The city council may from time to time amend, supplement, or change this article. The amendment, supplement, or change may be petitioned for by any person, corporation, or group of persons by filing an application and paying an application fee to the department. Proposals for amending, supplementing, or changing this article in the public interest may also be initiated by motion of the city council or the city plan commission. Before taking any action on a proposed amendment, supplement, or change, the city council shall submit the same to the city plan commission for its recommendation and report. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 20927; 25047; 28073)
The city plan commission shall hold a public hearing on any amendment, supplement or change prior to making its recommendation and report to the city council. The director shall give notice of the public hearing in the official newspaper of the city at least 10 days before the hearing. The city council shall hold a public hearing before acting on the city plan commission’s recommendation and report. At least 15 days notice of the time and place of city council hearing shall be published in the official newspaper of the city of Dallas. (Ord. Nos. 19455; 20007)
If the city plan commission votes to recommend against a proposed change to this article as clearly reflected in the minutes of its meeting, the change shall not become effective except by a three-fourths vote of the members of the city council of the city of Dallas. (Ord. 19455; 24185)
(a) The Downtown Special Provision Sign District is designated to be known as the Downtown Sign District. For purposes of this article, the boundaries of the Downtown Sign District is that area bounded by the following lines:
BEGINNING at a point being the intersection of the SE line of Thomas Avenue with the SW line of Hall Street, said point being the most northerly corner of Lot 1, Block T/587;
THENCE with said SW line of Hall Street proceeding southeasterly, crossing North Central Expressway, Cochran Street, and Jewett Street and continuing to the NW line of Flora Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE southwesterly with said NW line of Flora Street, approximately 187 feet to a point on a common tract line in Block 1/594;
THENCE crossing Flora Street to a point in a common tract line in Block 595, being approximately 197 feet SW from Hall Street;
THENCE along common tract lines in Block 595 southeasterly to a point for a corner on the NW line of Ross Avenue, being approximately 181 feet SW from Hall Street;
THENCE southwesterly with said NW line of Ross Avenue to a point for a corner on the northwesterly extension of the SW line of Pavillion Street;
THENCE southeasterly along said extension line and with the SW lines of Pavillion Street, crossing Van Court Street and continuing to a point for a corner on the NW line of San Jacinto Street;
THENCE southwesterly with the NW line of San Jacinto Street to a point for a corner on the common line of Blocks 4/505 and 504;
THENCE southerly, crossing San Jacinto Street to a point on a common tract line in Block 1/503, being approximately 205 feet from the NE line of Liberty Street and continuing southeasterly along common tract lines in Block 1/503 to a point for a corner on the NW line of Adolph Street, being approximately 203 feet NE from Liberty Street;
THENCE southwesterly with said NW line of Adolph Street and extending same to a point for a corner on the SW line of Liberty Street;
THENCE southeasterly with the SW line of Liberty Street to a point for a corner on the NW line of Bryan Street;
THENCE southwesterly, along the NW line of Bryan Street to a point for a corner, being on the northwesterly extension line of the SW line of approximately 25 feet wide Allen Street;
THENCE southeasterly with said extension line and the SW line of Allen Street and continuing southeasterly along a common tract line in Block 289 to a point for a corner on the NW line of Live Oak Street, said point being approximately 252 feet SW from Liberty Street;
THENCE southwesterly with the NW line of Live Oak Street and extending same to the SW line of Cantegral Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE southeasterly along the SW lines of Cantegral Street, crossing Live Oak Street and Florence Street to a point for a corner on the NW line of 15 feet wide Lodge Street;
THENCE southeasterly thru Block 271 with the NW line of Lodge Street to a point for a corner on the NE line of Good-Latimer Expressway;
THENCE southeasterly with said NE lines of Good-Latimer Expressway, crossing Swiss Avenue, Floyd Street, Gaston Avenue and the T.& P.R.R. right of way and extending to a point for a corner on the southwesterly extension of the SE line of 25 feet wide Monument Street;
THENCE northeasterly with said extension line and the SE line of Monument Street to a point for a corner on the SW line of an alley in Block 286;
THENCE southeasterly and southerly with the westerly lines of said alley in Block 286 and extending same to a point for a corner on the South line of Elm Street;
THENCE easterly with the south line of Elm Street to a point for a corner on the common block line of Blocks 182 and A/480;
