(A) The part-time position of Office Administrator is hereby created for the Village of Hamel, Illinois. Qualified applicants for the position shall be hired by the Village President following interviews and recommendations from the Hamel Personnel Committee.
(B) Monetary compensation for service in said position shall be determined by the Village President at the time of appointment or reappointment, and shall initially be in the pay range of $16.00 to $19.00 per hour. This position shall not be IMRF eligible and shall have no other associated benefits.
(C) Duties. Duties associated with the position of Part-Time Office Administrator shall be as follows:
(1) Work collaboratively to communicate effectively with internal staff and external stakeholders to address Village needs efficiently and effectively.
(2) Respond to inquiries to resolve issues related to billing, meter reading, service contracts, revenue collection, and customer orders.
(3) Create and promote positive interaction with residents and stakeholders of Hamel through social and physical media.
(4) Create, document properly, and process work orders promptly and accurately.
(5) Prepare and review various reports, ensuring accuracy, completeness, and follow-through.
(6) Acquire and understand industry standards and practices in a municipal water utility environment.
(7) Demonstrate initiative and growth in applying skills and knowledge on the job.
(8) Demonstrate critical thinking skills and apply emotional intelligence skills in daily functions.
(9) Such other duties and responsibilities as assigned by the Village President or Personnel Committee.
(Ord. No. 23-017; 09-12-23)