A drive-through shall be permitted as an accessory use to any new or lawfully existing commercial establishment such as a bank, restaurant, or retail establishment subject to the following applicable requirements:
A. All drive-through window lanes shall be separated from the parking lot's interior driveways and parking spaces.
B. Any exterior speaker/microphone system and/or menu board shall be arranged and/or screened to prevent objectionable noise and/or light impact on adjoining properties.
C. A 20-foot bufferyard shall be provided when the drive-through window service or menu board is directly adjacent to a residential use.
D. Sufficient stacking lanes shall be provided to prevent vehicle backups on adjoining roads or adversely impacting internal parking lot circulation.
E. Sufficient temporary parking spaces needed to accommodate the queue for the drive-through shall be added in addition to the required number of parking spaces for the principal use.
F. Multiple lanes: Where parallel lanes for additional windows or menu boards are proposed, additional stacking in the window lane shall be provided at two additional vehicles for each window/menu board. Each lane where the window/menu board is located shall meet the minimum width.
G. Minimum width: The approach, required stacking area, and drive-through lane shall be no less than 12 feet.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)