At the time a new structure is erected or the square footage is increased, or the use of the structure is changed, off-street parking spaces, loading areas, and access thereto shall be provided as set forth in this section.
   (A)   Requirements for types of buildings and uses not specifically listed herein shall be determined by the Planning Commission, based upon the requirements of comparable uses listed.
   (B)   In the event several uses occupy a single structure or parcel of land, the total requirements shall be the sum of the several uses computed separately.
   (C)   Owners of two or more uses, structures, or parcels of land may agree to jointly utilize the same parking and loading spaces when the hours of operation do not overlap, provided that satisfactory legal evidence is presented to the Planning Commission in the form of deeds, leases, or contracts to establish the joint use and hours of operation.
   (D)   Off-street parking spaces for dwellings, hotels, motels, resorts, and time-shares shall be located on the same lot or on a lot immediately adjacent to the lot served by such parking.
   (E)   Required parking spaces shall be available for the parking of operable passenger automobiles of residents, customers, patrons, and employees only, and shall not be used for storage of vehicles or materials or for the parking of trucks used in conducting the business or use.
   (F)   Areas used for standing and maneuvering of vehicles shall have durable and dustless surfaces improved adequately for all-weather use, and shall be adequately maintained. Drainage shall conform to the city’s storm water master plan and a drainage plan shall be approved the city field superintendent.
   (G)   Except for parking to serve dwelling uses, parking and loading areas adjacent to or within residential zones, or adjacent to Highway 101, or residential uses shall be designed to minimize visual impacts by use of landscaping or by a fence screened by landscaping.
   (H)   Parking areas used for public or private parking lots under the conditional use in an R-4 Zone must have garbage containers available for garbage which may be generated by users of the parking lot. Such garbage containers must be emptied on a regular basis and not less than weekly. Parking lots shall be posted with the following sign: “no camping or overnight use” and shall have their hours posted. Parking lot hours shall not extend beyond 10:00 p.m. or open earlier than 4:00 a.m. If the property fails to enforce the parking prohibitions, the Planning Commission may review and consider whether or not to revoke the conditional use permit.
   (I)   Parking spaces along the outer boundaries of a lot shall contain a curb or bumper rail at least four inches high and set back four feet from the front of the space.
   (J)   Artificial lighting may be used in parking areas provided it is of low intensity, is pointed generally downward, and is shielded if necessary so as to not create light or glare off-site.
   (K)   Except with respect to approved driveways, required off-street parking areas shall not be provided in the required front or street side yard areas in a residential zone.
   (L)   Groups of more than four parking spaces shall be served by a driveway so that no backing movements or other maneuvering within a street, other than an alley, will be required.
   (M)   A driveway designed for continuous forward flow of passenger vehicles for the purpose of loading and unloading children shall be located on the site of any school having a capacity greater than 25 students.
   (N)   Buildings or structures which receive and distribute material or merchandise by truck shall provide and maintain off-street loading berths of sufficient numbers and size to handle the needs of the particular use. Off-street parking areas used to fulfill the requirements of this section may be used for loading and unloading operations during periods of the day when not required to take care of parking needs.
   (O)   All spaces shall be permanently and clearly marked. Markings which guide safe and efficient traffic flow shall also be permanently and clearly marked. All markings shall be replaced regularly to remain visible.
   (P)   All improvements, including surfacing, storm water management, striping, and landscaping shall be fully maintained for the life of the parking facility. Failure to maintain such improvements shall constitute a violation of this chapter.
   (Q)   All parking lots shall be designed with spaces for handicapped drivers as provided for in the Building Code.
   (R)   The clear vision requirements set forth in § 152.055 of this subchapter shall apply to all parking lots at the intersection of two streets or a street and an alley.
   (S)   For C-1 Retail Commercial Zoned properties, off-street parking requirements shall be located on the same lot or within 500 feet (as measured by a direct line from the nearest property line to the nearest property line of the parking lot).
      (1)   On-street parking spaces that front the lot and are adjacent (on the same side of the street) may be counted in the required parking. Over one-half of the parking space shall be directly within the street frontage of the lot in order to be counted in the required parking.
      (2)   When the square footage of a business or structure is increased, or the use is changed, only the spaces associated with the increased square footage or area of change must be added.
      (3)   No person who works or resides in properties fronting Highway 101 shall park a vehicle on Highway 101 while in his or her place of employment, or in his or her residence between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on any day. Single-family dwellings are exempt.
      (4)   Parking on Highway 101 is limited to four hours between 6:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.
      (5)   All parking shall be general purpose parking/public parking with the exception of residential uses which may have designated off-street parking spaces. If required parking is off-site but within 500 feet, the applicant must provide written documentation from the property owner authorizing the parking. If a variance to parking requirements is pursued, the applicant shall demonstrate that off-site parking is not available within 500 feet.
   (T)   Off-street parking space requirements:
Animal hospital or kennel
1 space per 500 square feet
Any single- or multi-family residential use, including condominium or time share
2 spaces per unit
Church, auditorium, meeting place, theater, gymnasium, mortuary, or similar place of assembly
1 space for each 50 square feet of floor area used for assembly
Dance hall, skating rink, pool hall, aquarium, bowling alley, or similar commercial amusement enterprise
1 space for each 100 square feet of floor area
Day care, nursery school, kindergarten, elementary and middle schools, and similar uses
2 spaces per classroom or instructional area, plus requirements for offices, places of assembly, and the like
Financial institution, laboratory, or office
1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area
Golf courses
5 spaces per hole, plus the 75% the ancillary parking requirements
High schools
8 spaces per classroom or instructional area, plus requirements for offices, places of assembly, and the like
3 spaces for each 2 beds
1 space per three machines
Library or similar facility
1 space for each 300 square feet of floor area
Manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, processing, cabinetry, or similar use
1 space for each 1,000 square feet of floor area
Marina or other moorage facility
1 space per boat mooring space
Medical or dental clinic
1 space for each 200 square feet of floor area
Miniature golf
1.5 spaces per hole
Nursing home, residential facility, residential home, or retirement home
1 space for each 3 beds
Personal or business service
1 space per 250 square feet
Public or private swimming pool
1 space per 100 square feet
Recreational vehicle park
3 spaces for each two RV spaces
Restaurants and bars
1 space for each 100 square feet of serving area (total floor area where public is allowed, excluding restrooms and other specified uses, such as designated retail space)
Retail store not handling bulky merchandise
1 space for each 350 square feet of floor area
Service or repair shop; retail store handling bulky merchandise, such as automobiles, furniture, boats, marine equipment, and the like; automobile service station, feed and seed; heavy equipment; lumber or building supplies; or similar uses
1 space for each 600 square feet of sales, storage, or repair area
Tourist accommodation
1 space for each guest accommodation
Warehouse, storage, and wholesale business
1 space for each 2000 square feet of area
   (U)   The required size of parking spaces, aisles, driveways, and similar design features are set forth in Diagram A. Required landscaping areas are not shown.
(Ord. 24, passed 4-5-1976; Ord. 71, passed 8-19-1980; Ord. 92, passed 7-7-1982; Ord. 124, passed 7-1-1985; Ord. 130, passed 4-6-1987; Ord. 145, passed 1-3-1989; Ord. 172, passed 10-7-1991; Ord. 173, passed 12-2-1991; Ord. 234, passed 12-16-1996; Ord. 256, passed 4-6-2004; Ord. 279, passed - -2007)