(a) Unless otherwise provided, all detached premise signs must be monument signs or landscape signs.
(b) No detached premise sign may be located within five feet of a public right-of-way, except for monument signs or landscape signs, which may be located at the building line.
(c) Except as provided in this section, detached premise signs located within 15 feet of a public right-of-way may not exceed 20 square feet in effective area, or five feet in height.
(d) Except as provided in this section, detached premise signs with a setback of 15 feet or greater from a public right-of-way may not exceed 50 square feet in effective area, or 15 feet in height.
(e) A detached premise sign may contain only the name, logo, and address of the premise building and its occupants.
(f) Section 51A-7.304(c) of the Dallas Development Code, as amended, does not apply to monument signs or landscape signs in this district.
(g) A premise having more than 450 feet of frontage along a street may have no more than one additional detached premise sign for each additional 100 feet of frontage or fraction thereof. For purposes of the subsection, “street” means a right-of-way that provides primary access to adjacent property.
(h) The following additional regulations apply in Retail Subdistrict B.
(1) Campus identification sign.
(A) One campus identification sign is permitted if the building site contains a single building with a floor area of 1.5 million square feet or greater.
(B) This sign must be located within 15 feet of the right-of-way.
(C) Maximum height is four feet, six inches.
(D) Maximum effective area is 77 square feet.
(E) The message area cannot exceed 70 percent of the effective area.
(F) Push-through acrylic lettering is required. No other lettering is permitted.
(2) Additional monument signs.
(A) Three additional monument signs are permitted if the building site contains a single building with a floor area of 1.5 million square feet or greater.
(B) Maximum height is four feet, six inches.
(C) Maximum effective area of each sign is 45 square feet.
(D) The message area cannot exceed 60 percent of the effective area.
(E) These signs may be located along any street, provided there are no more than five detached premise signs oriented toward any street.
(F) The 200-foot spacing provision in Section 51A-7.304, “Detached Signs,” for detached signs on the same premise does not apply to additional monument signs permitted by this paragraph.
(3) Retaining wall signs.
(A) A maximum of four retaining wall signs are permitted.
(B) Maximum effective area of each sign is 40 square feet.
(4) Pedestrian-oriented concession signs.
(A) A maximum of three pedestrian-oriented concessions signs are permitted.
(B) These signs may contain campus and associated identification.
(C) Minimum setback is 15 feet.
(D) Maximum height is eight feet, eight inches.
(E) Maximum effective area of each sign is 30 square feet.
(F) There is no message area restrictions for these signs.
(G) Push-through acrylic lettering is required. No other lettering is permitted.
(5) Illumination.
(A) Except as provided in this paragraph, internal sources of illumination may only be used if the internal source is an integral part of the sign’s design, such as the use of light emitting diodes (LED) or small individual incandescent lamps.
(B) Except as provided in this paragraph, detached premise signs must not have a plastic translucent cover.
(C) Retaining wall signs and pedestrian-oriented concession signs may be externally lit, or internally lit with a translucent or transparent cover, without limitation to the type of lighting or cover materials.
(i) The following additional regulations apply in the Chase Tower Subdistrict.
(i) The following additional regulations apply in the Chase Tower Subdistrict.
(1) The following two detached premise signs are permitted only along the Pearl Street frontage: one monument sign and one landscape sign.
(2) The landscape sign may not exceed 50 square feet in effective area or 15 feet in height.
(3) The minimum setback for the monument sign is 10 feet from the public right-of-way. The monument sign may not exceed 80 square feet in effective area or 12 feet in height. (Ord.
Nos. 20167; 21404; 22425; 24606; 24925; 29227
; 31374)
(a) The director shall review all construction barricade signs for consistency with the construction fence requirements of the Dallas Central Business District Streetscape plan. Upon approval of the signs by the director, a sign permit for the signs may be issued. This review is a condition precedent for any permit issued for a construction barricade. No additional sign permits for the barricade may be issued after the barricade permit is issued.
(b) A construction barricade sign may not project more than two inches from the surface of the construction barricade.
(c) A construction barricade sign may neither be lighted nor contain any moving parts.
(d) A construction barricade sign must be removed when the construction barricade is removed.
(e) A minimum of ten percent of the effective area of a construction barricade sign must display city park names, city activities, district activities, or the names of the owner, occupant, or district sponsor of the construction site.
(f) A construction barricade sign may not exceed eight feet in height.
(g) A construction barricade may be fully decorated or graphically designed if:
(1) no decoration or graphic horizontally projects more than two inches from the surface of the barricade; or
(2) no decoration or graphic vertically projects more than four feet above the top of the barricade.
