The Township of Dover hereby ordains:
Section 1. Adoption. The "Code of Ordinances, Township of Dover," as prepared and published for the said Township of Dover, is hereby adopted as a consolidation, codification and revision of the ordinances of the Township of Dover. Chapters 1 through 27 thereof contain the text of the body of all general administrative and regulatory ordinances of the Township of Dover organized as follows:
Chapter 1 Administration and Government
Chapter 2 [Reserved]
Chapter 3 [Reserved]
Chapter 4 Buildings
Chapter 5 Code Enforcement
Chapter 6 Conduct
Chapter 7 Fire Prevention and Fire Protection
Chapter 8 [Reserved]
Chapter 9 [Reserved]
Chapter 10 Health and Safety
Chapter 11 Housing
Chapter 12 [Reserved]
Chapter 13 Licenses, Permits and General Business Regulations
Chapter 14 Mobile Homes and Mobile Home Parks
Chapter 15 Motor Vehicles and Traffic
Chapter 16 Parks and Recreation
Chapter 17 [Reserved]
Chapter 18 [Reserved]
Chapter 19 Stormwater Management
Chapter 20 Solid Waste
Chapter 21 Streets and Sidewalks
Chapter 22 Subdivision and Land Development
Chapter 23 [Reserved]
Chapter 24 Taxation; Special
Chapter 25 [Reserved]
Chapter 26 Water, Sewer and Sewage Disposal
Chapter 27 Zoning
A Bond Issues and Loans
B Franchises and Services
C Governmental and Intergovernmental Affairs
D Plan Approval
E Public Property
F Sewers
G Streets and Sidewalks
H Water
I Zoning; Table of Reclassification
J Motor Vehicles and Traffic Provision
J1 Maximum Speed Limits Established Certain Streets
J2 No Passing Zones Established
J3 Stop Intersections Established
J4 Yield Intersections Established
J5 Vehicle Weight Limits Established on Certain Streets and Bridges
J6 Parking Prohibited at All Times in Certain Locations
J7 Parking Prohibited in Certain Locations, Certain Days and Hours
J8 Snow Emergency Routes
Table to the Disposition of All Ordinances
Table to the Disposition of Significant Resolutions
The Appendix of the volume lists, by subject matter, in chronological order, the titles (or an abstract of title) of enactments of special nature or of historical interest, for the complete text of which the official records of the Township of Dover shall be authorita tive.
Section 2. Citation and Effective Date. The codification referred to in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be known and cited officially as the "Township of Dover Code of Ordinances," and all future ordinances shall make reference thereto. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon publication of notice of final enactment as required by law.
Section 3. Saving Clause. The provisions of the Township of Dover Code of Ordinances, so far as they are the same as those ordinances and regulations in force immediately prior to the adoption of said Code, are intended as a continuation of such ordinances and regulations and not as a new enactment. The provisions of the Township of Dover Code of Ordinances shall not affect any suit or prosecution pending or to be instituted to enforce any of the prior ordinances or regulations.
Section 4. Consolidation and Revision. As a necessary part of codification, the following provisions are hereby consolidated and revised as indicated:
A. Consolidations.
Section | Subject | Ordinance No., Section |
15, Entire Chapter | Motor Vehicles and Traffic | 91-1, §§ 8.41-8.49, §§ 10.1-10.48, 93-2, Res. 93-15, 94-6, 95-12, 97-1, 98-1, 99-2, 99-4, 2000-1, 2000-4, 2001-3, 2004-01, 2004-04, 2004-15 |
B. Revisions.
Ordinance No., Section
[Reserved] |
Section 5. New Enactments, Amendments and Repeals. As a necessary part of codification, the following ordinances are hereby enacted, amended and repealed as summarized by short title:
