(A)   Pre-application conference. Prior to submitting a tentative plan of a subdivision, partition, or replat, the applicant should confer with the City Planner regarding the requisites of the tentative plan application and the applicable standards and criteria of this chapter.
   (B)   Tentative plan requirements. The submitted tentative plan for a subdivision, partition, or replat shall contain all of the information listed on the applicable city application form. If the proposal includes new access from a state highway, the applicant shall submit documentation that the Oregon Department of Transportation will be willing to issue the requested road approach permits.
   (C)   Tentative plan application and review for subdivisions and partitions. The procedure for application and review of the tentative plan of a subdivision, and the procedure for application and review of the tentative plan for a partition shall be as set forth in § 152.204(C) of this chapter.
   (D)   Tentative plan application and review for replats.
      (1)   The procedure for review and approval of the tentative plan shall be set forth in § 152.204(C).
      (2)   For replats of previously recorded partition plats, the procedure for review and approval of the tentative plan shall be as set forth in § 152.204(A).
   (E)   Time limit for tentative approval. Approval of a tentative plan in accordance with this section is valid for a period of three years. A single time limit extension may be granted by the Planning Commission only if the development is substantially completed within the three-year time period. A development is deemed to be substantially completed when utilities, streets, and drainage are in and stubbed to the lot line.
   (F)   Revision of tentative plan. If an approved tentative plan for a subdivision is revised in any way, the Planning Commission shall review the proposed revisions to determine if a new application for tentative approval will be required. Such review will be limited to those issues impacted by the revision. If an approved tentative plan is substantially revised, such revision shall be filed as a new application for tentative plan approval.
   (G)   Certifications required for final approval. Requests for final approval of a subdivision, partition, or replat shall be accompanied by the following:
      (1)   A copy of all covenants and restrictions;
      (2)   Copies of all legal documents required for dedication of public facilities and/or for the creation of a homeowner’s association;
      (3)   The certification, bond, performance agreement, or statement regarding the installation of water and sewer services;
      (4)   As-built certifications for all required roads and/or utilities, unless otherwise guaranteed by a bond or performance agreement;
      (5)   A plat and one exact copy meeting the requirements of § 152.263 of this subchapter and the applicable state statute;
      (6)   When access from a state highway is proposed, a copy of the approach road permit issued by the Oregon Department of Transportation confirming that all required improvements have been satisfactorily completed; and
      (7)   Such other information as is deemed necessary by the City Planner or Commission to verify conformance with the conditions of tentative approval.
   (H)   Procedure for final approval of partitions.
      (1)   The procedure for application and review of a request for final approval of a partition shall be as set forth in § 152.204(A) of this chapter. All such applications shall be accompanied by the certifications set forth in division (G) above.
      (2)   Upon granting of final approval, the City Planner shall sign the plat and its exact copy.
      (3)   Upon signing, the City Planner shall deliver the plat and its exact copy to the County Surveyor who shall follow established procedures for obtaining recordation of the plat.
   (I)   Procedure for final approval of replats.
      (1)   If the proposed replat involves three lots or less and is for the purpose of lot boundary changes only, procedure for review of final approval shall be as set forth in § 152.204(A) of this chapter.
      (2)   If the proposed replat involves four lots or more or includes changes to street rights-of-way, utilities, or any other features besides boundary lines, procedures for review of final approval shall be as set forth in § 152.204(B) of this chapter.
      (3)   Following the signature of the City Planner or Planning Commission chairperson, the city shall deliver the replat and its exact copy to the County Surveyor who shall follow established procedures for obtaining recordation of the plat.
   (J)   Procedure for final approval of subdivisions.
      (1)   (a)   When the City Planner determines that all of the certifications set forth in division (G) above have been met and that the plat conforms in all respects to the tentative plan as approved, consideration of the plat will be placed on the agenda of the next scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission for determination that all requirements have been met.
         (b)   The Commission shall then approve, disapprove for cause, or, when further information is required, postpone a decision on the plat.
      (2)   Unless appealed, the decision of the Planning Commission shall become effective 15 days after the decision is rendered. When the approval becomes effective, the Planning Commission chairperson shall sign the plat and its exact copy.
      (3)   Following the Planning Commission chairperson’s signature, the city shall deliver the plat and its exact copy to the County Surveyor. The County Surveyor shall review the plat for conformance with the requirements of § 152.263 of this subchapter and the provisions of the applicable state statute.
      (4)   Upon approval of the County Surveyor, subdivision plats shall be circulated for signing to the following officials:
         (a)   The County Treasurer, whose signature shall certify that all taxes on the property have been paid; and
         (b)   The County Assessor, whose signature shall certify that the plat is signed by the owner or owners of record.
      (5)   Upon signing by the County Treasurer and County Assessor, subdivision plats shall be delivered to the County Clerk for recording.
      (6)   The signature of the chairperson on the final subdivision plat shall be valid for a period of one year. If a plat has not been recorded within one year of the date of the chairperson’s signature, the final approval of the plat shall expire, and a new request for final approval shall be required.
(Ord. 24, passed 4-5-1976; Ord. 57, passed 6-4-1979; Ord. 87, passed 3-15-1982; Ord. 111, passed 5-21-1984; Ord. 153, passed 7-16-1990; Ord. 155, passed 9-17-1990; Ord. 256, passed 4-6-2004; Ord. 287, passed 5-4-2010)