11 |
21-002 | Police: Use of Force Policy | 3/9/21 | Section 30-2-11 |
21-003 | Liquor License Fees | 4/13/21 | Section 21-2-6 |
21-004 | Special Use Permit | 4/13/21 | Special Legislation |
21-005 | Special Hourly Rates for Officers | 5/11/21 | Special Legislation |
21-006 | Truck Parking Prohibitions | 5/11/21 | Section 24-6-5 |
21-007 | Intergovernmental Agreement | 5/11/21 | Special Legislation |
21-008 | Non-Highway Vehicles | 5/11/21 | Secs. 24-11-1 - 24-11-10 |
21-009 | Appropriations | 7/13/21 | Special Legislation |
21-010 | Liquor | 7-13-21 | Section 21-2-13 |
21-011 | Consumer Fireworks and Pyrotechnics | 8/10/21 | 7-7-12 |
21-012 | Coronavirus funds | 8/10/21 | Special Legislation |
21-013 | Setting hearing for business district designation | 8/10/21 | Special Legislation |
21-014 | Granting zoning variance | 8/10/21 | Special Legislation |
21-015 | Adopting Ordinance: S-2 | 9/14/21 | Special Legislation |
21-016 | Business District; amendment | 9/14/21 | Special Legislation |
21-017 | Animals: Route 66 Dog Park Policy | 10/12/21 | Section 3-5-1 |
21-018 | Adopting Ordinance: S-3 | 11/9/21 | Special Legislation |
21-019 | Tax Levy | 11/9/21 | Special Legislation |
21-020 | Adopt comprehensive plan | 12/14/21 | Special Legislation |
21-021 | Backflow valves on sewers | 12/14/21 | |
22-001 | Adopting Ordinance: S-4 | 2/8/22 | Special Legislation |
22-002 | Water rates | 4/12/22 | Section 38-3-91 |
22-003 | Alcoholic liquor | 4/12/22 | Section 21-2-13 |
22-004 | Alcoholic liquor | 4/12/22 | |
22-005 | Appropriations | 7/12/22 | Special Legislation |
22-006 | Agreement to purchase property | 9/13/22 | Special Legislation |
22-007 | Agreement to purchase property | 10/11/22 | Special Legislation |
22-008 | Tax Levy | 11/8/22 | Special Legislation |
22-009 | Deposit of funds | 12/13/22 | Section 1-2-95 |
23-002 | Salaries | 2/14/23 | Section 1-3-1 |
23-003 | Water rates | 2/14/23 | Section 38-3-91 |
23-004 | Water service | 3/13/23 | Section 38-3-2 |
23-005 | Subdivision amendments | 3/13/22 | |
23-006 | Executive administrator | 5/9/23 | Section 1-2-135 |
23-007 | Public park established | 6/13/23 | Special Legislation |
23-009 | Treasurer s job and salary | 6/13/23 | |
23-010 | Solicitors | 6/13/23 | |
23-011 | Parking prohibitions | 7/17/23 | Section 24-6-5 |
23-012 | Special use permit | 7/11/23 | Special Legislation |
23-013 | Annual appropriations ordinance | 7/11/23 | Special Legislation |
23-014 | Purchase of property | 7/17/23 | Special Legislation |
23-015 | Water supply loan program | 8/8/23 | Special Legislation |
23-017 | Part-time office administrator | 9/12/23 | Section 1-2-80 |
23-018 | Granting zoning variance | 10/10/23 | Special Legislation |
23-019 | Village waste hauling contract | 10/10/23 | Section 16-2-1 |
23-020 | Tax Levy | 11/14/23 | Special Legislation |
23-021 | Memorandum of understanding | 11/14/23 | Special Legislation |
23-022 | Paid leave for Village employees | 12/12/23 | |
24-001 | Naming a park | 1/9/24 | Special Legislation |
24-002 | Special use permit | 1/9/24 | Special Legislation |
24-004 | Business District dissolution | 3/12/24 | Special Legislation |
24-005 | Business District amendment | 3/12/24 | Special Legislation |
24-007 | Parks deposit and rental fee | 4/9/24 | Section 28-1-16, Rental Agreement Form |
24-008 | Village employees health insurance | 4/9/24 | Section 11-2-14 |
24-009 | Sewage rates and charges | 5/14/24 | |
24-010 | Appropriations | 7/9/24 | Special Legislation |
24-011 | Water rates | 7/9/24 | Section 38-3-91 |
24-013 | Camping on public property | 8/13/24 | |