THENCE southerly with said common line of blocks 182 and A/480 and with the common line of Blocks 182 and 2/480 and crossing Main Street to a point for corner on the common line of Blocks 183 and 3/183;
THENCE easterly along the south line of Main Street, crossing Prior Street and continuing to a point for a corner on the West line of Crowdus Street;
THENCE southerly along the west lines of Crowdus Street, crossing Commerce Street to a point for a corner, same being the northeast corner of Block 4/186;
THENCE easterly along the south lines of Commerce Street, crossing Crowdus Street and continuing to a point for a corner on the common line of Lots 4 and 3, Block 13/191;
THENCE southerly along the common line of Lots 4 and 3 Block 13/191, crossing 25 feet wide Clover Street and continuing along the common line of Lots 11 and 12, Block 13/191, and crossing Canton Street to a point for a corner on the common line of Lots 4 and 3, Block 12/192;
THENCE easterly along the south line of Canton Street to the west line of Oakland Avenue, a point for a corner;
THENCE southerly with said west line of Oakland Avenue and extending same to a point for a corner on the south line of 25 feet wide Virgil Street;
THENCE easterly along the south lines of Virgil Street crossing Oakland Avenue and Walton Street and continuing to a point for a corner on the west line of Hall Street;
THENCE easterly with the extension of the south line of 30 feet wide Virgil Street, crossing Hall Street, Block 850 and part of Block 851 to a point for a corner, being the northwesterly extension of a common block line of Blocks 851 and 7/851;
THENCE southwesterly along said northwesterly extension line and common block line of Blocks 851 and 7/851 to a common block corner and continuing northeasterly with said common block line and with the common block line of Blocks 851 and 6/851 and extending same through part of Block 851 to a point for a corner on the southwest right of way line of the T.& P.R.R.;
THENCE southeasterly with said SW right of way line of the T.& P.R.R. to a point for a corner, being on the southwesterly extension of a common tract line in Block 6/828, same being approximately 177.5 feet northwesterly from and parallel to Hickory Street;
THENCE northeasterly, crossing the T.& P.R.R. right of way and 20 feet wide Truck Avenue and continuing along said common tract line in Block 6/828 to a point for a corner on the southwest line of Second Avenue;
THENCE southeasterly with said southwest line of Second Avenue and extending same to a point for a corner on the southeast line of Hickory Street;
THENCE northeasterly, crossing Second Avenue and continuing along the southeast line of Hickory Street to a point for a corner on the southwest line of First Avenue;
THENCE southeasterly along said southwest line of First Avenue, crossing the G.C.&.S.F.R.R. right of way to a point for a corner on the northeasterly line of Block 2/812;
THENCE easterly with the southerly line of First Avenue, crossing R. L. Thornton Freeway to the easterly right of way line of said freeway, same being the northwest cornerpoint of Block 6/812;
THENCE southerly along the west line of said Block 6/812 to its southwest cornerpoint;
THENCE southwesterly, crossing a portion of R. L. Thornton Freeway right of way, including an underpass portion of Second Avenue, to a point for a corner on the southeast right of way line of R. L. Thornton Freeway and the west line of Oak Lane, same being the present northeast corner of Block 3/812;
THENCE southerly with the west lines of Oak Lane, crossing Third Avenue and continuing to the most southerly cornerpoint of Block 4/812;
THENCE westerly, crossing Block 853 and the G.C.&S.F.R.R. right of way with the shortest line connecting to a point on the northeast line of said G.C.&S.F.R.R. right of way and being on the southwest line of Chestnut Street extended;
THENCE southwesterly with the northeast line of said railroad right of way to a point on the southwest line of Jeffries Street extended;
THENCE northwesterly with said extension line and the southwest line of Jeffries Street to the southeast line of Hickory Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE southwesterly with said southeast line of Hickory Street and extending same to a point for a corner on the centerline of Oakland Avenue;
THENCE southeasterly along the centerline of Oakland Avenue to a point for a corner on the northwest right of way line of the G.C.& S.F.R.R.;
THENCE southwesterly with said northwest right of way line of the G.C.& S.F.R.R. to a point for a corner on the southeasterly extension of the southwest line of Lot 17, Block 14/865;
THENCE crossing Central Expressway (Interstate Highway 45) to a point for a corner, being on the westerly right of way line of said Central Expressway (Interstate Highway 45) and the northwest line of Corinth Street;
THENCE southwesterly with said northwest line of Corinth Street to the northeast line of Good-Latimer Expressway, a point for a corner;
THENCE westerly, crossing Good-Latimer Expressway to a point for a corner on the northwest line of a 12 feet wide tract in Block 869-1/4, the same being approximately 142 feet from and parallel to Corinth Street;
THENCE southwesterly with the northwest line of said 12 feet wide tract in Block 869 1/4 to a point for a corner on the northeast right of way line of the (T.&N.O.R.R.) H.& T.C.R.R.;
