(A)   Except as otherwise provided in this sign code, it shall be unlawful to construct or maintain a sign in an employment/commercial and mixed-use district in violation of the specifications and requirements of this sign code.
   (B)   Wall signs.
      (1)   The maximum cumulative sign area of wall signs shall be calculated at one square foot of sign area per linear foot of building frontage. A minimum cumulative sign area of 16 square foot shall be permitted in the event a building frontage is less than 16 feet. A maximum cumulative sign area of 250 square feet shall not be exceeded.
      (2)   Marquee, blade, shingle, canopy, projecting and other related types of signage shall be considered wall signage and will be counted in the cumulative allowable square footage.
      (3)   Each drive through restaurant lane may be permitted one preview menu board and one ordering menu board. These signs may be freestanding (refer to subsection (D) for freestanding sign requirements) or wall mounted and shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from the street property line and the board(s) shall be screened and oriented in a manner as to not be visible from the adjacent public streets. Call box speakers shall be directed away from adjacent residential zoned land and residences. The maximum aggregate sign area for both signs (per lane) shall not exceed 50 square feet or a maximum height of eight feet per sign. These signs shall not be included in calculating the total aggregate sign area for signage allowed on a parcel, lot or for a particular business.
      (4)   Wall signage may be located on any building elevation.
      (5)   Wall signage shall not extend horizontally a distance greater than 80 percent of the width of the building wall on which it is displayed.
      (6)   Wall signs shall not extend above or beyond the wall or roof line.
      (7)   Wall signs may be internally or externally illuminated provided such illumination meets the requirements of the Sign Code and the town's Development Code.
      (8)   Wall signs shall not be digital.
   (C)   Window signs. The total sign area of all window signs for a business shall not exceed 25%of the total area of all windows located on the same wall plane for that business in the building. Wall planes with an offset or break in the wall plane in excess of six feet shall be considered separate wall planes. Window signs shall include any advertisement display visible from the exterior of the building and located within six feet of the window through which the advertisement is visible. Permits are not required for any window signs, and window signs are not governed by or counted against sign area or number limitations. Window signs must, however, conform to other standards, requirements and limitations in this Sign Code.
   (D)   Freestanding signs.
      (1)   Up to one freestanding sign is allowed for each building frontage. No business shall have more than two freestanding signs, except as allowed by an approved comprehensive sign plan (refer to § 150.101). Freestanding signs may be monument signs or pylon signs finished in a manner that architecturally integrates the sign with the architectural theme of the site.
      (2)   Sign height.
         (a)   The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall not exceed 15 feet for any property with building frontage along State Highway 287, State Highway 79, excluding 79B, or Hunt Highway. The maximum height of any freestanding sign shall not exceed ten feet for any property with building frontage along a current or planned collector or arterial roadway, except as noted in the preceding sentence. In all other cases, the maximum height of any freestanding sign shall not exceed eight feet.
         (b)   The width of the sign base shall not be greater than ten feet.
         (c)   The architectural elements of the sign are included in the height calculation.
      (3)   Sign area.
         (a)   The maximum sign area of a freestanding sign shall be:
            1.   Up to 32 square feet for a sign that is eight feet or less in height;
            2.   Up to 40 square feet for a sign over eight feet in height, but under ten feet in height; and
            3.   Up to 55 square feet for a sign over ten feet in height and up to 15 feet in height.
         (b)   The architectural elements of the sign are excluded from the sign area calculation, but not the maximum height restrictions.
      (4)   Each drive through restaurant lane may be permitted one preview menu board and one ordering menu board. These signs may be freestanding or wall (refer to subsection (C) for wall sign requirements) mounted and shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from the street property line and the board(s) shall be screened and oriented in a manner as to not be visible from the adjacent public streets. Call box speakers shall be directed away from adjacent residential zoned land and residences. The maximum aggregate area for both signs (per lane) shall not exceed 50 square feet or a maximum height of eight feet per sign. These signs shall not be included in calculating the total aggregate area for signage allowed on a parcel, lot or for a particular business.
      (5)   Freestanding signs shall maintain a distance of at least 200 linear feet apart on the same parcel or at least 50 linear feet on different parcels. In the event the minimum spacing distances are found to be unachievable through the site plan and design review process, a lesser dimension may be approved.
      (6)   All freestanding signs and sign structures must contain similar architectural elements and materials visually compatible with related buildings on the site. All supports used as a part of freestanding sign structures shall be covered/wrapped and architecturally integrated with the structure.
      (7)   Freestanding signs must be located at least five feet from all property lines, easements and/or rights-of-way, except where such placement may be allowed with a right-of-way permit.
      (8)   Freestanding signs must not be located within any sight distance or sight triangle areas defined by the Town of Florence.
      (9)   Freestanding signs may be internally or externally illuminated provided such illumination meets the requirements of the Sign Code and the town's Development Code.
