The following procedures shall be followed in applying for and acting on a variance.
   (A)   A property owner may initiate a request for a variance by filing an application with the City Recorder, using forms prescribed pursuant to § 152.205 of this chapter. The application shall be accompanied by a site plan drawn to scale showing the condition to be varied and the dimensions and arrangement of the proposed development. The Planning Commission may request other drawings or material essential to an understanding of the variance request.
   (B)   Before the Planning Commission may act on a request for a variance, it shall hold a public hearing. Section 152.206 of this chapter sets procedure for notice of public hearing.
   (C)   Within five days after a decision has been rendered with reference to a request for a variance, the City Recorder shall provide the applicant with notice of the decision of the Planning Commission.
   (D)   The Planning Commission’s decision is final unless it is appealed pursuant to § 152.203 of this chapter.
(Ord. 24, passed 4-5-1976)