(h) A construction barricade sign may contain one non-premise message per street frontage. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 20167; 21404; 24606; 24925; 25047; 28073; 28347; 28553)
Banners on streetlight poles are subject to the following regulations:
(a) A banner must display a promotional message, a welcome message, or generic graphics.
(b) No more than 10 percent of the effective area of a banner may contain a welcome message that identifies and greets a group using city property in accordance with a contract, license, or permit.
(c) Up to 10 percent of the effective area of a banner may contain the word(s) or logo(s) that identify a sponsor of a cultural event or activity if the sponsor’s name is part of the name of the activity or event.
(d) A banner having either a promotional message or a welcome message may not be erected more than 90 days prior to the beginning of the advertised activity or event, and must be removed no later than 15 days after that activity or event has ended. The sign hardware for a banner may be left in place between displays of a banner.
(e) A banner and its sign hardware must:
(1) be mounted on a streetlight pole;
(2) meet the sign construction and design standards in the Dallas Building Code;
(3) be at least 12 feet above grade, unless it overhangs a roadway, in which case it must be at least 15 feet above grade;
(4) be made out of weather-resistant and rust-proof material;
(5) not project more than three feet from the pole onto which it is mounted; and
(6) not exceed 20 square feet in effective area.
(f) No sign permit or certificate of appropriateness is required to erect or remove a banner. (Ord. Nos. 21404; 24606; 24925)
Window art displays on the ground floor of a vacant building are allowed subject to the following regulations:
(a) A window art display may contain only a promotional message, generic graphics (including three-dimensional artifacts), a message identifying the sponsor of the display, or a message referring to the sale or lease of the premises.
(b) Window signs in a window art display may not:
(1) cover more than 25 percent of the surface area of a window;
(2) contain a logo or word that has any character that exceeds five inches in height;
(3) advertise a specific product or service other than the cultural event or activity; or
(4) have more than 10 percent or four square feet, whichever is less, of its effective area devoted to sponsorship identification.
(c) No sign permit or certificate of appropriateness is required to erect or remove a window art display. (Ord. Nos. 21404; 24606; 24925)
Notwithstanding any other provision of this division, any sign that may display a type of noncommercial message may display in place of that message any other type of noncommercial message, so long as the sign complies with other requirements of this article and other ordinances that do not pertain to the content of the message displayed. Section 51A-7.209 of the Dallas Development Code, as amended, applies to this district. (Ord. Nos. 21404; 24606; 24925)
(a) No more than six activity district changeable message signs may be located in this district.
(b) Activity district changeable message signs in the general CBD and convention center subdistricts:
(1) may be attached or detached signs;
(2) must be located at least 1500 feet apart;
(3) if attached signs, must be located on separate facades; and
(4) may not exceed 450 square feet in effective area.
(c) Activity district changeable message signs in the Main Street Subdistrict, Retail Subdistrict A, and Retail Subdistrict B:
(1) must be attached signs;
(2) must be located at least 300 feet apart;
(3) must be located on separate facades; and
(4) may not exceed 200 square feet in effective area.
(d) A maximum of four activity district changeable message signs may be located in the general CBD and convention center subdistricts collectively, and a maximum of two activity district changeable message signs may be located in the Main Street Subdistrict, Retail Subdistrict A, and Retail Subdistrict B, collectively.
(e) Activity district changeable message signs may not exceed 60 feet in height.
(f) Activity district changeable message signs may only promote district activities within this district or West End Special Provision Sign District, Deep Ellum Special Provision Sign District, Arts District Special Provision Sign District, and Farmers Market Special Provision Sign District.
(g) No more than 10 percent of the effective area of a district changeable message sign may be devoted to sponsorship identification.
(h) No more than eight permanent words may be located on an activity district changeable message sign.
(i) There is no limit to the number of words on the changeable message portion of an activity district changeable message sign.
(j) No attached activity district changeable message sign may project above the roof.
(k) Activity district changeable message signs must be securely anchored and meet design standards approved by the Special Sign District Advisory Committee. (Ord. Nos. 24606; 24925; 28346; 29227)
(a) Kiosks for which permits were issued after March 9, 2005.
(1) Kiosks may only be erected as part of a city-wide kiosk program approved by the city council.
(2) Kiosks are not subject to this section, and must meet the design standards of a city-wide kiosk program approved by the city council.
(b) Kiosks for which permits were issued on or before March 9, 2005.
(1) Kiosks may display premise or non-premise messages.
(2) Kiosks must be spaced at least 300 feet apart.
(3) No kiosk may be illuminated by a detached, independent external light source.
(4) Kiosks may not be located on sidewalks unless:
(A) an unobstructed sidewalk width of 10 feet is maintained on any side with a message area; or
(B) an unobstructed sidewalk width of seven feet is maintained with no message area.
