(A)   LEGAL NONCONFORMING SIGNS shall mean a sign that is lawfully existing at the time of the enactment of this Development Code that does not conform to the regulations as specified in this Sign Code.
   (B)   A legal nonconforming sign may continue to be utilized in perpetuity only in the manner and to the extent that it existed at the time of the adoption of this Sign Code or any amendment thereto.
   (C)   A legal nonconforming sign may not be altered in any manner not in conformance with this Sign Code. This does not apply to reasonable repair and maintenance of the sign or to a change of copy provided that by changing the copy, structural alterations are not required.
   (D)   Any construction permit that invokes certificate of occupancy requirements shall specify and require that any nonconforming sign located within the boundaries of the development site and within the limits of the applicant's control, shall be brought into conformance with the provisions of this Sign Code. This may include removal if the sign is now classified as a prohibited sign.
   (E)   Legal nonconforming signs located on a parcel of property that is severed from a larger parcel of property and acquired by a public entity for public use by condemnation, purchase or dedication may be relocated on the remaining parcel. Said relocation shall not extinguish the legal nonconforming status of that sign provided that the nonconforming sign:
      (1)   Is not increased in area or height to exceed the limits of the district in which it is located;
      (2)   Remains structurally unchanged except for reasonable repairs or alterations;
      (3)   Is placed in the most similar position on the remaining property that it occupied prior to the relocation; and
      (4)   Is relocated in a manner so as to comply with all applicable safety requirements.
   (F)   After relocation pursuant to this division, the legal nonconforming sign shall be subject to all provisions of this Sign Code in its new location.
(Ord. 667-19, passed 11-18-2019)