Each condominium and time share project shall comply with the following additional standards and requirements.
   (A)   An association of unit owners shall be organized to serve as a means through which the unit owners shall administer, manage, and operate the condominium, as required by the applicable state statute.
   (B)   Each time share project shall establish an owners’ association or designate another form of managing entity, as required by the applicable state statute.
   (C)   The owners’ association for condominiums, or the owners’ association or managing entity for time share projects, shall maintain on record with the City Recorder the name and address of the representative or agent of the owners’ association or a natural person as managing entity. That designated person shall receive all notices or orders by the city to the owners’ association or managing entity, and shall also thereby be as the agent of the owners’ association or managing entity for purposes of service of process.
   (D)   The person designated by the owners’ association or managing entity, as provided above, shall file, from time to time, any required reports or records with the city as may be required, including but not limited to §§ 34.20 through 34.37, the transient room tax ordinance.
(Ord. 130, passed 4-6-1987; Ord. 287, passed 5-4-2010)