(A)   General sign requirements.
      (1)   No freestanding or projecting sign shall be placed within ten feet of any government-installed sign within a public right-of-way (stop signs, traffic-control signs, and the like).
      (2)   Signs may be illuminated internally or externally (includes neon).
      (3)   External light illuminating from a sign shall be directed away from a residential use or zone and shall not be located so as to distract motorists.
      (4)   No sign shall be of such intensity or brilliance as to impair the vision of a motor vehicle driver or interfere with the effectiveness of an official traffic sign, device, or signal.
      (5)   Strobe or rotating lights shall are not permitted on private property.
      (6)   All signs shall conform to acceptable safety requirements as determined by the city. Analysis of safety of electrical design of aluminum signs may be required.
      (7)   There shall be no advertising signs for businesses or activities located outside of the city or its urban growth boundaries.
      (8)   No sign shall detract from and/or block any area of scenic value, as inventoried in the Comprehensive Plan.
      (9)   Where it can be demonstrated that directional signs are needed for directing or controlling vehicular access, or where such signs are required as a condition of approval for public safety, such signs may be permitted in addition to any other signs permitted by this section. Such signs shall be placed at each motor vehicle entrance or exit, shall not exceed nine square feet in size and six feet in height, and shall not restrict required sight distances or pedestrian and vehicular flow.
      (10)   Movable planters are encouraged in front of businesses. Planters shall not slow pedestrian, or bicycle flow traffic or impede visibility, and they shall not interfere with vehicle traffic flow or visibility. They shall not include business, company, or commodity advertising other than allowed in this section.
   (B)   Sign types.
      (1)   Wall and window signs.
         (a)   A maximum 20% of a building facade is allowed to have signs. This includes the total combined area of wall and window signs. Multiple facades may not be aggregated for purposes of determining sign size.
         (b)   Murals are not allowed on buildings.
      (2)   Projecting signs.
         (a)   Projecting signs are allowed for non-residential uses.
         (b)   If a business has a projecting sign, then A-frame signs are prohibited.
         (c)   Projecting signs shall be installed on the primary use building. Multiple-tenant buildings may have one sign on each tenant’s storefront that provides customer access.
         (d)   Projecting signs shall be located on the first story, except that a projecting sign may be installed on the wall of the second story, provided the sign and sign supports are installed no higher than the second floor window opening or 24 feet above grade, whichever is lower. Projecting signs shall not extend above the roofline or roof eave or above the parapet of the building.
         (e)   Projecting signs shall not exceed nine square feet in area and shall be no more than three feet wide, three feet tall, and have a maximum thickness of 18 inches. Projecting signs shall extend no more than 42 inches from the building or within two feet of the curb, whichever is less.
         (f)   A minimum clearance of eight feet between the bottom of the sign and the finished grade below the sign is required. At alleys, when no curb exists, a minimum height of 14 feet between the bottom of the sign and the finished grade below the sign is required.
      (3)   Roof signs. Roof signs are prohibited.
      (4)   Permanent freestanding and monument signs.
         (a)   No more than one freestanding or monument sign is permitted per street frontage per property.
         (b)   The sign shall be placed on the private property of the business.
         (c)   The sign shall not be located on the sidewalk, pedestrian way, public right-of-way, or in such other manner as to interfere with the orderly flow of pedestrian traffic along the street, sidewalk, pedestrian way, or public right-of-way.
         (d)   The sign shall not be located upon the private property in such a manner as to interfere with the clear vision area of motor vehicles, or to cause, in any other manner, a hazard to motor vehicle traffic.
         (e)   Single pole signs are prohibited.
         (f)   Freestanding and monument signs shall have a maximum eight-foot height, maximum ten foot width, and maximum 50 square feet.
         (g)   Electrical service to freestanding and monument signs shall be underground.
         (h)   Prior to freestanding or monument sign placement, construction, or alteration, a building permit shall be obtained if freestanding or monument signs are required by the County Building Official.
      (5)   A-frame signs.
         (a)   No more than one A-frame sign is permitted per business.
         (b)   If a business has an A-frame sign, projecting signs are prohibited.
         (c)   A-frame signs may be placed on private property.
