§ 27-622.   Conservation-Based Design.
   1.   Purpose. The purpose of the Conservation Based Design development is to permit procedure for development which will:
      A.   Promote more environmentally aware subdivision layout.
      B.   Encourage ingenuity and originality in site design.
      C.   Preserve environmentally sensitive areas.
   2.   Environmentally Sensitive Areas. All subdivision and or land development plans containing environmentally sensitive features as identified on the ESA Overlay District development in accordance with § 27-413 and § 27-627. All plans shall conform to the Environmental Overlay District regulations and map and all other applicable township regulatory ordinances.
   3.   Planning Standards. A Conservation Based Design subdivision must meet the following minimum requirements:
      A.   Permitted uses shall be in accordance with the applicable zoning district.
      B.   Public water and sewer shall be provided, unless the development is located outside the Designated Growth Area, in which case, on-lot disposal systems or a community-on-lot system shall be provided in compliance with Dover Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance Chapter 22, § 22-713 and Water, Sewer, and Sewage Disposal Chapter 26, § 26-156 and the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection requirements.
   4.   Tract Standards.
      A.   Minimum tract size shall be 15 acres for this section to apply.
      B.   Common Open Space. The following requirements shall apply to the common open space areas:
         (1)   Minimum Common Open Space shall be 20% of the total tract area.
         (2)   The following areas may not be calculated as part of the common open space: streets, private yards, minimum required spacing between buildings, recreation land required for dedication to the Township, parking areas and buffer areas on individual residential lots.
         (3)   The area shall be accessible to all residents. Pedestrian ways shall interconnect residential units and common open space areas.
         (4)   Common open space areas shall be designed as a continuous system of usable area, which is interspersed among residential groupings.
         (5)   Future development or sale of common open space shall be prohibited.
         (6)   Maintenance of Common Space and Buffer Yards. The developer must submit a detailed statement including covenants, agreement or specific documents showing the ownership, financial responsibility, and methods of maintenance and utilization of required common open space area and buffer yards within the development. Furthermore, the Township Solicitor shall review such documents to determine whether they adequately provide for the creation of a common open space area and its maintenance. The Township shall require that such documents provide that any alteration or amendment of the provisions establishing a common open space area or its maintenance cannot be accomplished without the express consent of the Township. Such documents creating the areas and providing for their maintenance shall not be altered or amended after the Township approval has been granted without the specific consent of the Township.
   5.   Conservation Subdivision Design. All subdivisions meeting the minimum tract size shall follow the four-step process in accordance with the Chapter 22 Dover Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance.
   6.   Walking Paths. Walking paths, sidewalks and or trail are required in all Conservation-Based Design developments. Such paths shall connect to adjacent neighborhoods, parks, existing paths, sidewalks or established greenway systems.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)