General Provisions
152.001 Title
152.002 Purpose
152.003 Definitions
152.004 Compliance with chapter provisions
152.005 Classification of zones
152.006 Location of zones
152.007 Zoning maps
152.008 Zone boundaries
152.009 Interpretation
152.010 Remedies
Use Zones
152.025 Residential Zone R-1
152.026 Residential Zone R-2
152.027 Residential Zone R-3
152.028 Residential Zone R-4
152.029 Residential Zone R-5
152.030 Retail Commercial Zone C-1
152.031 Commercial Zone C-1
152.032 North Coast Avenue Limited Land Use Overlay Zone (NCA)
152.033 Light Industrial Zone L-I
152.034 Marine Commercial Zone M-C
152.035 Planned Marine and Recreation Zone M-P
152.036 Marine Waterway Zone M-W
152.037 Timber Conservation Zone T-C
152.038 Public Facility Zone P-F
152.039 Coastal Shorelands Overlay Zone C-S
152.040 Flood Hazard Overlay Zone
152.041 Limited Land Use Overlay Zone L-LU
152.042 Planned Development Zone P-D
Supplemental Regulations
152.055 Clear vision areas
152.056 Manager/owner/caretaker residence
152.057 Street vendor prohibited
152.058 Off-street parking and off-street loading requirements
152.059 Distance from property line
152.060 Exterior lighting
152.061 General provisions regarding accessory uses, fences, retaining walls, hedges, and decks
152.062 Approval of City Inspector
152.063 Review of Fire Department
152.064 Building permit approvals
152.065 Development guidelines
152.066 Standards and requirements for condominiums and time shares
152.067 Temporary placement of a manufactured dwelling
152.068 Design features for single-family dwellings
152.069 Transient occupancy of dwelling units
152.070 Transient occupancy business registration/amortization of short-term rentals of dwellings
152.071 Siting standards for manufactured homes
152.072 Protection of streams, ponds, wetlands, and riparian areas
152.073 Protection of publicly-owned lands
152.074 Protection of coastal headlands; areas of exceptional aesthetic resources
152.075 Protection of historic and archeological sites
152.076 Clearing, filling, excavating, and grading
152.090 Purpose
152.091 Non-conforming signs
152.092 Scope
152.093 Definitions
152.094 Sign permits required
152.095 Residential and NCA Overlay Zone requirements
152.096 C-1, L-I, and M-P Zone requirements
152.097 M-W Zone requirements
152.098 Temporary signs
152.099 Exceptions
152.100 Maintenance and appearance of signs
152.101 Abandoned signs
152.102 Variances
152.103 Liability
152.115 Projections from buildings
152.116 General exceptions to lot size requirements
152.117 General exceptions to building height limitations
Conditional Uses
152.130 Purpose
152.131 Authorization to grant or deny conditional use permit
152.132 Building permit for an approved conditional use
152.133 Time limit on conditional use permit
152.134 Revocation of a conditional use permit
152.135 Reapplication limit
152.136 Standards governing conditional uses
Non-Conforming Uses
152.150 Purpose
152.151 Definitions
152.152 Continuation of non-conforming use or structure
152.153 Expansion or renovation of non-conforming use
152.154 Extension, expansion, enlargement, or renovation of non-conforming structures
152.155 Change of non-conforming use
152.156 Maintenance and repairs of non-conforming uses and structures
152.157 Discontinuance of non-conforming use
152.158 Destruction of non-conforming structure
152.170 Authorization to grant or deny variances
152.171 Circumstances for granting a variance
152.172 Variance procedure
152.173 Time limit on a variance
152.185 Authorization to initiate amendments
152.186 Amendment procedure
152.187 Limitation
152.188 Time limit on a zoning map amendment
Administrative Provisions
152.200 Administration
152.201 Application procedures
152.202 Survey requirements
152.203 Review categories
152.204 Review procedures
152.205 Amendment procedure standards for review
152.206 Notice of public hearing
152.207 Conduct of quasi-judicial public hearings
152.208 Appeals
152.209 Action fees
152.210 Land use action costs
Development Guidelines
152.225 Purpose
152.226 Weak foundation soils
152.227 Discharge of sediment or water
152.228 Affected areas
152.229 Geologic permit required
152.230 Permit procedures
152.231 Specific requirements for geologic hazard reports
152.232 Determination of compliance
152.233 Provisions for additional information
152.234 Calculation of coastal setbacks
152.235 Prohibited activities in coastal setbacks
Land Division
152.250 Purpose
152.251 Exceptions for planned developments
152.252 Approval of partitions
152.253 Approval of subdivisions
152.254 General requirements and minimum standards of development design
152.255 Transportation impact study (TIS)
152.256 Dedication of public streets application
152.257 Review
152.258 Approval
152.259 Procedure for ensuring completion of roads and/or utilities in subdivisions and partitions
152.260 Street width in subdivisions and partitions
152.261 Street improvements in subdivisions and partitions
152.262 Procedure for subdividing, partitioning, or replatting land
152.263 Plat requirements
152.264 Standards and procedures for property line adjustments
152.265 Property line adjustments in subdivisions and partitions
152.999 Penalty