Part 1
Municipal Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste
Municipal Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste
§ 20-101. Short Title
§ 20-102. Definitions
§ 20-103. Supervision over Collection; Authority of Township
§ 20-104. Award of Contract to Contractor
§ 20-105. Exemptions
§ 20-106. Responsibility of Owners or Occupants of a Dwelling Unit
§ 20-107. Containers
§ 20-108. Quantity
§ 20-109. Collection Routes
§ 20-110. Collection Schedules
§ 20-111. Collection Equipment
§ 20-112. Method of Collection
§ 20-113. Recyclable Materials
§ 20-114. Billing and Payment Procedures
§ 20-115. Ownership of Municipal Waste
§ 20-116. Disposal of Municipal Waste
§ 20-117. Other Municipal Waste
§ 20-118. Licensing of Collectors
§ 20-119. Observance of Laws and Ordinances
§ 20-120. Penalties
§ 20-121. Conflict of Ordinances, Effect on Partial Invalidity
Part 2
Recyclable Materials
Recyclable Materials
§ 20-201. Purpose of this Part
§ 20-202. Definitions
§ 20-203. Establishment of Curbside Program
§ 20-204. Requirements Applicable to Source Separation and Collection of Designated Recyclables Curbside Program
§ 20-205. Establishment of Public Drop-Off Program
§ 20-206. Establishment of Drop-Off Program for Apartment Complexes, Condominium Complexes and Mobile Home Parks
§ 20-207. Requirements Applicable to Source Separation and Placement of Designated Recyclables and Recycling Drop-Offs
§ 20-208. Mandatory Commercial and Institutional Source Separation Program
§ 20-209. Mandatory Source Separation of Leaf Waste
§ 20-210. Mandatory Source Separation of Brush
§ 20-211. Implementation and Administration
§ 20-212. Unlawful Activities; Nuisance
§ 20-213. No Collection of Solid Waste Contaminated by Designated Recyclable
§ 20-214. Other Means of Disposal
§ 20-215. Licensing of Collectors
§ 20-216. Duties of Collectors
§ 20-217. Non-Interference with Existing Contracts
§ 20-218. Penalties
§ 20-219. Injunctions; Concurrent Remedies
§ 20-220. Construction
Part 1
Municipal Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste
Municipal Collection and Disposal of Municipal Waste
The following words, terms and phrases shall have ascribed to them the meanings herein set forth, unless the use of such word, term or phrase in context clearly indicates a different meaning:
Contractor - the person with whom the Township has contracted to collect, remove and dispose of garbage, ashes and refuse and recyclable material under the provisions of this article, and the persons employed by the contractor for that purpose.
Dwelling - a building or structure used for residential purposes, except hotels, motels and apartment buildings.
Dwelling unit - any room or group of rooms in a dwelling, which room or rooms have fixed cooking facilities arranged for occupancy by one person, two or more persons living together, or one family having a separate address.
Municipal waste - any ashes, garbage, refuse, industrial lunchroom or office waste and other material, including solid, liquid, semisolid or contained gaseous material, resulting from operation of residential, municipal, commercial or institutional establishments and from community activities and any sludge not meeting the definition of residual or hazardous waste in the Solid Waste management Act from a municipal, commercial or institutional water supply treatment plant, wastewater treatment plant or air pollution control facility. The term does not include source-separated recyclable materials.
Person - every natural person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or other legal entity.
Township - the Township of Dover, York County, Pennsylvania, or its authorized representatives.
(Ord. 2017-02, 2/13/2017, § 1)