(A)   Purpose. The B-1 neighborhood business district is intended to allow for the development of basic commercial uses to serve the daily needs of a residential neighborhood. The size of any B-1 area should only be as large as is necessary to serve a given neighborhood. All B-1 areas should be located on a street of collector size or larger.
   (B)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted in the B-1 zone:
      (1)   Retail stores with sales only, not to exceed 10,000 square feet of gross floor area, individually and not to exceed 50,000 square feet in a commercial complex. Drive-through facilities and convenience uses require use permit approval;
      (2)   Restaurants and cafés not including entertainment, dancing, a bar for the serving of alcoholic beverages or drive-in types of restaurants;
      (3)   Grocery store, supermarket or drug store;
      (4)   Personal and household services such as barbers, beauty shops, health clubs and dry cleaners;
      (5)   Business and professional offices, banks and similar;
      (6)   Daycare center and/or nursery, nursery schools or private kindergartens; and
      (7)   Laundry limited to machines not exceeding a 25-pound capacity.
   (C)   Conditional uses. Conditional use permit required:
      (1)   Gasoline service station, provided the following criteria are met:
         (a)   All structures shall be of a unique design that is appropriate to the area in which they are constructed.
         (b)   The property adjacent to any street shall be landscaped to a minimum depth of 15 feet from the right-of-way line. This landscaped area may be penetrated by two access drives, 35 feet maximum width each per street.
         (c)   All indoor service areas shall have vehicular access doors that open only to an outdoor service area that is not on a street side of the building. The outdoor service area shall be completely enclosed by a solid wall or fence at least six feet in height, except for access openings no wider than 12 feet. There shall be no repair work done outside of the enclosed service areas.
         (d)   The minimum property size shall be 22,500 square feet.
         (e)   No driveway shall extend into the curb radius at a street intersection.
         (f)   All sources of artificial light shall be concealed from view, except for freestanding standards, which shall have translucent covers to diffuse the light and eliminate glare.
         (g)   All vending machines shall be within the building or an area that is screened from public view.
      (2)   Car wash, self-service or coin-operated, provided there is no conveyor belt or drying equipment as permitted in automobile laundry;
      (3)   Restaurant or café which include drive-up service;
      (4)   Indoor commercial recreation facilities;
      (5)   Small animal hospitals or clinics, confined to completely enclosed sound-attenuated facilities, subject to:
         (a)   Animals shall not be boarded or lodged except for short periods of observation incidental to care or treatment; and
         (b)   No kennel or exercise runs will be permitted.
   Because no list of uses can be exhaustive, decisions on unspecified uses shall be rendered by the Planning and Zoning Commission with appeal to the Town Council.
   (D)   Property development standards. (See §§ 150.164 through 150.184 for additional standards and exceptions.)
      (1)   Setbacks.
Interior Side
Street Side
20 feet
10 feet
12 feet
10 feet
      (2)   Area and bulk requirements.
Minimum Site Area
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Width
Minimum Lot Depth
Maximum Height
50 feet
75 feet
35 feet
   (E)   Off-street parking. The provisions of § 150.156 shall apply. In addition, parking shall be allowed in the rear ten feet of the front yard only if it is screened from the street by a solid wall, fence or landscape screen a minimum of three feet in height.
(Prior Code, Ch. 4, Art. III, § 4-58) (Ord. 432-06, passed 6-19-2006)