§ 27-410.   I - Industrial District.
   1.   Purpose.
      A.   The purpose of this district is to permit and encourage industrial development that will be so located and designed as to constitute a harmonious development, contribute to the soundness of the economic base of the Township, and otherwise further the purposes of this Chapter. In promoting these and the general purposes of this Chapter, the specific intent of this district is:
         (1)   To encourage the development of and continued use of land for industrial purposes.
         (2)   To prohibit any use which would substantially interfere with the development, continuation or expansion of industrial uses in the district.
         (3)   To establish reasonable standards for buildings and other structures, the areas and dimensions of yards and other open spaces, and the provision of facilities and operation of industries to minimize air pollution, noise, glare heat, vibration and fire and safety standards.
   2.   Prohibited Uses.
      A.   Keeping or Raising of Livestock. This provision shall not apply to existing agricultural operations as of the date of the adoption of this chapter.
   3.   Bulk and Area Regulations. The following shall be the standards for the Industrial District:
      A.   Minimum lot area: 20,000 sq. ft.
      B.   Minimum lot frontage and width 100 feet.
      C.   Minimum setbacks:
         (1)   Front setback: 50 feet.
         (2)   Side setback: 40 feet.
         (3)   Rear setback: 40 feet.
      D.   Maximum lot coverage: 75%.
      E.   Maximum building height: 45 feet, provided, however, that this height may be increased one foot for each additional three feet that setback exceeds the minimum required.
      F.   Buffer Yard: in accordance with the following chart unless otherwise specified in Part 6:
Classification of Impact
Required Buffer Yard (in feet)
      G.   Screening: in accordance with the following chart:
Classification of Impact
Required Planting Strip from Dover Township SALDO § 22-1103
      H.   When adjacent to a public street on which a residential district abuts on the opposite side, the dimension of the right-of-way of the public street shall not be considered to be a part of the depth of the buffer area. However, if the width of the right-of-way of such public street exceeds 60 feet in width, that portion of the right-of-way in excess of 60 feet shall be deemed to be a part of the required buffer yard.
   4.   Minimum Off-Street Parking and Loading. Off-street parking and loading shall be provided in accordance with Part 7.
   5.   Signs. Signs shall be provided in accordance with Part 8.
   6.   Supplementary Regulations. Part 5, "Supplementary Regulations," sets forth regulations which shall apply to all districts.
   7.   Landscaping Plan. A landscaping plan is required in accordance with the provisions in the Township Subdivision and Land Development Ordinance § 22-1100. In addition, the Township requires landscaped earthen berms between industrial and residential uses.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)