1. Minimum lot size: ten acres. In the agriculture district this use shall equal five residential lots.
2. All animals, except while exercising or pasturing, shall be confined to a building erected for that purpose.
3. All stalls shall be maintained so as to minimize odors.
4. All outdoor training or show facilities or areas shall be set back at least 50 feet from all property lines.
5. All outdoor training, show, riding, boarding or pasture areas shall be enclosed by a minimum four-foot high fence which may be located up to, but not on, the property line.
6. Adequate off-street parking shall be provided as determined by a review of the number of stalls and activities proposed. All parking areas shall be set back at least ten feet from any property line.
7. All animal wastes shall be properly stored and disposed of in a manner that will not create a public health hazard or nuisance. No animal wastes shall be stored within the required setback areas.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)