(A)   Purpose. The purpose of the professional office zone is intended to provide a mix of finance, insurance and real estate and other uses that require an office setting primarily located in the town core area.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the PO zoning district:
      (1)   Business college, limited to the teaching of office and business practices and skills;
      (2)   Office, business;
      (3)   Office, professional;
      (4)   Optician, limited to prescription work only;
      (5)   Physiotherapist;
      (6)   Studio for professional work or teaching of any form of commercial or fine arts, photography, music, drama, dance, but not including commercial gymnasium, dance hall or job printing;
      (7)   Hospitals for animals including boarding and lodging; provided there shall be no open kennels maintained and provided and all facilities will be in soundproof buildings;
      (8)   Church;
      (9)   Community center, public;
      (10)   Recreation and park facility, public;
      (11)   Accessory buildings (see § 150.258 for property development standards) and uses, including recreation building, private swimming pool, home occupation and model home;
      (12)   Art gallery;
      (13)   Pharmacy, prescription, limited to pharmaceuticals only;
      (14)   Banks, finance offices and lending institutions;
      (15)   School, elementary or secondary, meeting all requirements of the compulsory education laws of the state; and
      (16)   Telephone answering service.
   (C)   Conditional uses. The following uses may be permitted subject to a conditional use permit (see § 150.015):
      (1)   Park, playground and community owned buildings;
      (2)   Public utility buildings, structures or appurtenances thereto for public service uses;
      (3)   Public or institutional buildings, such as hospitals, fire stations and police stations, YMCA and Boys and Girls Club; and
      (4)   Daycare center and/or nursery.
   Because no list of uses can be complete, decisions on unspecified uses will be rendered by the Planning and Zoning Commission with appeal to the Town Council.
   (D)   Property development standards. (See §§ 150.164 through 150.184 for additional standards and exceptions.)
      (1)   Setbacks.
Land Use
Minimum Yard Setbacks
Lot Coverage
Side Street
20 feet *
10 feet/0 **
20 feet/10 **
10 feet
** The front ten feet of which shall be maintained as open space, except that access drives may penetrate the open space.
** If alleyway or similar is provided.
      (2)   Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum Site Area
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
Maximum Height
4 acres
½ acres
200 feet
100 feet
35 feet
   (E)   Off-street parking. The provisions of § 150.156 shall apply. In addition, parking shall be allowed in the rear ten feet of the front yard only if it is screened from the street by a solid wall, fence or landscape screen, a minimum of three feet in height.
(Prior Code, Ch. 4, Art. III, § 4-63) (Ord. 432-06, passed 6-19-2006)