§ 27-509.   Illumination.
   1.   Light Glare.
      A.   Direct Light Glare. Such glare is not permitted except as follows:
         (1)   Direct light glare is permitted in parking lots and on walkways only.
         (2)   For luminaries zero to 16 feet above ground level, such luminaries shall be hooded and shielded so the maximum angle or the cone of direct illumination does not exceed 60º from perpendicular to the ground.
         (3)   For luminaries less than four feet above ground level, the cone of direct illumination may be increased to 90º.
         (4)   The maximum illumination shall not exceed three foot candles.
      B.   Indirect light glare shall be prohibited for the following:
         (1)   The light glare exceeds:
            (a)   0.3 foot candles (maximum).
            (b)   0.1 foot candles (average).
            (2)   Deliberately induced sky-reflected glare is for the purpose of advertisement.
         C.   In all cases light must be shielded so as not to adversely affect adjoining properties.
(Ord. 2024-01, 5/13/2024)