§ 27-644.   Kennel.
   1.   Minimum lot area: two acres.
   2.   All animal boarding buildings that are not wholly enclosed and outdoor animal pens, stalls, or runways shall be located within the rear yard area and shall be a minimum of 100 feet from all property lines.
   3.   All animals must be housed within a common structure except while exercising.
   4.   All pasture and outdoor recreational areas shall be enclosed to prevent the escape of animals; all such enclosures shall be set back least ten feet from all property lines.
   5.   Satisfactory evidence must be presented to indicate that adequate disposal of animal waste will be provided in a manner that will not create a public health hazard or nuisance.
   6.   Provided no veterinary facilities are located on the property, the Township Sewage Enforcement Officer may and shall certify the adequacy of an on-lot wastewater system to handle the additional volume generated by the kennel in those areas dependent on on-lot wastewater systems. Otherwise a permit shall be obtained from DEP's Bureau of Water Quality Management as required by the Clean Streams Law, 35 P.S. §659.101 et seq.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)