§ 27-673.   Service Station or Convenience Store Dispensing Fuel.
   1.   Minimum Setbacks from Street Right-of-Way Lines.
      A.   Pumps: 15 feet.
      B.   Building: 40 feet
   2.   Access Drives.
      A.   Minimum offset from intersection of street right-of-way lines: 40 feet.
      B.   Side lot line offset: ten feet.
      C.   Minimum width: 12 feet.
      D.   Maximum width: 35 feet.
      E.   Minimum separation of drives on same lot: 25 feet.
   3.   Except along access drives, a concrete curb eight inches in height must be placed along all street right-of-way lines.
   4.   Illumination shall be in accordance with §27-509 of this Chapter.
   5.   No outdoor stockpiling of tires or outdoor storage of trash permitted. An area enclosed by a wall or fence, screened from view of adjoining properties, shall be provided whenever outdoor storage is required. No materials may be stored so as to create a fire hazard. Storage of materials shall conform to all applicable State and Federal regulations.
   6.   At least 10% of the lot on which the service station situated must be devoted to landscaping.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)