(A)   At street intersections in all zones and as an aid to permit safe movement of vehicles at or near street intersections, and in order to promote more adequate protection for the safety of children, pedestrians, operators of vehicles and for property, for proposed construction hereafter, there shall be limitations on the height of fences, walls, gateways, ornamental structures, hedges, shrubbery and other fixture construction and planting as follows.
   (B)   The barriers to clear, unobstructed vision at corners of intersecting streets shall be limited to a height of not over two feet above the established elevation of the nearest street line, for a distance of 25 feet along both the front and side lot lines, measured from the point of intersection of the intersecting property lines.
   (C)   Within the isosceles triangle formed as required in § 150.168(A) by connecting the ends of the respective 25-foot distances, all the fixtures, construction, hedges, shrubbery and other plantings shall be limited to a height not over three feet above the elevation of the street line level at the intersecting streets.
   (D)   Within the triangle, in cases where yards are terraced, the ground elevation of the front yards shall not exceed two feet above the established street line elevation at the intersecting streets.
(Prior Code, Ch. 4, Art. IV, § 4-282) (Ord. 432-06, passed 6-19-2006)