(A) The purpose of design review is to:
(1) Promote development consistent with the town’s codes, policies, guidelines, zoning regulations and overall goals and vision per the town’s general plan;
(2) Ensure that development is compatible and in character with the surrounding area;
(3) Provide an opportunity to address site plan, architectural, engineering and other development issues at a preliminary level, as requested by the Technical Advisory Committee, to facilitate the subsequent preparation of construction plans, and to assist in expediting permitting and development activities; and
(4) Allow an opportunity to review the aesthetic and functional aspects of a proposed development or project.
(B) Projects within planned unit developments, including single-family homes; multiple-family developments, including condominiums and townhomes; office; commercial; mixed-use; institutional; and industrial projects, are subject to the design review process if any one of the following requirements is met:
(1) Project or development includes new or modified vertical (above grade) development or construction components, including permanent signs, that require a building permit, except as noted in divisions (C) and (D) below; and/or
(2) Project includes new or modified horizontal project components, such as parking areas, driveways, circulation areas, landscape areas, outdoor storage areas, retention basins, parks and/or similar site elements, except as noted in divisions (C) and (D) below.
(C) Grading plans, civil improvement plans, underground utility installations and similar projects, as may be determined by the Community Development Director, are exempt from the design review process.
(D) Interior remodels or tenant improvements that do not alter the exterior dimensions or physical appearance of a structure and/or the historical integrity of a structure within the town’s historic district, are exempt from the design review process.
(E) Applications for design review shall be submitted to the Community Development Department and shall contain, where applicable:
(1) Completed design review application forms and fee;
(2) An accurate site plan drawn at an appropriate scale showing the boundaries and dimensions of the site, acreage of the site, a north arrow, existing zoning of the site and contiguous property, dimensions and center-lines of all streets, dimensions of all alleys and easements bounding or touching the site, dimensions from all street center lines to existing curb, gutter, sidewalk, water lines, sewer lines and irrigation lines, location, dimensions, director and bearing of any major physical features such as railroads or drainage ways and existing topographic contours at intervals of not more than two feet, or in a manner acceptable to the Community Development Director;
(3) Parcel data, including parcel number and/or legal description; lot dimensions; setbacks; floor area ratio; building heights; lot coverage; and other relevant data as applicable to the proposed development. Calculations shall be tabulated on the map for storm water retention, parking spaces, number of dwelling units, compute density of dwelling units as provided in the town general plan, area of open space, building floor area by category of use and percentage and area of coverage of the site;
(4) Building elevations;
(5) Proposed location of open space and recreational facilities on the site, location and type of landscaping, location and height of screen walls, and location and specifications for any other proposed features of development contributing to the use of the site and to the compatability of the proposed development with the surrounding area;
(6) Preliminary grading and drainage plan for site and development context showing all proposed public dedications, if any, within the site. Site plan shall also include the proposed location, proposed grading and drainage, dimensions and use of all buildings, structures and signs to be located on the site;
(7) Materials and colors exhibits;
(8) Signage plan;
(9) Location, quantity and typical stall dimensions of off-street parking and loading facilities, points of ingress to and egress from the site, including width of curb cuts, water, sewer, electric, gas and other public and private utility line sizes and locations, internal circulation, refuse collection areas, fire lanes and fire hydrants, off-site improvements and street lighting; and
(10) Other ancillary documentation required to complete the review as supported by applicable town code and guidelines.
(F) Town staff shall review the design review application for the following:
(1) The proposed development complies with all provisions of this Development Code and all other ordinances, master plans, general plans, guidelines, goals, objectives and standards of the town;
(2) Building heights, building locations, access points and parking areas of the proposed development will not negatively impact adjacent properties or the surrounding neighborhood;
(3) The proposed development promotes a functional relationship of structures to one another, to open spaces and to topography, both on the site and in the surrounding neighborhood;
(4) The height, location, materials, color, texture, area, setbacks and mass, as well as parts of any structure (buildings, walls, signs and lighting) and landscaping is appropriate to the development, the neighborhood and the community;
(5) Ingress, egress, internal and external traffic circulation, off-street parking facilities, loading and service areas, and pedestrian ways are designed as to promote safety and convenience;
(6) The architectural character of the proposed structure is in harmony with, and compatible to, structures in the neighboring environment and the architectural character desired for the town; avoiding excessive variety or monotonous repetition; and
(7) All mechanical equipment, appurtenances and utility lines are concealed from view and integral to the building and site design.
(G) Town staff will review the design review application materials to determine if the design review application falls within the final decision making authority of the town staff for an administrative decision, or if the application requires final action by the Planning and Zoning Commission and/or the Historic District Advisory Committee.
(H) Design review applications reviewed administratively by town staff shall include applications for:
(1) Standard architectural plans for single-family, two-family, and three-family attached production homes, attached signs, except where required by the planned unit development or comprehensive sign plan or within the historic district;
(2) Landscaping, parks and recreational fields, except for commercial recreational facilities; and/or
(3) Projects on less than one acre and/or involving less than 10,000 square feet of floor/building area, except for projects within the historic district.
(I) Design review applications can be approved, approved with conditions, or denied. Design review decisions rendered by town staff are administrative and can be appealed within 15 calender days from the date of the decision to the Planning and Zoning Commission.
(J) A design review applications that receive an administrative determination are subject to appeal pursuant to division (I) above, and shall be forwarded for consideration and recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission shall hear the application at a scheduled meeting, shall review the findings of staff, and shall either:
(1) Approve the application;
(2) Deny the application; or
(3) Approve the application with conditions.
(K) If the application is found to be lacking, or in noncompliance with any of the items of this Development Code, and adequate resolution cannot be ensured by the applicant, the application shall be denied, and the applicant shall be provided a written response by the Community Development Department, stating the reasons for denial. The applicant may appeal the Planning and Zoning Commission’s decision to the Council within 15 calender days of the decision. The appeal letter shall describe the unresolved issues and describe what design solutions are proposed by the applicant. The applicant shall be notified of the date of the Town Council meeting to consider the appeal a minimum of 15 calender days prior to the public meeting. The decision of the Town Council shall be final.
(Prior Code, Ch. 4, Art. V, § 4-461) (Ord. 432-06, passed 6-19-2006; Ord. 605-13, passed 2-3-2014; Ord. 689-20, passed 4-6-2020)