THENCE westerly, crossing said (T.&N.O.R.R.) H.&T.C.R.R. right of way to a point for a corner on the northwest line of Corinth Street;
THENCE southwesterly with the northwest lines of Corinth Street, crossing South Central Expressway and Harwood Street and continuing to the northeast line of Park Avenue to a point for a corner;
THENCE northwesterly with said northeast lines of Park Avenue, crossing Hickory Street and continuing to a point for a corner on the northeasterly extension of the northwest line of Beaumont Street, same being the southeast line of Block 454 extended;
THENCE southwesterly with said northwest line of Beaumont Street to a point for a corner on the northeast line of an alley in Block 454;
THENCE northwesterly with said northeast line of an alley in Block 454 to a point for a corner on the common line of Lots 16 and 17 extended;
THENCE southwesterly along said extension line and common lot line to the northeast line of St. Paul Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE northwesterly with said northeast line of St. Paul Street and extending same to a point for a corner on the northwest line of Gano Street;
THENCE southwesterly with said northwest line of Gano Street to a point for a corner on the northeast line of Ervay Street;
THENCE crossing Ervay Street to a point for a corner on the northwest line of Gano Street;
THENCE northwesterly with the southwest line of Ervay Street and extending same to a point for a corner on the northwest line of approximately 35 feet wide Sullivan Avenue;
THENCE southwesterly along said northwest line of Sullivan Avenue to the northeast line of Orr Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE northwesterly with said northeast line of Orr Street and extending same to a point for a corner, being on the northeasterly extension of the common line of Blocks 448 1/2 and Block B/93;
THENCE southwesterly along said common block line to a point for a corner on the northeast line of Browder Street;
THENCE with said northeast line of Browder Street northwesterly and extending to the northwest line of Blakeney Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE southwesterly crossing Browder Street and continuing along the northwest line of approximately 25 feet wide Blakeney Street to the northeast line of Akard Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE westerly, crossing Akard Street to a point for a corner on the southwest line of Akard Street and the northwest line of Powhattan Street;
THENCE southwesterly along the northwest line of Powhattan Street, crossing Peters Street, Wall Street, and a C.R. & P.R.R. right of way and continuing with said northwest line of Powhattan Street and extending to a point for a corner on the southwest line of Lamar Street;
THENCE northwesterly with said southwest line of Lamar Street to a point for a corner being approximately 660 feet southeasterly from the southeast line of Cadiz Street;
THENCE southwesterly crossing Block 1082, Austin Street, Block 1082, the M.K.T.R.R. and C.R. & P.R.R. right of ways and Block 1081 and across an old channel of the Trinity River with the shortest line connecting to the common northeast corner point of Lots 10 and 11, Block 69/7338;
THENCE southwesterly with the common line of Lots 10 and 11, Block 69/7338 and crossing Industrial Blvd. to a point for a corner on the common line of Lots 4 and 5, Block 71/340;
THENCE southwesterly with said common line of Lots 4 and 5 and with the common line of Lots 24 and 25 through Block 71/340 to a point for a corner on the northeast line of Rock Island Street;
THENCE southwesterly, crossing Rock Island Street and through part of Block 8000 to a point for a corner on the approximate centerline of the Trinity River East Levee (of the City and County of Dallas Levee Improvement District), said point being approximately 660 feet southeasterly from the southeast right of way line of Cadiz Street Viaduct;
THENCE northwesterly and northerly with said approximate centerline of the Trinity River East Levee and crossing Cadiz Street Viaduct right of way, R. L. Thornton Freeway right of way, the North Texas Traction Company right of way, Houston Street Viaduct right of way, Texas Turnpike Authority right of way and continuing to a point for a corner on the southerly right of way line of West Commerce Street;
THENCE easterly with said southerly line of West Commerce Street to a point for a corner on the east line of said Trinity River East Levee;
THENCE crossing West Commerce Street and continuing northwesterly with said east line of the Trinity River East Levee to a point for a corner on the original 230 feet wide Texas and Pacific R.R. southerly right of way line;
THENCE easterly along said original Texas and Pacific R.R. southerly right of way line to a point for a corner on same, being approximately 660 feet westerly from the westerly line of Stemmons Freeway;
THENCE northerly, crossing the Texas and Pacific R.R. right of way and part of Block 6828 to a point for a corner on the westerly line of Industrial Blvd. and on the common line of Block 6828 and 409;
THENCE with the westerly line of Industrial Blvd. northwesterly and extending same to a point for a corner, being on the westerly extension of the north line of Continental Avenue;