      (10)   In addition to all of the other limitations, standards and requirements for freestanding signs, if one or more of the permitted freestanding signs is proposed to be digital, they shall be subject to the following limitations, standards and requirements:
         (a)   Digital signs shall be prohibited in the Historic District;
         (b)   One digital sign per site and such sign shall be considered as one of the allowed freestanding signs and be subject to all of the requirements for freestanding signs, as well as the requirements set forth in this section;
         (c)   The use of fade, dissolve, travel, message sequencing or scrolling is prohibited for signs over 32 square feet;
         (d)   The use of video display, flashing or blinking is prohibited for any digital sign;
         (e)   Digital signs must contain a minimum constant display of no less than eight seconds. Maximum time allowed for messages to change is one second;
         (f)   Digital displays shall not operate at brightness levels of more than 0.3-foot candles above ambient light, as measured using a foot-candle meter at a pre-set distance depending on sign area. The pre-set distances to measure the foot-candles shall be calculated by the square root of the sign area times 100. Example using a 12 square-foot sign: measurement distance = (12 x 100) = 34.6 feet. The measurement distance can be rounded to the nearest whole number;
         (g)   Digital signs shall be sited in a manner that the intensity or brilliance does not interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device or signal;
         (h)   The digital sign shall include photo-sensors to provide automatic intensity adjustment based on ambient lighting conditions;
         (i)   Signs with a digital component shall consist of one unit;
         (j)   Digital signs shall maintain a distance of at least 200 linear feet apart on the same parcel or at least 50 linear feet on different parcels. In the event the minimum spacing distances are found to be unachievable through the site plan and design review process, a lesser dimension may be approved; and
         (k)   The closest distance separation from any property zoned for single-family residential uses shall be a minimum of 300 feet.
   (E)   Temporary signs.
      (1)   Banners, pennants and displays for grand openings and special events.
         (a)   All businesses shall be permitted to display grand opening signs at the time of original opening or when reopened by a new owner or lessee for a maximum period of 30 days.
         (b)   Banners, pennants and other displays for special events may be allowed for a maximum period of 30 consecutive days on each occasion, with the exception of grand opening or reopening signs. A minimum of 30 consecutive days shall pass between each special event banner, pennants or related display.
         (c)   No pennant, banner or display shall be placed on or above the roof of any building.
         (d)   For special events and promotions, the maximum banner size shall be 48 square feet, and shall be limited to one per street frontage of the business.
         (e)   For grand openings, the maximum banner size shall be 48 square feet, and shall be limited to one per street frontage of the business.
         (f)   Banners and pennants shall be displayed on the building or within the parking area, perimeter landscape or some other on-site area.
         (g)   No banner or pennant sign shall be located in a manner that impedes visibility or accessibility.
      (2)   Off-premise advertising signs.
         (a)   An A-frame sign shall be no greater than three feet in width and four feet in height.
         (b)   A-frame signs shall be limited to one per street frontage of the business and one additional sign located off-premise within 500 feet of the business.
            1.   The off-premise advertising sign is restricted to placement on private property only and must have written property owners permission to locate on their property.
            2.   The off-premise advertising sign may be an A-frame or bandit sign.
         (c)   A BANDIT SIGN is defined as having less than six square feet and is made of a variety of materials such as vinyl, paper, corrugated plastic, poster board, plastic core, cardboard, wood, or plywood; and includes signs with wood or wire framing, posts, or stakes.
         (d)   A-frame signs may only be displayed during posted hours the business is open to conduct business.
         (e)   A-frame signs must include the name of the business being advertised.
         (f)   A-frame signs shall be located at grade level.
         (g)   A-frame signs placed along the immediate adjacent right-of-way shall be located behind curb or edge of pavement and maintain a minimum of a four foot pedestrian path to accommodate ADA.
            1.   In no event shall two A-frame signs be located closer than ten feet to one another.
            2.   Sight visibility triangles shall remain clear of all signage.
         (h)   A-frame signs shall not be located in parking aisles or parking stalls, in raised or painted medians; where they may present a hazard or impede pedestrian traffic; in driving lanes; or on fences, boulders, planters, on other signs, on vehicles, on utility facilities or any structure.
         (i)   A-frame signs shall be professionally constructed and maintained in a manner free from chipping paint, cracks, gouges, and/or loss of letters.
            1.   Sign materials should be either wood or metal (not flat sheet siding).
            2.   Materials such as plastic, foam, paper, cardboard, laminated paper, or vinyl are discouraged.
            3.   Recycled products may be considered provided they have a similar design effect as wood or metal.
            4.   A-frame signs shall be made to be secure and shall not blow or move in the wind.
            5.   Balloons of any type are prohibited.
         (j)   A-frame signs shall not be permanently affixed to the ground or chained to anything.
         (k)   No sign shall detract from the historic character of the Main Street Historic District or otherwise be a visual/physical nuisance.
            1.   Challenges to design compatibility within the Town of Florence Historic District shall be referred to the Historic District Advisory Commission (HDAC) for review.
         (l)   Any business not in compliance with existing sign requirements shall not be permitted an A-frame sign.
         (m)   A-frame signs shall not include any form of illumination, animation, reflective materials or sound emitting devices; except for downward facing integral or attached solar fixture, or internal, backlit, non-moving screen.
         (n)   A-frame signs shall not lean against the building or any other structure but must be self-supportive.
         (o)   A-frame signs shall have an open base, with cut-outs or legs.
         (p)   Periodic special events sponsored or authorized by the Town of Florence are exempt from these regulations.
      (3)   Construction or development signs.
         (a)   One sign may be posted on the lot or parcel where the construction or repair will be conducted. The sign area shall be a maximum of 32 square feet and a maximum height of eight feet above finished grade.
         (b)   Signs shall be allowed from three months preceding physical site construction or development to one month after the completion of construction or issuance of a certificate of occupancy, whichever occurs first.
(Ord. 667-19, passed 11-18-2019)