A. New Enactments.
§§ 10-311 – 10-317 | Motor Vehicle Nuisances |
15, Entire Chapter | Motor Vehicles and Traffic |
§§ 26-181 – 26-186 | Grinder Pumps |
B. Amendments.
Ordinance No., Section
Ordinance No., Section
§ 1-102 | Appointment and Removal | 91-1, § 2.22 |
§ 1-106 | Powers and Duties | 91-1, § 2.26 |
§ 1-108 | Disability or Absence of the Manager | 91-1, § 2.28 |
§ 4-102 | Applicability | 91-1, § 3.2 |
§ 4-112 | Issuance of Building Permit | 91-1, § 3.12 |
§ 4-113 | Application Procedures | 91-1, § 3.13 |
§ 4-114 | Review by County Conservation Officer | 91-1, § 3.14 |
§ 4-115 | Review of Application by Others | 91-1, § 3.15 |
§ 4-116 | Changes | 91-1, § 3.16 |
§ 4-117 | Placard | 91-1, § 3.17 |
§ 4-119 | Inspection and Revocation | 91-1, § 3.19 |
§ 4-120 | Fees | 91-1, § 3.20 |
§ 4-121 | Enforcement | 91-1, § 3.21 |
§ 4-133 | Changes in Identification of Flood-Prone Areas | 91-1, § 3.33 |
§ 4-141 | General | 91-1, § 3.41 |
§ 4-142 | Elevation and Floodproofing Requirements | 91-1, § 3.42 |
§ 4-143 | Design and Construction Standards | 91-1, § 3.43 |
§ 4-145 | Development Which May Endanger Human Life | 91-1, § 3.45 |
§ 4-146 | Activities Requiring Special Permits | 91-1, § 3.46 |
§ 4-151 | Variances | 91-1, § 3.51 |
§ 4-161 | Existing Structures Within Flood-Prone Areas | 91-1, § 3.56 |
§ 4-181 | Fee | 91-1, § 3.71 |
§ 5-101 | Implementation of Uniform Construction Code | 2004-11 |
§ 6-105 | Penalties | 92-2, § 5 |
§ 7-101 | No Interference | 91-1, § 5.31 |
§ 7-102 | Engaging in Fire Prevention | 91-1, § 5.32 |
§ 7-103 | Violations | 91-1, § 5.33 |
§ 10-105 | Permit Fee | 91-1, § 5.45 |
§ 10-106 | Enforcement | 91-1, § 5.46 |
§ 10-211 | License Required; Fees | 91-1, § 7.11 |
§ 10-224 | Fencing and Screening Maintenance | 91-1, § 7.25 |
§ 10-231 | Penalties | 91-1, § 7.41 |
§ 10-305 | Authority of Police | 91-1, § 7.65 |
§ 10-307 | Penalty | 91-1, § 7.67 |
§ 10-401 | Restrictions and Regulations | 91-1, § 9.1 |
§ 10-402 | Removal, Trimming and Cutting of Grass, Weeds or Other Vegetation | 91-1, § 9.2 |
§ 10-403 | Notice of Violation | 91-1, § 9.3 |
§ 10-404 | Penalty and/or Fine for Violation | 91-1, § 9.4 |
§ 10-502 | Definitions | 92-3, § 2 |
§ 10-503 | Establishment of Drug-Free School Zones | 92-3, § 3 |
§ 10-505 | Penalties | 92-3, § 5 |
§ 11-101 | Persons Having Duty to Notify Township | 91-1, § 16.61 |
§ 11-102 | Fee | 91-1, § 16.62 |
§ 13-101 | Definitions | 91-1, § 15.1 |
§ 13-112 | License Application | 91-1, § 15.12 |
§ 13-113 | License Fee | 91-1, § 15.13 |
§ 13-116 | Hours | 91-1, § 15.16 |
§ 13-118 | Fixed Location Prohibited | 91-1, § 15.18 |
§ 13-119 | Records of Licenses | 91-1, § 15.19 |
§ 13-121 | Crying Wares, Using Noisemakers Prohibited | 91-1, § 15.21 |
§ 13-122 | Penalty | 91-1 |
§ 14-101 | Adoption | 97-10, § 1 |