THENCE easterly along said extension line and the north line of Continental Avenue and extending same to a point for a corner on the northeast line of Dragon Street, same being the southwest corner of Block 2/409;
THENCE northwesterly with the northeast lines of Dragon Street, crossing Wichita Street and continuing to a point for a corner in Block 409 on a common tract line, being approximately 369 feet northwest of the northwest line of Wichita Street;
THENCE northeasterly with common tract lines to a point for a corner on the southwest line of Slocum Street;
THENCE northeasterly, crossing Slocum Street, Block 401, Stemmons Freeway, the C.R.I.& P.R.R. and S.L. & S. W. R. R. right of ways, a Dallas Power and Light Company tract in Blocks 392 and 393 and the MKT R.R. right of way and crossing part of Blocks I/389, J/384 and a closed portion of Griffin and Ashland Streets, with the shortest line connecting to a point on the southeast line of Ashland Street and the northeast line of an alley in Block G/385;
THENCE northeasterly with said southeast lines of Ashland Street, crossing Summer Street and extending to a point for a corner on the NE line of Wesley Alley;
THENCE southeasterly along said NE line of Wesley Alley to the SE line of Block I/354, a point for a corner;
THENCE northeasterly along the southeast line of Block I/354 and along the northwest line of Cedar Springs Road to a point for a corner on the southwest line of 24 feet wide Yates Alley;
THENCE northeasterly with the northwest lines of Cedar Springs Road, crossing Yates Alley, old Field Street, Alamo Street, right of way for new extension of Field Street, and Caroline Street and extending said northwest line of Cedar Springs Road across Akard Street to a point for a corner on the east line of Cedar Springs Road;
THENCE with the east line of Cedar Springs Road northerly to the south line of Harwood Street, a point for a corner;
THENCE easterly with said south line of Harwood Street and extending same to a point for a corner on the easterly line of McKinney Avenue extended;
THENCE northeasterly along said extension line and the easterly line of McKinney Avenue to a point for a corner on the southwest line of Olive Street;
THENCE crossing Olive Street to a point for a corner on the southeast line of Thomas Street;
THENCE northeasterly along the southeast lines of Thomas Street, crossing Pearl Street, Crockett Court, Leonard Street, Fairmount Street, Routh Street, Boll Street, Worthington Street, Clay Alley, Allen Street, Clyde Alley, Clark Street, Ellis Street and Hugo Street and continuing to the southwest line of Hall Street and the point of beginning.
(b) Other special provision sign districts created in accordance with this article are not controlled by this division even though such districts may be wholly or partially located within the boundaries described in Subsection (a). (Ord. Nos. 19455; 20167; 21404; 24606)
(a) This district is divided into 10 subdistricts: Retail Subdistrict A, Retail Subdistrict B, the General CBD Subdistrict, the Downtown Perimeter Subdistrict, the Main Street Subdistrict, the Convention Center Subdistrict, the Akard Station Subdistrict, the Whitacre Tower Subdistrict, the Discovery Subdistrict, and the Chase Tower Subdistrict.
(b) Retail Subdistrict A is that central area of downtown within the boundaries described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685, passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(c) Retail Subdistrict B is that central area of downtown within the boundaries described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685, passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(d) The General CBD Subdistrict is that area of the district within the Freeway Loop, more particularly described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685, passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(e) The Downtown Perimeter Subdistrict is that area outside of the freeway loop within the downtown sign district.
(f) The Main Street Subdistrict is that area of downtown near Main Street described in Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685, passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(g) The Convention Center Subdistrict is that area of downtown near the convention center, more particularly described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685, passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(h) The Akard Station Subdistrict is that area of downtown that is more particularly described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685, passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(i) The Whitacre Tower Subdistrict is that area of downtown within the boundaries described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 30685 passed by the Dallas City Council on October 25, 2017.
(j) The Discovery Subdistrict is that area of downtown within the boundaries described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 31191, passed by the Dallas City Council on April 24,
(k) The Chase Tower Subdistrict is that area of downtown within the boundaries described in the Exhibit A attached to Ordinance No. 31374 passed by the Dallas City Council on October 23, 2019.