Administration and Procedures
   150.001   Title
   150.002   Purpose
   150.003   Effective date, repeal and severability
   150.004   Enforcement, interpretation and conflict
   150.005   Compliance
   150.006   Injunction
   150.007   Planning and Zoning Commission
   150.008   Historic District Advisory Commission
   150.009   Board of Adjustment; appeals
   150.010   Variances
   150.011   Administrative staff
   150.012   Technical Advisory Committee
   150.013   Pre-application conference
   150.014   Design review
   150.015   Zone changes; amendments
   150.016   Conditional Use Permits
   150.017   Temporary use permits
   150.018   Exceptions and modifications
   150.019   Building permits and Certificates of Occupancy
   150.020   Nonconforming use
   150.021   Enlargement of building or land; destruction
   150.022   Citizen review process
   150.023   Applications and fees
   150.024   Claim for diminution in value
   150.030   Terms and words
   150.031   Defined words
Zoning Districts
   150.045   Districts
   150.046   District boundaries
   150.047   District use regulations tables
   150.048   Rural Agricultural (RA-10)
   150.049   Rural Agricultural (RA-4)
   150.050   Single-Residential Ranchette (R1-R)
   150.051   Rural Residential Equestrian Subdivision (RRES)
   150.052   Single-Family Residential (R1-18)
   150.053   Single-Family Residential (R1-6)
   150.054   Neighborhood Multi-Family (R-2)
   150.055   Multiple-Family Residential (MFR)
   150.056   Manufactured Home Subdivision (MHS)
   150.057   Neighborhood Business (B-1)
   150.058   Neighborhood Office (NO)
   150.059   Downtown Commercial (DC)
   150.060   Highway Business Commercial (B-2)
   150.061   Tourist Commercial (TRC)
   150.062   Professional Office (PO)
   150.063   Public/Institutional (P/I)
   150.064   Light Industrial (LI)
   150.065   Heavy Industrial (HI)
   150.066   Overlay Districts; Historic District
   150.067   Parking Overlay District (P-1)
   150.068   Recreational Vehicle Parks and/or Subdivisions
   150.069   Planned Unit Development (PUD)
   150.070   Territory Square (TS)
Part 1. General Provisions
   150.080   Reserved
   150.081   Reserved
   150.082   Abandoned or junked vehicles
Part 2. Outdoor Lighting Control
   150.083   Intent
   150.084   Conformance with applicable codes
   150.085   Approved material and methods of installation
   150.086   Permanent exemptions; nonconforming fixtures
   150.087   Request for temporary exemptions
   150.088   Appeal for temporary exemption
   150.089   Procedures for code compliance
   150.090   General requirements
   150.091   Prohibitions
Part 3. Sign Regulations
   150.092   Purpose, scope and authority
   150.093   Applicability
   150.094   Definitions
   150.095   Exemptions
   150.096   Prohibited commercial signs
   150.097   Prohibited sign locations
   150.098   Standards, limitations and requirements for all signs
   150.099   Signs for employment/commercial and mixed-use districts
   150.100   Signs for residential districts
   150.101   Comprehensive sign plan required
   150.102   Submittal and permit requirements
   150.103   Exceptions; permits not required
   150.104   Legal nonconforming signs
   150.105   Signs rendered nonconforming
   150.106   Abandoned signs
   150.107   Unsafe signs
   150.108   Enforcement and penalties
Part 4. Landscape Standards
   150.131   Standards
   150.132   General applicability
   150.133   Building and occupancy permits
   150.134   Appropriate use of landscaping
   150.135   Maintenance
   150.136   Compliance
   150.137   Maintenance by Town
   150.138   Landscape plan and design standards
   150.139   Design criteria pertaining to specific districts or uses
   150.140   Planting specifications
   150.141   Approval by Planning Director
   150.142   Landscaped areas
   150.143   Enforcement
   150.144   Alternate materials
   150.145   Inspection and approval
   150.146   Residential landscape design standards
Part 5. Walls and Fences
   150.147   General applicability
   150.148   Placement regulations
   150.149   Design, construction, maintenance and development standards
   150.150   Barbed wire and electric fences
Part 6. Swimming Pools
   150.151   General applicability
   150.152   Location
   150.153   Enclosures and gates
   150.154   Exceptions
   150.155   Permit, inspection and maintenance
Part 7. Parking; Loading and Unloading
   150.156   Parking; loading and unloading
Part 8. Additional Height and Area Regulations and Expectations
   150.168   Height
   150.169   Sight triangle
   150.170   Exception to height restrictions
   150.171   Structures near airplane runway or landing strip
   150.172   Exception to minimum property size, lot size and lot width requirements
   150.173   Adjustment of front yard requirements in all zoning districts
   150.174   Accessory buildings
   150.175   Projections into required yards
   150.176   Access
   150.177   Maintenance of common areas
   150.178   Required screening
   150.179   Special uses
Part 9. Wireless Communications Facilities
   150.180   Purpose
   150.181   Administrative review and approval
   150.182   Required information
   150.183   Design criteria
   150.184   Replacement and/or rebuilding of wireless communications towers
Part 1. General Provisions
   150.200   Purpose
   150.201   Intent
   150.202   Compliance
   150.203   Modifications
Part 2. Platting Procedures
   150.204   Subdivision application procedures
   150.205   Outline of procedures
Stage I. Pre-application
   150.206   Pre-application conference
   150.207   Actions by developer
   150.208   Actions by the Site Plan Review Committee
   150.209   Notice to proceed
   150.210   Reservation of certain areas
Stage II. Preliminary Plat
   150.211   Application
   150.212   Procedures and requirements
   150.213   Information required
   150.214   Submittal
   150.215   Guidance for corner lots
   150.216   Easements
   150.217   Basic design requirements
   150.218   Review
   150.219   Approval
   150.220   Significance of preliminary approval
Stage III. Technical Review
   150.222   Submittal
   150.223   Approval
   150.224   Engineering plan and specification submission
Stage IV. Final Plat
   150.225   Scope
   150.226   Preparation
   150.227   Information required
   150.228   Certification
   150.229   Zoning
   150.230   Easements
   150.231   Submittal
   150.232   Review
   150.233   Approval
   150.234   Performance contract
   150.235   Land survey minimum standards
   150.236   Map requirements
Part 3. Design Standards
   150.237   Generally
   150.238   Street location and arrangement
   150.239   Adoption of public works standards, specifications and regulations
   150.240   Block design
   150.241   Lot planning
   150.242   Easement planning
   150.243   Hillside subdivisions
   150.244   Special preliminary plat requirements
   150.245   Plat processing time
   150.246   Landscaping
Part 4. Required Improvements
   150.248   Purpose
   150.249   Improvement districts
   150.250   Engineering plans
   150.251   Construction and inspection
   150.252   Storm drainage
   150.253   Sanitary sewage disposal
   150.254   Water facilities requirements
   150.255   Garbage disposal
   150.256   Fire hydrants
   150.257   Monuments
   150.258   Lot corner
   150.259   Street lights
   150.260   Utilities, electric and telephone
   150.261   Traffic control signs
   150.262   Street naming
   150.263   As-built drawings
   150.264   Planned Unit Developments
   150.265   Lot splits not requiring a subdivision
   150.266   Minor subdivision
   150.267   Special submission conditions for minor subdivisions
Development Impact Fees
   150.280   Development impact fees
Technical Codes
   150.300   Codes adopted
   150.301   Board of Appeals
   150.999   Penalty