The following are the minimum requirements and standards to which subdivisions and partitions must conform.
(B) Relation to adjoining street system. If development of a subdivision or partition would otherwise impede or interfere with access to or through existing streets and rights-of-way, a subdivision or partition shall provide for the continuation of said streets and rights-of-way. If physical conditions make such continuation impractical, exceptions may be made.
(1) If the city finds that the off-site effects of a subdivision warrant the necessity of improved streets or rights-of-way, the city may require that the subdivision or partition provide for them. If no such off-site effects are found, the city may require that the lay-out of the subdivision or partition take into account the future development of streets and rights-of-way with regard to setback, access, parks, and open spaces, as well as other requirements of this subchapter.
(2) When a tract is divided into lots or parcels of a size which could allow for further redivision under current zoning, the city may require an arrangements of lots and streets such as to permit a later redivision in conformance with the street requirements and other requirements contained in this subchapter.
(C) Access.
(1) A subdivision, partition, or replat shall provide each lot or parcel with not less than 25 feet of frontage on a public or private road or street, except that where necessitated by adverse sight distances or other factors, greater frontage may be required.
(2) A subdivision or partition shall consider vehicular access to the parcel of existing or proposed roads that addresses traffic congestion, speed, stop signs, and turn lanes for the orderly development of traffic accessing the area.
(D) Private streets.
(1) No street or road which would serve as a collector from existing public streets shall be approved as a private street.
(2) The establishment of a private street shall not be allowed if it will deny the public access to public areas such as beaches or parks.
(3) No road or street shall be approved as a private road in a case where such a road or street presently is or will in the future be needed to provide access to development on adjacent properties or to serve as a collector for other subdivisions or partitions in the area.
(4) All private streets or roads established for the purpose of subdividing, partitioning, or replatting land shall be surveyed and monumented.
(5) Yard setbacks shall be determined from the road right-of-way or access easement line in instances where private roads are considered.
(6) Private road rights-of-way may be approved of less than 50 feet in width but in no instance shall the road right-of-way be less than 30 feet, except that a private road to two lots may be 20 feet in width. In instances where the road access to more than three lots is less than 50 feet in width, utility/slope easements may be required.
(7) Private road standards shall be the same as those for public streets. No more than three lots shall be exempt from standards for improvements.
(E) Public streets.
(2) If topographical requirements necessitate either cuts or fills for the proper grading of roads, additional right-of-way or slope easements shall be provided.
(3) The layout of streets shall give suitable recognition to surrounding topographical conditions in accordance with the purpose of this chapter.
(5) The city shall only be responsible for maintenance of a public street when the street is accepted by the City Council through dedication. A street that is accepted by the City Council through dedication shall be referred to as a “city street.”
(F) Street intersections.
(1) Streets shall intersect one another at an angle as near to a right angle as is practical considering the topography of the area and previous adjacent layout.
(2) Intersections shall be designed so that no danger to the traveling public is created as a result of staggered intersections.
(G) Cul-de-sacs and turnarounds.
(1) Dead-end (cul-de-sac) streets in partitions and subdivisions shall terminate in a turnaround with a minimum property line radius of 40 feet, or other type of turnaround approved by the city.
(2) Approved turnarounds shall be provided on all dead-end streets.
(3) No dead-end street may be established without Fire Marshal approval.
(H) Easements. Where alleys are not provided, easements of not less than six feet in width may be required on each side of the rear line or side line for necessary utility lines, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, and water. Easements of the same or greater widths may be required along boundary lines or across lots or parcels where necessary for the extension of utility lines, waterways, and walkways, and to provide necessary drainageways or channels.
(I) Blocks. Normally, no block shall be longer than 600 feet between street lines. Approval for longer blocks can be given where topographical conditions constrain development.
(J) Public accessways. When necessary for public convenience and safety, the Planning Commission may require the developer to dedicate to the public reasonable accessways to connect to cul-de-sacs, pass through oddly shaped blocks, provide for networks of public paths according to adopted plans, or to provide access to schools, parks, beaches, or other public areas, or for other such design and location as reasonably required to facilitate public use. A subdivision, partition, or replat shall maintain existing public access points to shorelands as required by § 152.039(E)(4) of this chapter. Such access points shall be ascertained as follows:
(1) By examination of a standard title report;
(2) By consulting city inventory of such points; or
(3) Through presentation of other lawful information.
(K) Lots and parcels.
(1) Every lot/parcel shall abut a public street or private road. A flag lot with the staff that does not comply with the required minimum lot widths for the zone it is located in is permitted, but the staff measurement shall not be less than 25 feet minimum frontage.
(2) Each side line shall be as close to perpendicular to the adjacent street/road or radial to a curved street/road as possible.
(3) Lots/parcels with double frontage shall not be permitted unless, in the opinion of the city, the physical characteristics of the land prohibit any other plan for a subdivision.
(4) The staff portion of a flag lot shall not be used in computing lot size for zoning and building purposes.
(L) Utility easements.
(1) Where alleys are not provided, easements of not less than ten feet in width may be required on side or rear lines if determined to be necessary for utility lines, wires, conduits, storm and sanitary sewers, gas, and water.
(2) Easements of the same or greater widths may be required along boundary lines or across lots where necessary for the extension of utility lines, waterways, and walkways, and to provide necessary drainageways or channels.
(M) Water. No partition or subdivision shall receive final approval unless the city has received and accepted:
(1) A certification by the Public Works Director, or such other city official as the city may designate, that water will be available to the boundary line of each, and every lot or parcel depicted in the proposed subdivision or partition; or
(2) A performance agreement, bond, contract, or other assurance that a water supply system will be installed to the boundary line of each and every lot or parcel depicted in the proposed subdivision or partition.
(N) Sewer. No partition or subdivision shall receive final approval unless the city has received and accepted:
(1) A certification by the Public Works Director, or other officials as the city may designate, that sewer will be available to the boundary line of each and every lot or parcel depicted in the proposed subdivision or partition; or
(2) A performance agreement, bond, contract, or other assurance that sewage disposal lines will be installed by or on behalf of the developer to the boundary line of each and every lot or parcel depicted in the proposed subdivision or partition.
(O) Surface drainage and storm sewer.
(1) Drainage facilities shall be provided within subdivisions and partitions, and to connect the subdivision or partition drainage to drainageways or storm sewer outside the subdivision or partition. The connection to the city system shall be engineered using standard practices and shall be approved by the city.
(2) Design of drainage within subdivisions and partitions shall consider the capacity and grade necessary to maintain unrestricted flow from areas draining through the development, as well as to allow extension of the system to serve those areas.
(P) Phase development. A plat may be filed on a portion or phase of an approved tentative plan. Each phase of a subdivision must be able to qualify for approval independent of the balance of the approved tentative plan.
(R) Parks and open spaces. Excluding streets and parking, at least 35% of the land will be dedicated or reserved for outdoor recreation, park, or natural land, for use by the residents of the subdivision.
(Ord. 24, passed 4-5-1976; Ord. 57, passed 6-4-1979; Ord. 87, passed 3-15-1982; Ord. 111, passed 5-21-1984; Ord. 153, passed 7-16-1990; Ord. 155, passed 9-17-1990; Ord. 256, passed 4-6-2004; Ord. 287, passed 5-4-2010)