§ 16-106 | Authority to Close Areas | 2003-07, § 6 |
§ 16-108 | Animal Defecation | 2003-07 |
§ 16-109 | Penalties | 2003-07, § 8 |
§ 19-201 | Definitions | 2004-05, § 201 |
§ 19-805 | Penalties | 2004-05, § 805 |
§ 20-109 | Collection Schedules | 2001-2, § 9 |
§ 20-113 | Billing and Payment Procedures | 2001-2,§ 13 |
§ 20-119 | Penalties | 2001-2, § 19 |
§ 20-203 | Establishment of Curbside Program | 96-10, § 16.73 |
§ 20-209 | Mandatory Source Separation of Leaves | 96-10, § 16.79 |
§ 20-210 | Mandatory Source Separation of Brush | 96-10 |
§ 20-218 | Penalties | 96-10, § 16.87 |
§ 21-104 | Maintenance of and Snow Removal from Sidewalks and Curbs | 91-1, § 4.4 |
§ 21-107 | Penalties | 91-1, § 4.6 |
§ 21-205 | Penalties | 91-1, § 4.25 |
§ 21-306 | Penalties | 94-9, § 6 |
§ 24-101 | Definitions | 91-1, 9-9-1991 |
§ 24-102 | Rate of Tax | 91-1, § 11.32 |
§ 24-103 | Declaration and Payment of Tax | 91-1, § 11.33 |
§ 24-104 | Collection at Source | 91-1, § 11.34 |
§ 24-106 | Compensation of Income Tax Officer | 91-1, § 11.36 |
§ 24-109 | Fines and Penalties | 91-1, § 11.39 |
§ 24-202 | Definitions | 91-1, § 11.82 |
§ 24-309 | Loss, Defacement or Destruction of License | 91-1, § 11.54 |
§ 24-310 | Penalty for Violation | 91-1, § 11.55 |
§ 24-411 | Fines and Penalties | 91-1, § 11.71 |
§ 24-511 | Fines and Penalties | 91-1, § 11.21 |
§ 24-702 | Eligible Taxes | 99-1, 1/11/1999, § 2 |
§ 26-101 | General Definitions | 97-7, § 12.1; 98-5, § 12.1 |
§ 26-106 | Connection to Water System | 97-7, § 12.2; 98-5, § 12.25 |
§ 26-109 | Reserved | 97-7, § 12.5; 98-5, § 12.24 |
§ 26-112 | Terms of Payment | 97-7, § 12.8; 98-5, § 12.25 |
§ 26-122 | Computations of Sewer Rentals or Charges | 97-7, § 12.17 |
§ 26-129 | Prohibited Wastes | 97-7, § 12.24 |
§ 26-130 | Industrial Wastes | 97-7, § 12.25 |
§ 26-136 | Building Sewers and Connections | 97-7, § 12.27 |
§ 26-137 | Rules and Regulations | 97-7, § 12.28 |
§ 26-138 | Inspections and Enforcement | 97-7, § 12.29 |
§ 26-172 | Penalties | 97-7, § 12.82 |
§ 26-265 | Enforcement Actions | 2004-14,§ 5 |
C. Repeals.
91-1, § 3.34 | Disputes |
91-1, §§ 3.81, 3.82 | Requirements Prior to Issuance of Building Permit |
91-1, §§ 3.91 – 3.93 | Fencing of Swimming Pools |
Section 6. Adoption of Standard Codes by Reference. As a necessary part of codification, the following ordinances are hereby enacted by reference as standard codes summarized by short title:
Short Title
[Reserved] |
Section 7. Land Use Amendments. The Township of Dover Code of Ordinances is hereby amended as is more fully shown in the complete text of Chapter 27 thereof which is attached hereto and made part hereof by reference hereto as if fully set out at length herein, with deletions shown by strike-through and additions shown by underline, all of which is briefly summarized hereinafter.
