(A)   (1)   In the areas of coastal erosion, no excavating, filling, or placement of retaining walls, deck posts, or other permanent structures is allowed, unless based on a geological hazard report approved by the Commission.
      (2)   Vegetation removal is also prohibited except as allowed in division (A)(2) below with prompt replacement with plants that will stabilize the ground. In this area, such vegetation removal must be in accordance with any required geological hazard report and with a landscaping plan adequately addressing ground stabilization.
      (3)   In the areas of visual concern, no grading, excavating, or filling that changes the profile of the top of the bluff or the slope seaward from its top; vegetation removal; or placement of a building is allowed except for:
         (a)   Minor pruning to maintain views;
         (b)   Removal of brush and trees smaller than six inches in diameter measured four feet above ground in preparation for prompt landscape replanting in the area landward from the top of the bluff;
         (c)   Removal of vegetation within ten feet of a building allowed per division (A)(1) above;
         (d)   Placement of benches, tables, and chairs; and
         (e)   Placement of a single gazebo, provided such a structure is less than 100 square feet in size.
   (B)   If a geological hazard report is required per division (A)(1) above, any vegetation removal or gazebo placement must comply with this section and recommendations of the geological hazard report.
(Ord. 24, passed 4-5-1976; Ord. 85, passed 3-15-1982; Ord. 172, passed 10-7-1991; Ord. 239, passed 6-2-1997; Ord. 256, passed 4-6-2004; Ord. 287, passed 5-4-2010) Penalty, see § 152.999