         (d)   A-frame signs may be placed within the public right-of-way fronting the business. A-frame signs shall not be located within eight feet of vehicular travel lanes. A-frame signs may not be located in bicycle lanes or parking spaces, nor impede pedestrian access or opening of vehicle doors. A-frame signs may be placed on a sidewalk, however a minimum four feet of lateral clearance shall be maintained on a sidewalk. Placement of A-frame signs within Highway 101 right-of-way are subject to agreement with the Oregon Department of Transportation.
         (e)   A-frame signs shall be a maximum of eight square feet with maximum dimensions of two feet wide by four feet tall.
         (f)   A-frame signs shall be secured by means of attaching an interior weight so as not to be movable (pushed, pulled, blown, and the like).
         (g)   Any object attached to A-frame signs, such as, balloons, banners, and the like, shall be in accordance with the above A-frame sign standards.
         (h)   A-frame signs are only permitted during business hours and should be removed during periods of high winds.
      (6)   Banner and feather signs.
         (a)   One banner or feather sign is allowed per ten feet of business frontage.
         (b)   Banner and feather signs shall not exceed 20 square feet.
         (c)   Ground-mounted banner and feather signs may be placed on private property and not be mounted in or extend into public right-of-way. Banner and feather signs attached to a building may extend over a sidewalk within the public right-of-way with a minimum clearance of seven and one-half feet from the ground so as to not impede pedestrian access.
         (d)   No banner or feather sign, other than the American flag, shall be placed in any flagpole holes along Highway 101, and no banner or feather signs shall be placed in planters located in the public right-of-way.
         (e)   Banner and feather signs are only permitted during business hours and should be removed during periods of high winds.
      (7)   Digital signs. A digital sign may be a wall, window, freestanding, or monument sign. A digital sign is subject to all sign regulations. For example, if a digital sign is a freestanding or monument sign, no more than one freestanding or monument sign is permitted per street frontage per property.
         (a)   One digital sign is allowed per business or institution. In addition, one digital “open” sign is allowed per business.
         (b)   Digital signs may not be externally or internally illuminated by a flashing light or a light that varies in intensity.
         (c)   Digital signs must be equipped with a light sensor that automatically adjusts the intensity of the sign according to the amount of ambient light.
         (d)   Digital signs that have dynamically moving content, video, streaming, or scrolling text are not allowed.
         (e)   Digital signs must be designed to either freeze the display in one static position, display a full black screen, or turn off in the event of a malfunction.
         (f)   The change from one message to another message may not be more frequent than once every 15 seconds and the actual change process must be accomplished in two seconds or less.
         (g)   If attached to a building or displayed inside a building so as to be visible from outside, the digital sign shall be considered to be a building sign and included in the maximum 20% of a building facade that is allowed to have signs.
         (h)   If the digital sign is a freestanding or monument sign, no other freestanding or monument sign is permitted per street frontage per property.
      (8)   Awning and canopy signs.
         (a)   Awning and canopy signs are allowed for non-residential uses. Awnings and canopies shall be installed in compliance with current editions of adopted building codes and subject to permitting and inspection by the Building Safety Division.
         (b)   Awning and canopy signs may be permitted only as an integral part of the awning or canopy to which they are attached or applied. Signs shall not be attached on top of or project beyond the fascia of a freestanding canopy. Signs may be installed on top of a canopy that is attached to and supported by the building, provided the sign does not extend above the roofline or eaves of the building. The sign area shall be deducted from the building sign area allowance.
         (c)   Awnings and canopies shall not interfere with any government-installed sign within a street right-of-way (stop signs, traffic-control sign, and the like).
         (d)   Awning and canopies attached to the building are allowed on the first story only. Attached awning or canopy structures shall maintain a clearance of eight feet above a public right-of-way or finished grade. The valance shall maintain a seven-foot clearance. An awning or canopy shall not extend within two feet from the street curb. Posts or columns beyond the property line are not permitted. Awning and canopies shall not project above the roofline.
      (9)   “Open” signs. “Open” signs not exceeding two square feet are allowed and shall not be counted in the maximum 20% facade coverage. Sign permits are not required for these “open” signs.
(Ord. 314, passed 9-5-2017) Penalty, see § 152.999