(A)   Architectural features, such as cornices, eaves, canopies, sunshades, gutters, chimneys, and flues shall not project more than 24 inches into a required side yard setback or more than 48 inches into a required front or rear yard setback, nor in any case more than one-third the distance into any required yard setback.
   (B)   Building wall projections, such as bay, bow, and garden windows, fireplaces, and stoves, that protrude into required yards setback shall not be longer than seven feet in length, shall not protrude closer than five feet to a side yard property line. There shall be no more than one wall projection per building side, except building sides exceeding a 30 lineal foot length may have a maximum of two-bay, bow, or garden windows. Bay, bow, and garden windows shall have windows on all sides, and shall not protrude into any required parking space or area.
   (C)   Uncovered decks may project no more than one-third the distance into any required yard setback, but covered areas such as porches are not permitted such exception. An access landing no more than three feet by three feet (nine square feet) and attendant stairway; or ADA compliant ramp may project into a required side yard setback, provided it is the minimum encroachment necessary to provide safe access, and is no closer than three feet to the property line.
   (D)   This section has no application to driveways or other such features that are not projections but are flush to the ground.
(Ord. 24, passed 4-5-1976; Ord. 256, passed 4-6-2004; Ord. 324-20, passed 7-21-2020)