(5) Kiosks must be securely anchored.
(6) Except as provided in this section, kiosks must meet the design standards of a city-wide kiosk program approved by the city council.
(7) Kiosks may contain coin-operated public toilets.
(8) Kiosks may not exceed:
(A) 10 feet in height;
(B) 80 square feet in effective area; or
(C) 100 square feet in effective area if a kiosk contains a coin-operated public toilet.
(9) The effective area of a kiosk is measured using the rule for measuring the effective area of detached signs.
(10) The message area of a kiosk may not exceed 60 percent of the effective area of the kiosk.
(A) One-third of the message area of a kiosk must identify a district activity or be an area way-finding map. The message area identifying a district activity or containing an area way-finding map must be oriented to be visible from a sidewalk within the public right-of-way.
(B) There is no limit as to the number of words containing characters of a height equal to or exceeding four inches on a kiosk.
(11) Kiosks with area way-finding maps must have the word “information” or an information symbol above the message area.
(12) Kiosks may be relocated within this district, provided the new location and kiosk design complies with this section. (Ord. Nos. 24606; 24925; 25926)
(a) Except as provided in this section, movement control signs must direct vehicular or pedestrian movement within this district or to adjacent districts and may include the name or logo of any premise located in this district or the name or logo of any adjacent district.
(b) Movement control signs that include the name or logo of two or more premises may:
(1) be attached or detached signs;
(2) not exceed 30 square feet in effective area;
(3) be located in a public right-of-way; or
(4) be erected anywhere within the district without limit as to number.
(c) Movement control signs that include the name or logo of one premise may:
(1) be attached or detached signs;
(2) be erected on the premise without limit as to number;
(3) not exceed two square feet in effective area; and
(4) not be located in the public right-of-way.
(d) The following additional regulations apply in Retail Subdistrict B.
(1) Movement control signs cannot include the name or logo of any premise located in this subdistrict or adjacent subdistricts.
(2) Pedestrian movement control signs may:
(A) be attached or detached signs;
(B) not exceed 10 square feet in effective area;
(C) not exceed a message area of 75 percent;
(D) not exceed a maximum letter height of five inches;
(E) not be located in a public right-of-way; and
(F) be erected anywhere in this subdistrict without limitation as to number.
(3) Vehicular movement control signs may:
(A) be attached or detached signs;
(B) not exceed two square feet in effective area;
(C) not be located in a public right-of-way; and
(D) be erected anywhere in this subdistrict without limitation as to number.
(e) The following regulations apply in the Chase Tower Subdistrict:
(1) A movement control sign may only be a detached sign.
(2) A movement control sign may not exceed eight square feet in effective area.
(3) An unlimited number of movement control signs may be erected anywhere within the subdistrict.
(4) A movement control sign may not be located in the public right-of-way.
(Ord. Nos. 24606; 24925; 29227
; 31374)
(a) A district identification sign may only:
(1) identify the name or logo of the Main Street Subdistrict, Retail Subdistrict A, or Retail Subdistrict B as approved by the city council; and
(2) be located in the subdistrict it identifies.
(b) A district identification sign may be located in the right-of-way.
(c) No district identification sign may be a changeable message sign.
(d) A district identification sign may only be a monument sign, a banner sign, or be located on a structure that spans a right-of-way or on a nonenclosing wall.
(e) A maximum of six district identification signs are allowed in the Main Street Subdistrict, Retail Subdistrict A, and Retail Subdistrict B, collectively.
(f) No district identification sign may exceed 50 square feet in effective area.
(g) No district identification sign may exceed five words.
(h) A structure that spans a right-of-way or a nonenclosing wall containing a district identification sign:
(1) may not exceed 900 square feet in effective area;
(2) must be at least 15 feet above grade; and
(3) may not exceed 25 feet in height.
(i) Monument identification signs located within 15 feet of a public right-of-way may not exceed 20 square feet in effective area, or five feet in height.
(j) Monument identification signs located more than 15 feet from a public right-of-way may not exceed 50 square feet in effective area, or 15 feet in height.
(k) Banner district identification signs and their hardware must meet the sign construction and design standards contained in the Dallas Building Code, and be at least 12 feet above grade, unless they overhang a roadway, in which case they must be at least 15 feet above grade;
(1) No banner district identification sign and its hardware may exceed 25 feet in height;
(2) No banner district identification sign and its hardware may project more than three feet from the pole on which they are mounted;
(3) A banner district identification sign and its hardware must be spaced at least 100 feet from other banner district identification signs;
(4) A banner district identification sign and its hardware may not exceed 24 square feet in effective area; and
(5) A banner district identification sign and its hardware must be made of weather-resistant and rust proof material. (Ord. Nos. 24606; 24925; 29227)