§ 150.214 SUBMITTAL.
   (A)   Fifteen copies of the preliminary plat not exceeding two feet by three feet in size and required supporting data prepared in accordance with requirements set forth in § 150.015, shall be filed with the Planning Department at least 45 days prior to the Commission meeting at which the developer desires to be heard. Copies of the preliminary plat shall be reproduced in the format of blueline or blackline prints on a white background. One eight and one-half-inch by 11-inch transparent film positive reproduction and twenty eight and one-half-inch by 11-inch (copies) of the preliminary plat shall also be filed within five days of the date upon which the preliminary plat was filed. Scheduling of the case for the Commission hearing shall be dependent upon adequacy of data presented and completion of processing.
   (B)   The submittal shall be checked by the Planning Department for completeness and assigned a case number, if incomplete as to those requirements set forth in § 150.015, the submittal shall be rejected and the developer notified of the reasons for the rejection within five days of the date the preliminary plat was received.
   (C)   The preliminary plat must contain a compliance agreement whereby the developer agrees to comply with the Uniform Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction and Uniform Details for Public Works Construction, sponsored, amended and distributed by the Maricopa Association of Governments and approved by the Council as applicable to the subdivision. If the compliance agreement does not accompany the submittal, the preliminary plat submission will not be approved.
   (D)   A preliminary plat shows the approximate location of the street system, the approximate size and configuration of each lot and tract, and other information needed by the town to evaluate the proposed subdivision.
   (E)   At a minimum, the following information is required on all preliminary plat submittals:
      (1)   All maps need to conform to the land survey requirements shown in land survey minimum standards;
      (2)   Provide statements describing the existing zoning, gross subdivision area in acres, number of lots, minimum lot size and average lot size. A table is required on the plat showing all lot areas. Each tract, lot or public rights-of-way must have a note indicating its approximate area, the planned use and improvement, if any, and the agency responsible for maintaining the tract;
      (3)   Show the location and size of all existing easements, rights-of-way and manmade structures or facilities within the boundary of the proposed subdivision;
      (4)   Show the topography of the area to be subdivided under pre-development conditions. The portrayal of the topography must extend at least 150 feet outside the boundaries of the proposed subdivision. Use contour lines with the contour intervals listed below:
         (a)   Contours to be in one-foot intervals; and
         (b)   Within hillside areas (average cross-slope exceeding 10%): five-foot intervals.
      (5)   Indicate by arrows the location, direction and amount of flow of all natural washes and existing or planned manmade drainage channels which flow through, adjacent to or begin with the proposed development; and
      (6)   Show all lots, tracts and street rights-of-way planned within the subdivision. Number all lots sequentially and identify all tracts by letter, provide dimensions to indicate the sizes of all lots and tracts. Show required setback lines and proposed building envelopes (if used).
(Prior Code, Ch. 4, Art. V, §§ 4-389 and 4-390) (Ord. 432-06, passed 6-19-2006)