A. New Provisions. The following provisions are new provisions which are being added to the Code, are underlined throughout the text, and are summarized as follows:
| Subject |
[Reserved] |
B. Revised Provisions. The following provisions of the Code are revised, the text of which indicates deletions by strike-through and additions shown by underline, and are summarized as follows:
Section | Subject | Ordinance No., Section |
Section | Subject | Ordinance No., Section |
§ 22-202 | Terms Defined | 95-3, § 202; 97-9, § 202; 97-11, § 202; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-307 | Referral of Plans | 95-3, § 307; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-308 | Review of Plans | 95-3, § 308; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-401 | Sketch Plan (Option to Developer) | 95-3, § 401; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-503 | Feasibility Report of Sewer and Water Facilities | 95-3, § 503; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-601 | Plan Requirements | 95-3, § 601; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-702 | General Standards | 95-3, § 702; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-712 | Grading | 95-3, § 712; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-713 | Sewers and Water | 95-3, § 713; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-902 | Abrogation and Greater Restrictions | 95-3, § 902; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-903 | Design Standards and Improvements in Designated Floodplain Areas | 95-3, § 903; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-904 | Application Procedures and Requirements | 95-3, § 904; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-1003 | Design Standards | 95-3, § 1003; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-1005 | Ownership and Maintenance Program | 95-3, § 1005; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-1006 | Stormwater Management Construction Standards | 95-3, § 1006; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-1203 | As-Built Plan | 95-3, § 1203; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-1401 | Administration and Enforcement | 95-3, § 1401; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 22-1404 | Penalties | 95-3, § 1401; 2004-07, 2004-09 |
§ 27-202 | Terms Defined | 97-8, § 202; 2003-08, § 1.A; 2004-06; 2004-08; 2004-12, § 2 |
§ 27-414 | AH – Airport Hazard Overlay Section | 97-8, § 414; 2004-06; 2004-08 |
§ 27-604 | Adult-Oriented Facility | 97-8, § 604; 2004-06; 2004-08 |
§ 27-1101 | Permits | 97-8, § 1101; 2003-08, § 5; 2004-06; 2004-08 |
§ 27-1102 | Enforcement | 97-8, § 1102; 2004-06; 2004-08 |
§ 27-1110 | Penalties | 97-8, § 1110; 2004-06; 2004-08 |
C. Repealed Provisions. The following provisions of the Code are repealed, the text of which indicates deletions by strike-through, and are as follows:
Ordinance No., Section
[Reserved] |
Section 8. Procedural Changes. The following minor procedural changes have been made to existing Township of Dover ordinances:
A. Grammatical and spelling errors have been corrected where necessary;
B. Minor changes have been made to correct obsolete terms and usages;
C. The penalty provisions have been revised where necessary to comply with the Pennsylvania Township Code, Vehicle Code, Municipalities Planning Code and the Local Tax Enabling Act.
Section 9. Amending the Code of Ordinances. The procedure for amending the Code of Ordinances shall include the citation of the Chapter, Part, Section and subsection to be amended, revised, repealed or added as follows:
A. Amendment or Revision - "Chapter ___, Part ___, Section ___, Subsection ___ is hereby amended [revised] to read as follows..."
B. Additions - "Chapter ___, Part ___, Section ___, Subsection ___ is hereby amended by the addition of the following..."
C. Repeal - "Chapter ___, Part ___, Section ___, Subsection ___ is hereby repealed in its entirety."
Section 10. Responsibility for Code of Ordinances. It shall be the responsibility of the Township of Dover Secretary to maintain an up-to-date certified copy of the Code of Ordinances. This copy shall be the official copy of the Township of Dover Code of Ordinances and shall be available for public inspection.
Section 11. Penalties. It shall be unlawful for anyone to change, alter or tamper with the Code of Ordinances in any manner which will intentionally misrepresent the laws of the Township of Dover. Whosoever shall violate this Section shall, upon conviction thereof, be sentenced to pay a fine of not more than $600 and costs or, in default of payment thereof, shall be subject to imprisonment for a term not to exceed 30 days.
Section 12. Severability of Parts of Codification. It is hereby declared to be the intention of the Township of Dover that the Chapters, Parts, Sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses and phrases of this codification are severable. If any Section, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this Code is declared unconstitutional, illegal or otherwise invalid by the judgment or decree of a court of competent jurisdiction, that invalidity shall not affect any of the remaining Chapters, Parts, Sections, paragraphs, sentences, clauses or phrases of this codification.
ENACTED AND ORDAINED this 24th day of October, 2005.
ATTEST: Township of Dover
Board of Supervisors
/s/ Dawn D. Slegal /s/ Duane E. Hull
Dawn D. Slegel, Secretary Duane E. Hull, Vice Chairman