(A)   Creation and composition. The Technical Advisory Committee (hereinafter “Committee” or “TAC”) is created and shall consist of the Town Manager, Community Development Director, Building Official, Town Engineer, Senior Planner, Economic Development Director, Fire Chief, Police Chief and the Public Works Director, or their designees. The TAC may also include members of utility companies and agencies impacted by the specific request at hand.
   (B)   Conflict. When any Committee member has direct pecuniary or proprietary interest in any matter before the Committee, the member shall be excused and refrain from participating in voting on any matters over which the conflict occurs while being considered by the Committee.
   (C)   Meetings. Meetings shall be at the call of the Community Development Director, or designee, or on an as-needed basis. Minutes showing the actions of the Committee shall be compiled, distributed to Committee members and a copy shall be kept in the Community Development Department. The Community Development Director, or designee, shall serve as Chairperson to the Committee and a person designated by the Community Development Director shall serve as Secretary.
   (D)   Intent. The Committee review of development plans and proposals is intended to provide guidance and direction to a prospective applicant, developer or builder in order to achieve site development that conforms with the town’s general plan, Town Code and regulations and its goals for quality development in the community. Technical review is intended to promote safe, attractive, harmonious and compatible development within the town and is, therefore, considered to be in the interest of the public health, safety and general welfare. Complete submittal requirements for technical review are outlined for the various applications and procedures referenced throughout this Development Code. Additional information and exhibits may be required to explain the full scope and impacts of a proposal. Additional information and exceptions to the minimum submittal requirements are subject to the discretion of the Community Development Director.
   (E)   Powers, duties and jurisdiction. The Committee shall have power to recommend, conditionally recommend or deny any application, not in compliance with this Development Code. The applicant shall be responsible for proving that the intent and purpose of this Development Code and other applicable provisions of the Town Code will be satisfied.
      (1)   The Committee, upon hearing an application, may impose reasonable conditions to carry out the intent of this Development Code. Violation of any of these conditions shall be considered a violation of this Development Code, and shall render any permit null and void.
      (2)   Prior to development, construction, remodel, change or alteration of any project subject to technical review, the property owner or designated agent shall secure written approval from the Community Development Director or designee. Technical review is required for design review applications, multi-family projects, manufactured home subdivisions, recreational vehicle parks, commercial and industrial developments, public facilities, public and private utilities and other uses identified in zoning districts as required by this Development Code.
   (F)   Review. The Committee shall review and comment on all residential development which contain four or more dwelling units, commercial or industrial developments and businesses or buildings which do not constitute a subdivision.
(Prior Code, Ch. 4, Art. I, § 4-11) (Ord. 432-06, passed 6-19-2006; Ord. 689-20, passed 4-6-2020)