1. The applicant for a mining or processing special exception permit shall submit the following information to the Zoning Officer:
A. Evidence of compliance with all state and federal laws applicable to the process for which the special exception permit is sought.
B. A description of the character, timing, and duration of the proposed operation, including maps and plans showing the area and extent of the proposed activity, the location and design of all structures, depth of the excavation, areas for storage of soil materials areas for the deposit of mining waste, and facilities for processing, loading, and transportation of minerals.
2. The location of all structures, land uses, and overlay zoning features which may be affected by the proposed operation and measures which will be taken to protect all structures, land uses, and overlay zoning features from adverse impacts from mining.
3. Measures which will be taken to ensure that any loss, diminution, or pollution of water supplies in areas affected by mining will be corrected or replaced.
4. Measures which will be taken to ensure that the performance standards contained in all sections of this chapter shall be met.
5. Description of plans for the transportation of the mined product, including routes of travel, number and weight of vehicles, and measures which will be taken to preserve all roads within the municipalities which are used to transport minerals shall be provided.
6. Plans for the restoration and reclamation of all land affected by the extractive operation to a condition which will support agriculture or other uses which are permitted by right or as special exceptions in the concerned District. If the proposed reclamation is for development, the proposed development should be compatible with the Comprehensive Plan and in conformance with the purposes and regulations of the District in which it is located.
7. Sufficient screening and buffering shall be provided as required by this chapter.
8. No expansion in area of a mining operation shall be permitted until mining activities have been completed on an equivalent area of land and the land shall have been graded and vegetation established in accordance with the approved plan for reclamation of the site.
9. In no case shall a special exception permit extend to an area of land or mode of operation which is larger or in any way different from the scope of permits issued concurrently by state and/or federal permitting authorities for the same existing or proposed mining or processing activity.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)